From the beginning of the fight, the audience had already screamed their lungs out. The Smart Host’s voice just fell and the two Mechas standing five to six meters high, had turned into a stream of light, flying towards the sky. The audience couldn’t help widening their eyes, for fear of blinking, in case they missed this scene.

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“So fast!”

“So this is the legendary SSS-Class battle!”

Everyone looked excited and agitated, especially the Mecha enthusiasts. There would no longer be any regrets in life after seeing this high level Mecha battle.

The sound of mechanical collision immediately caused the boiling audience to hold their breath. The SSS-Class Mecha, whether it was an abnormally tough shell or internal system, were not comparable to ordinary Mechas. Just listening to the entire fighting arena that was tens of meters high, it was instantly filled with the sound of Mechas colliding. Every collision created sparks and every attack was evenly matched. The audience was amazed. It turned out that His Royal Highness Rad was far stronger than imagined.

“Boom!” Moore made a beautiful airborne kick and Rad passively raised his arms to block him. Rad was still knocked down by the force of more than ten meters and then directly crashed into the hard partition.

“AH AH AH Moore! Moore!……” Cheers broke out on the scene immediately.

But before they yelled out, Moore had turned into a white light and rushed towards Rad, giving him no chance to breathe.

“Second Brother is so strong! It seems that Cousin Rad is about to lose!” Gal said excitedly into Ji Feng’s ear.

However, Ji Feng frowned unconsciously. He could see that Moore was very strong, which made Ji Feng amazed. He was obviously more offensive and less defensive, his attacks were getting more and more urgent. In the eyes of outsiders, he was chasing tightly, defeating Rad in one breath. But that was not the case.

Ten minutes have passed since the start of the fight. Rad was mainly on defense. He had been passively accepting Moore’s attacks or dodging them. But in fact, Moore’s attack did not do much damage to him.


Ji Feng could see that Rad was not losing to Moore, but was just testing Moore’s strength. To be more precise, Rad was just playing with Moore, because Rad didn’t use his full strength at all.

Sure enough, fifteen minutes after the start of the fight, Rad began to counterattack, which was visible to the naked eye.

“The battle has just begun.”

Ji Feng knew in his heart. Looking at the fierce battle in the field, Ji Feng couldn’t help but be amazed. He had to admit that the strength of this kid was beyond imagination. The standards of this world’s Mechas were ridiculously strong.

The Mechas themselves were both offensive and defensive. They couldn’t be used by ordinary people. Coupled with its advanced technology, laser weaponry, physical attacks, and various new energy converter weapons…… Everything amazed Ji Feng.

He had to admit that at least the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage might be able to compete against the SSS level. It was definitely a wise move for him to choose to hide from the beginning.

Just as Ji Feng sighed, Moore had been pushed back by Rad many times. Moore, at a rate which was visible to the naked eye, was being gradually defeated. On the contrary, Rad became more and more stable. His attacks appeared calm and unhurried.

“How could this happen! Major General Moore, you can do it!”

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“Major General Moore beat him up!”

“Ahhhh, my Male God, tortured him to death!”


Fans were crazy. Mecha enthusiasts might still be happy to see such a fierce and exciting match, but the fans only wanted the Male God to win, regardless of his opponent’s identity.

However, Moore gradually gained the upper hand. From Moore’s attacks, Ji Feng could see his hostility to Rad. But the more eager Moore was to defeat the opponent, the easier it was for his attacks to be blocked. Rad’s attacks had caused him to fall from the high altitude over and over again.

“Bang~” Moore received a heavy blow on his right shoulder. Sparks splattered all over his right arm and he also fell weightlessly from the great height.

Although he barely activated the flight mode to stabilize the Mecha before landing, the huge impact still caused him to fall heavily to the ground. If it weren’t for the SSS-Class Mecha, this fall would probably shatter the Mecha body.

“Oh my god, my heart hurts!”

“Major General Moore!”


“Second Brother!” Gal also clenched his fists and nervously looked down. Ji Feng’s eyes were gloomy.

With such a big impact, even if Moore was in the Mecha control cabin, the damage was not small. Ordinary people would have fainted from the shock.

In fact, as long as Moore admitted defeat at this time, the fight was over.

But how was it possible? Moore’s hatred for this man had long sunk deep into his bones. Rad Nelson was like Moore’s darkest shadow. Moore hated him and feared him. Only by defeating him, could Moore get out of that shadow.

So, whether for himself or for his dad, Moore could not admit defeat.

People outside couldn’t see it. But Moore was already covered in cuts and bruises. Every time he was hit, the damage would fall on him, especially after several heavy injuries. Moore’s mouth was already full of blood.

But he stood up again. He would never admit defeat to Rad Nelson, unless he died.

Everyone saw Moore slowly struggling to stand up again and suddenly couldn’t help but exclaim. The fans who loved him dearly even hoped that he would surrender at this time.

“What should we do? Second Brother seems to be injured.” Gal was anxious, because he knew that Moore was not a person who would admit defeat.

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“Second Brother-in-Law, can you make Second Brother willingly give up?” Gal begged Ji Feng, “He can’t beat Cousin Rad.”

Yes, just looking at the present situation, Moore was definitely not able to beat Rad Nelson.

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a 30-minute intermission. The two returned to their respective rest stations. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and Moore finally had time to catch his breath.

Rad opened the Mecha hatch and jumped out of it with an energetic body. There were also several bruises on his face, but there was an excited smile present.

Moore exited slowly. As soon as he showed up, there was a gasp from the crowd. Ji Feng saw that Moore’s fair and beautiful face was pale. There were obvious blood stains on the corners of his mouth and there was bright red blood flowing down his forehead. He didn’t even have time to rub it off.

Ji Feng’s face unconsciously became gloomy, along with an inexplicable feeling of anger that his child had been bullied. He ignored Gal beside him, but his eyes were dark and scary. As for Moore, his eyes were so firm and cold from the beginning. They were always on Rad, even if he cut an unprecedented sorry figure now.

At this time, Rad’s inexplicably annoying voice sounded and the scene suddenly fell silent.

“Moore really surprised me. It’s not bad. How addictive. Hahaha.”

“But I’m sorry, I was too excited just now. I blame Moore for your amazing strength. You know that I’m not someone who doesn’t know how to pity and cherish jade. You won’t blame me right, Little Moore?”

This kind of insulting sexualised words sounded harsh. The fans were immediately filled with indignation, but Moore merely snorted, “You can try your best.”

Obviously, how could Moore fail to see it, if even the people present could? He felt hatred and was shocked in his heart. Rad’s strength was a bit beyond expectations.

Rad laughed, “No doubt that it’s Major General Moore.”

But Rad then changed the topic, ” Why don’t we make a bet?”

Moore looked cold. He knew that this person had always been so disgustingly perverse. It was impossible to be at ease, but the current situation was no longer for him to choose. The initiative was with Rad Nelson and Moore could only silently stand guard.

Rad suddenly looked at Moore with his chin held high, “If you win, I will tell you a piece of news about Rolt.” 

As soon as the words fell, Moore’s eyes sank sharply. It had been almost 20 days since Rolt went to Heduro. Since it was a military secret, Moore had no authority to know the progress. He had no way of getting information from his father, so Moore was very worried.

Moore never expected to hear Rolt’s news from Rad Nelson and under such circumstances, in front of so many people. He couldn’t refuse Rad based on this.

Unexpectedly, Rad Nelson’s following words made Moore’s face instantly blackened from fury. His fans also hated that they couldn’t rush forward to kill this shameless man.

“But what if I win,” Rad suddenly laughed sharply. “Little Moore will call me Big Brother Rad, like when we were young. How does Moore feel about this?”

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What kind of bet was this? If Moore won, Moore would have an advantage, but Moore would lose nothing if he lost. Rad seemed to be just playing with Moore and he didn’t consider others’ ‘fight-to-the-death’ as a thing. He was so hatefully arrogant. Moore was a Major General with impressive military services and a SSS-Class War God, yet he had this sort of attitude?

This was obviously the shame of being stripped naked.

What’s more, Moore was a Ger, a married Ger with a husband. Rad was also a man who had just recently married a Ger. Under the eyes of everyone, Moore calling him “Big Brother Rad” with such a tone was not only humiliating Moore, but also shamelessly harassing and publicly molesting Moore.

The Lopa Star had finally seen the legendary and perverted Royal Highness Rad being so very unscrupulous. It was a hundred times more annoying than the legend says.

This name seemed to emit a foul smell. Moore felt nauseous on the spot. His pale face was obviously full of disgust. The eyes staring at Rad became darker and colder.

But for Rolt, he had no choice, so Moore spit out two words coldly, “Okay, bet.”

“Aiya, Major General Moore, don’t agree, it’s too overboard.”

“What to do, Rad Nelson is so shameless! Can no one take care of him!”

“Ah ah ah ah, if only Lieutenant Rolt is here, at least he can protect his brother.”

“Why did no one think of Major General Moore’s husband?”


“Isn’t this bullshit?” It was said that the man who went to Lopa Interstellar University to do research, didn’t understand Mechas, so what kind of help could he provide?

At this time, even the naive Gal frowned in confusion, “How can Cousin Rad be like this? It’s too much.”

Unexpectedly, Ji Feng stood up suddenly, “Second Brother-in-Law, where are you going?”

Ji Feng didn’t answer. His expressionless face had returned to its position. Then he turned and walked towards the door of the rest area where Moore was.

“F*ck! Look at who it is! It seems to be Ji Feng!”

“Where? Yes, yes, it is him, Major General Moore’s husband, so he is also here!”

“God, he must be so heartbroken. So he’s here too!”


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As everyone’s eyes were concentrated in the direction of Moore, Ji Feng, who walked behind him, naturally fell quickly into everyone’s sight. Then, Ji Feng was quickly recognized as a Star Network celebrity.

In fact, the most surprised one was Moore himself, because he had never expected that Ji Feng would come. Ji Feng walked towards him in full view.

Moore looked back and saw that Ji Feng was already standing not far behind him. Since they were husbands, Ji Feng was allowed to enter the rest area during the down period, so the manager was opening the door for him.

Moore looked at Ji Feng with an expressionless face. His mind was filled with the previously embarrassing appearance and the insulting words of Rad Nelson. For some reason, Moore suddenly felt some untraceable feeling. At this moment, he didn’t wish to see Ji Feng and didn’t want him to see himself like this. But at the same time, he felt a little warmth sprouting in his heart with some unspeakable complexity when he saw Ji Feng appear.

At this moment, their meeting could be said to be highly anticipated. Those present in the arena and those watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, stared at them with countless pairs of eyes, including Rad Nelson.

But after entering the rest area, Ji Feng walked straight to Moore, not looking at Rad Nelson at all.

“Why are you here?” Moore was a little reluctant to meet Ji Feng’s gaze.


Currently, there were still unwiped blood stains on the corners of his mouth and a few faint bruises on his face, especially the blood that shed from his scalp. He didn’t notice it, so it dyed his silver hair red, which was simply embarrassing.

Ji Feng didn’t answer. He merely raised his long arm and took Moore into his arms.

In that instant, the whole arena went quiet. Not only the audience blanked out, but Moore also froze. Completely forgetting to react and letting Ji Feng’s wide frame take him into his arms.

“It’s okay, take it easy.” Ji Feng gently hugged and softly comforted him. His voice was even softer than when he coaxed Little Kerry. Moore’s nose went uncontrollably sour and his heart trembled.

Ji Feng put his arm around Moore’s shoulder and held him in his arms. But the other hand went to Moore’s bleeding forehead, comforting him, as if encouraging a child, “It will be okay.” He placed his thumb on Moore’s forehead. Stroking it gently, with each movement, he wiped off all the blood stains.

That scene not only made millions of viewers tremble from the sweetness, but also made Moore, the iceberg Major General who lived for twenty years in an icy shell, melt instantly; softening into a mess and becoming out of control from then on.

Moore blankly looked up at Ji Feng. Finally, Ji Feng helped him smooth his soft silver hair, showing the gentlest and most reliable smile to Moore’s somewhat blank face. He lowered his head to Moore’s ear and said confidently, “You will win, trust me.”

Moore’s body was shocked. His wildly beating heart was the proof of the currently pounding throb. At that instant, there was no hatred for Rad. Only Ji Feng’s tall and broad figure remained in his mind. Only his gentle smile, only his gentle voice.

The author has something to say: 

Ji Feng: The baby doll I raised was bullied. Of course, he must be tortured back, and he must be abused by the baby’s own hands.

T/N: URGH I squealed so hard my cheeks are about to fall off!!!!  Ji Feng, our suave and smooth little flirt kyaaa~!! (。・//ε//・。)

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