For a monarch to take a concubine, issuing an imperial edict was only the first step.

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An imperial wedding involved multiple long and complicated processes that could take as long as a month to prepare for.

It wasn’t that hard to explain why; the late emperor was immeasurably dissolute, always having his eyes on his own family’s noble sons and daughters, even calling them directly into his bedchamber. He would first have his road gig and then casually bestow them a title.

Not to mention having a wedding ceremony, even the possibility of seeing the emperor again was unknown to the concubines.

However, Jin Wang was different.

He ordered the Ministry of Rites to choose a good, auspicious day to announce to the whole world that he was going to have a big wedding ceremony to marry his noble consort.

Just in case people wouldn’t know that he was getting married.

As for who the noble consort was, they needn’t know.

Jin Wang’s imperial edict for taking a concubine had yet to be revealed to the public. In fact, no one dared to disclose something as absurd as Minister Ye faking his death to enter the harem, and no one knew except a few of the ruler’s trusted attendants.

The ruler of Changlu had always been unpredictable, so people could only drop this subject for the time being after they probed to no avail, not daring to risk a stroke of bad luck and offend him.

Three days later, the rebellious left prime minister, Ye Shu, was executed outside the city gate.

Several tens of thousands of courtiers and commoners were forced to watch the execution.

The ruler of Changlu, on the other hand, was reported to have been recuperating in a palace away from the capital after being wounded during the assassination that day.

And yet, he didn’t even see Minister Ye one last time.

Each and every person in the whole state of Changlu knew that Minister Ye and the ruler were as closed as a man’s hands and feet, but who would have thought that the two who were once in good graces would end up like this in the end?

People felt sorry, but they couldn’t help but be even more frightened at the wrath of the ruler.

As the ruler’s spies reported the remarks from all parties, His Majesty the Emperor was eating fruits with his arms around his unmarried little consort.

Jing Wang raised an eyebrow, seemingly smiling. “People still feel that it’s a shame to execute the rebel. Minister Ye, what do you think Gu should do?”

The ‘rebel’ was peeling lychees for Jin Wang and his hands shook at the words, nearly dropping the fruit.

“T-Those who stage…rebellions should be sentenced to capital punishment. Your…Your Majesty did the right thing,” Seeing Jin Wang just looking at him calmly, he continued to toughen his scalp, “engaging in factional activities in pursuit of personal gains has become common in the court, and should not be condoned.”

“Very well.”

Jin Wang bowed his head and took the lychee from Ye Shu’s hand and then looked at the spy kneeling in the hall. “You know what to do.”

The spy answered, “Yes.”

The spy took the order and left. Ye Shu lowered his head, as if deep in thought.

Jin Wang was… even scarier than he thought he was.

It was just an execution in front of a crowd but his subjects’ private opinions were all within this man’s control. He was afraid there was nothing he didn’t know about in the capital.

With those three hundred spies present, it was almost impossible to escape from him.

He had to think of another way.

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“What are you thinking about?” Seeing that he had not spoken for a long time, Jin Wang asked.

“……It’s nothing.”

Ye Shu gathered his thoughts, picked up a fruit from the tray, and continued to peel it for Jin Wang.

The snowy fingers that cupped the bright red fruit rind were moistened by some of the glistening, translucent juices; Jin Wang looked off to the side, his mouth suddenly somewhat parched.

He coughed lightly and looked back. “You’re not peeling it.”


“Gu said, you’re not peeling it,” Jin Wang raised his jaw to the side, ordering, “Grind the ink there, go.”

Ye Shu, “……”

Didn’t you want to eat just now???

This dog emperor.

He only knows how to order him around.

Although Jin Wang was malingering in a palace away from the capital, he didn’t fail to pay sufficient attention to state affairs. Ye Shu got a headache from seeing so many characters, but Jin Wang was very patient as he read them carefully.

This reading lasted for nearly two hours.

It was already late. Ye Shu was bored stiff lying on the edge of the table, his stomach unable to hold back a rumble.

Jin Wang flipped the page and closed the memorial. “Let’s dine first.”

A number of meals were then served on the table. Ye Shu’s eyes were fixed at the meals and was about to pick up with his chopsticks when Jin Wang stopped him.

A servant presented a brocade box, inside of which was an ingeniously and delicately wrought small pill.

Ye Shu frowned. “What’s this?”

Jin Wang didn’t explain and simply said in his insipid tone, “Take it. It’s good for your health.”

Ye Shu didn’t believe a word of it.

What’s this dog emperor up to now?

Jin Wang really didn’t have bad intentions this time.

After the day Ye Shu’s faith incense went out of control, Jin Wang sought out the imperial physician to treat it for him. Ye Shu had a special constitution; even after being marked, his faith incense was extremely susceptible to external or physical changes.

This was a suppressant pill that was just developed by the imperial physician to conduce to stabilize the Kunjun’s faith incense.

It was too bad that this tyrant had too much black history. Ye Shu’s heart had no credibility for him.

In an instant, Ye Shu’s mind was flooded with numerous plot scenarios.

Ye Shu slammed his chopsticks down and said in an aggrieved manner, “Are you going to drug me again?”

Jin Wang, “……”

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“I’ve promised to stay by your side, why don’t you believe me?” Ye Shu said, exasperated. “I’m not taking it.”

Jin Wang pressed the space between his eyebrows. “This isn’t a drug……”

“I don’t believe that.”

Jin Wang was also exasperated. “Not taking it means no eating.”

“You’re not allowed to eat if you won’t take it!”

The servants who served the ruler’s dinner were so frightened that they were trembling and each one individually knelt down and hung their heads like quails, fearing that the ruler would implicate them in a fit of anger.

Jin Wang said, “Withdraw, all of you.”

The crowd promptly ran away, feeling greatly relieved.

Only Jin Wang and Ye Shu were left in the hall.

Ye Shu looked at Jin Wang, looking wary.

Jin Wang felt despair.

Most of this world was filled with average people except for a small number of Qianjun and Kunjun, thus it wasn’t surprising that Ye Shu didn’t realize he had differentiated into a Kunjun.

Furthermore… Jin Wang didn’t want to tell him this naked truth so soon.

Imperial physician Feng was right that day. Jin Wang shouldn’t have rashly marked a Kunjun.

This was a recipe for disaster. For Jin Wang, as well as for Ye Shu.

Taking this suppressant pill regularly would not only help Ye Shu stabilize his faith incense, but would also make him appear the same as the average person.

It could save a lot of trouble.

It was a pill he ought to take even if he didn’t want to.

Jin Wang narrowed his eyes. “You’re seriously not taking it?”

Ye Shu was most afraid of this expression of his, and so the greater part of his strong-willedness instantly vanished as he replied, “N-Not taking.”

It was certainly not edible.

He had read the book and knew Jin Wang’s methods.

Why were those three hundred spies unequivocally loyal to him? It was all because they had taken Jin Wang’s special gu poison.

This method had been used to control shadow guards since ancient times.

If he really took this pill, he wouldn’t be able to escape in this life.

“Ye Shu, has Gu been too good to you these past few days?” Jin Wang picked up the pill and played with it in his fingertips. “Didn’t Gu tell you that Gu can take your life back at any time.”

“Even if this is some sort of poison, what qualifications do you have to say you won’t take it?”

Ye Shu’s legs went weak.

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He wasn’t afraid of bickering and arguing with Jin Wang, but he was most afraid of this man speaking in such a tone of voice.

A murderous sounding tone.

Ye Shu casually changed his expression as his hand hidden under the table pinched himself hard, eyes reddened when he looked up. “…Can’t I not take it?”

Jin Wang was stumped.

Mist accumulated in the young man’s eyes, wanting to fall, making him look very fragile, as if he was scared. “I’ve agreed to follow you. Trust me, alright?”

“I’ll listen to what you say and treat you like I used to, just don’t give me this.”

“Jin Wang……don’t force me.”

The look on Jin Wang’s face couldn’t help but waver.

He couldn’t stand Ye Shu’s previous tried-and-true ploys the most.

Ye Shu hung his head, quietly waiting for Jin Wang to give in.

His life was already in Jin Wang’s hands, poisoning him would be completely redundant. Even if this was just a test, it ought to end here.

As Ye Shu was thinking this, his jaw was suddenly lifted up forcibly.

“Mmmm—!” His lips abruptly touched the other party’s soft, slightly cold ones. Ye Shu widened his eyes in astonishment.

A pill was then transferred into his mouth.

Jin Wang grasped hard on his jaw, and with a light push of his tongue, the pill slid into Ye Shu’s throat.

However, Jin Wang still didn’t let him go.

His hand turned to hold up Ye Shu’s nape, his fingertips tracing behind his ear and gently, little by little, rubbing him in gentle reassurance.

The pill wasn’t bitter, but rather had a hint of sweetness to it. The taste remained on their lips and tongue for a long time, causing their breathing to gradually increase.

Eventually, Jin Wang let go of him.

“It’s really not a drug. A-Wang was just fooling you.” Jin Wang ran his fingertips across Ye Shu’s crimson cheeks and said, “Let’s eat, okay?”

A-Wang was a yellow dog that the original owner had picked up when he was a child that had long since died.

Ye Shu’s neck was red with anger as he looked at Jin Wang’s calm and composed appearance.

Calling you a dog is an insult to dogs.

You’re worse than a dog.

You dumbass, bitch hole Jin Wang!

After a late dinner, Jin Wang continued to deal with the remaining state affairs.

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Ye Shu waited by his side, serving tea and pouring water, grinding ink and lighting a lamp. It wasn’t until the third time he nearly fell asleep that Jin Wang finally closed the memorial.

Jin Wang was in a rare good mood, asking, “It took you no time to fall asleep the past two days that Gu asked you to stay with Gu. Why are you so well behaved today?”

Ye Shu lowered his head and said meekly, “This is how it should be.”

“Is there something you want?” Jin Wang pierced his purpose with a glance and said, “Say it. As long as it’s not too much, Gu will comply with you.”

Ye Shu hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice, “I…I want to go home and have a look at the mansion.”

Jin Wang’s movements stopped.

Naturally, he was talking about the Ye Mansion.

The left prime minister Ye Shu had been nominally executed, so his mansion had also been seized by the imperial guards. The Ye Mansion was now empty, with nothing worth seeing.

Ye Shu added, “There is a lair of stray cats living outside the back door of the mansion. They often go there to beg for food. Now that winter is approaching, I’m afraid they won’t survive the weather without care.”

It was certainly not a lie.

The memories of the original owner in Ye Shu’s mind were very fuzzy. If it wasn’t for Jin Wang mentioning A-Wang today, he wouldn’t have been able to recollect this matter.

Jin Wang said, “Gu will just send someone to pick up the cats. It’s inconvenient for you to appear in public right now. There’s no need to go there yourself.”

“No,” Ye Shu shook his head. “They’re afraid of strangers. If you send someone else, they definitely won’t dare to come out.”

Jin Wang pulled Ye Shu to sit down on the bedside and spoke in a very gentle tone, “Is it really just for the cat?”

“……Of course.” Not.

If Ye Shu was previously thinking of dallying with this tyrant for a few days, now he had completely dispelled that thought.

This man was unpredictable. The longer he stayed by his side, the more dangerous it would become.

With over a month to go before the big wedding, he had to find a way to escape as quickly as possible.

By the time he entered the Palace, he would have even less of a chance.

To escape from this tyrant, he couldn’t do it on his own.

He had to find a way to reach the outside.

Ye Shu’s fingers trembled with nervousness, hiding them in his sleeves, he quietly clenched his hands, forcing himself to look directly at Jin Wang’s scrutinizing gaze.

After a moment, Jin Wang said softly, “It’s not impossible.”

“Your Majesty……”

“It depends on your performance.”

Jin Wang lifted his hand and gently traced his fingers over Ye Shu’s lips with some kind of implication. “Gu told you, as long as you make Gu happy, Gu will naturally accede to your requests.”

A chill ran down Ye Shu’s back, and the roots of his ears instantly burned up.

He wants to……

Jin Wang met his gaze and smiled. “Go bathe. Gu will wait for you.”

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