Now that Ye Shu was living under the same roof and eating at the same table as Jin Wang, he would naturally use the ruler’s bath as well.

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The white jade pool carved in a laboriously ornate style was as big as half a room and filled with hot spring water drawn from the mountains, heating the room with clouds of steam.

Ye Shu stepped into the mass of warm water vapor, but the servant who sent him there was in no hurry to leave.

“What is it?”

The servant, oblivious, held out a pallet on which lay a fresh, unsealed box of creamy balm, overflowing with the faint fragrance of roses.

The servant said, “This humble servant serves you to bathe.”

Ye Shu’s eyes swept over the balm, and immediately went dark. “No! Get out!”

“But His Majesty instructed…”

Ye Shu sneered. “You dare to touch me?”

The servant trailed off.

To serve in the palace, one must know how to take cues from words and expressions, and gauge how the land lies.

Although the young man before the servant had now fallen into disgrace, he was also once the sole power over major issues and the infinitely glorious Prime Minister of the state whose means couldn’t be underestimated.

This man had committed a serious crime, yet instead of executing him, His Majesty had secretly replaced the beam with rotten timber to bail him out, which showed his position in His Majesty’s heart.

Such a man couldn’t be provoked.

The servant thought and weighed the pros and cons before he put down the pallet, saluted Ye Shu and then withdrew.

The door closed and only Ye Shu was left inside the room.

Dog! Em! Pe! Ror!

Ye Shu was so angry and annoyed, hating the fact that he was now suffering under the yoke of another and had nowhere to escape.

Had he known where he would be today, he wouldn’t have sought help back in the woods even if he was tormented to death by that drug in his body!

How could he pounce on just anybody? He had no composure, not even a little bit!

Ye Shu cursed Jin Wang and himself, and finished bathing in a huff.

The box of cream balm was still placed by the side.

To use or not to use?

Ye Shu couldn’t make up his mind.

The monarch’s words were to be taken seriously. There was no way that that dog emperor had just spoken pleasantries about serving him tonight.

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No, no, it’s just him feeling conflicted.

But, back to this, how the hell does he use this…thing?

The water vapor from the bath was turning Ye Shu’s face red. He gritted his teeth as he scooped up a bit of the balm with his fingertips and leaned back.

Ye Shu had never experienced such a thing in his life.

The delicate fragrance of roses melted on his fingers. Ye Shu casually fiddled around for a while, but that did nothing but make himself feel uneasy all over his body.

A few moments later, Ye Shu quickly cleaned his hands and put the thing back in place.

About half an hour passed before Ye Shu returned to the bedchamber.

As soon as he entered, he was suddenly embraced by a tall figure from behind.

Jin Wang buried his head in one side of his neck and sniffed softly. “Did you do it yourself?”

The young man had taken the suppressant pill. It didn’t smell half as much of his faith incense, but instead there was the delicate fragrance of roses.

Sweet and seductive.

Ye Shu’s ears reddened and he uncomfortably tilted his head.

“Gu could have actually helped you, but this is good too…” Jin Wang pulled Ye Shu over to the bed and sat down, his chin lifted slightly to meet Ye Shu’s gaze. “Let’s begin.”


Ye Shu’s bewildered appearance fell into Jin Wang’s eyes, and he smiled slightly. “You have a request from Gu, so naturally Gu must see your sincerity.”

“I……” Ye Shu, with somewhat reddened eyes, bit his lips. “I won’t.”

A beauty fresh out of the bath, when the eyes take in the landscape, always pleases the spirit, not to mention that the young man before him had an out-of-the-dust temperament; not comparable to ordinary rouge and vulgar powder.

His soaked hair was strewn behind him, everywhere from the side of his face down to his neck was red from the steam, and a sinuous trail of water streaked across the side of the neck into his neckline; becoming the source of one’s fascination.

It wasn’t surprising that the commoners said that Minister Ye was the number one beauty in Changlu.

Those were no empty words at all.

But Jin Wang was not easy to relent.

He raised his eyes halfway, and said in a gentle but indefensible tone, “If you don’t, then you won’t be able to go back.”

Dog. Em. Pe. Ror!

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Ye Shu silently stared at Jin Wang, thinking that this dog emperor really was a sicko, even showing weakness was not helping.

He would most likely be unable to hide tonight.

Forget it. It’s merely an act.

Think of it as being bitten by a dog.

Ye Shu thought about it and moved forward, placing his hands on Jin Wang’s shoulder. “I-I can learn…… Asking Your Majesty to please give this subject a chance.”

Jin Wang said nothing.

Ye Shu’s heart was in a jumble as he lowered his head and kissed the other party.

Jin Wang’s lips were thin as well as sharp in shape, with an appearance that was consistently associated with cold emotions. However, those lips were quite soft and slightly cool. In essence…it wasn’t at all unpleasant.

Ye Shu had no experience with regards to these matters, and that being so, his kiss was equally amateurish.

However, both of their breaths were in chaos.

Sometime after, Ye Shu was about to let go, when Jin Wang tugged him hard.

Jin Wang pulled the young man onto the bed, catching him in his embrace as his inky hair spread out on the bed.

The young man’s eyes were like stars, looking clean and clear at Jin Wang, the panic and nervousness in them unable to be hidden.

Jin Wang’s heart immediately softened for the most part and raised his hand to brush the young man’s scattered hair behind his ear. “It doesn’t matter. Gu will teach you.”

The drapery swayed down. Ye Shu buried his head in Jin Wang’s embrace, but slightly frowned. “Did you drink some liquor?”

A fragrance of distilled spirits had unknowingly filled the air at some point.

Jin Wang looked somewhat stunned and nodded. “Mnn, Gu had a few drinks while waiting for you just now.”

“What liquor is this ah? It smells great……”

Ye Shu was so inattentively attracted by the smell that he couldn’t help but tilt his head up, approaching the spot where the smell was most intense in Jin Wang’s neck, where he took a deep breath.

He didn’t know that this action seemed almost seductive to others. Jin Wang’s eyes darkened and the strong fragrance of distilled spirits erupted inside the drapery.

Jin Wang’s differentiation happened two years ahead of Ye Shu’s. Being born into an imperial household, he learned early on how he ought to control his faith incense.

But not in the presence of his own Kunjun.

Much less so in bed.

The fragrance of distilled spirits became all the more intense, and Ye Shu’s fingertips slightly trembled as he unconsciously spilled out a croon.

Ye Shu had previously taken a suppressant pill and no matter how strong the scent of Jin Wang’s faith incense was, he shouldn’t have been affected.

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There was only one possibility for such a reaction.

That is, the degree of compatibility between Qian and Kun was so great that the instinctive attraction between the two parties broke through the pill’s effect, causing him to be unconsciously pulled by the scent.

But that was all the impact was.

After taking the pill, he will not be tempted to get aroused to passion, nor will he release his own faith incense.

Jin Wang looked down at the man in his embrace and suddenly somewhat repented.

He shouldn’t have rushed to give him that pill.

He had seen the appearance of this man being enticed by his faith incense.

That appearance…was a hundred times more beautiful compared to now.

The sound of clothes rustling crept out from inside the drapery as Jing Wang took off Ye Shu’s outer clothing.

The young man still had the marks from last time.

Ye Shu had fair, thin skin, on which even a gentle pinch could leave a red mark.

Jin Wang took advantage of him for a while, enjoying the sight of the young man’s ears all tinged with red, before patting the other on the shoulder. “You’re waiting for Gu to serve you huh. Learn by yourself.”

The young man, already disoriented by the highly concentrated faith incense, looked at Jin Wang indistinctly, but still aware of the other party’s palm sliding down to his small arm and taking hold of his wrist.

Jin Wang’s voice became low and hoarse, as well as sexy. “A-Shu, be good, hold out your hand.”

Ye Shu blinked, seemingly not understanding what he wanted to do.

“No,” Ye Shu’s rebellious strength revealed itself as he pounced back into Jin Wang’s embrace, sniffing him like a puppy. “You smell great. Let me smell you more.”

Jin Wang guided gently. “Listen to Gu, and Gu will give this to you.”

“You said it. You can’t lie to me…” Ye Shu finally put his hand up and said in a low voice, “You always lie to me……”

Jin Wang paused before he retorted, “When has Gu ever lied to you?”

“You lied to me. Not only lying to me but also scaring me and bullying me…… Bitch hole Jin Wang, no one is more catty than you.”

Jin Wang, “……”

Ever since he ascended the throne, Jin Wang hadn’t been berated like this.

Spending the last few days with this young man, he was actually berated down to his roots. 

But Jin Wang couldn’t bring himself to get angry.

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He never could come down hard on this man.

“Clearly you are the one who lied to me,” Jin Wang only then spoke in a low voice after being silent for a long time. “Do you still remember what you said three years ago? You said that in the future, I would unify the whole world and become the supreme ruler. You said that, ‘Everywhere under Heaven, there is no land that is not the ruler’s. To the borders of all those lands, none is but the ruler’s slave.’”

“……Except you.”

“You will never be my subject. You are my friend, my confidant and my companion.”

Ye Shu was silent as he lowered his head and slowly leaned back into Jin Wang’s embrace.

Jin Wang stroked his hair and softly said, “For three years now, Gu has been wanting to ask you this question, but never got the chance.”

“……What do you want to ask?” Ye Shu’s voice slipped out, so soft that it would seem like he was deliriously murmuring.

Jin Wang, “……”

Jin Wang lowered his head to see the young man pillowing on his shoulder, already having closed his eyes.

“…Ye Shu?”

“Ye Qian, are you pretending to Gu again?”

Ye Shu didn’t respond.

His cheeks and the outer corners of his eyes were flushed, and his entire body was curled up in Jin Wang’s embrace, muttering something under his breath.

He even had one hand on Jin Wang’s……

Jin Wang moved once and Ye Shu subconsciously tightened his palm.

Jin Wang sucked in a breath of cold air and angrily said, “Ye Qian, what the hell are you playing at!”

Ye Shu still hadn’t responded.

The two were locked in a stalemate for a moment until Ye Shu’s breathing gradually became steady and smooth, even snoring a little.

His appearance… He looked……drunk.



Author’s Note:

A certain someone got drunk from a pheromone with the fragrance of boozy liquor.

Jin Wang: I hate this.

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