The scene where Ji Feng’s wide body embraced Moore created envy in the hearts of countless viewers, especially the scene where he gently wiped off the blood on Moore’s forehead. That made many people’s hearts burst into pink bubbles.

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At this moment, they suddenly understood why Major General Moore didn’t refuse the Main Brain Match. This was love.

Of course, Ji Feng didn’t know anything about it. He just went to get some blood. No one noticed that Ji Feng had shortly paused when he passed by Moore’s Mecha as he left the rest area. So no one knew what Ji Feng did to Moore’s Mecha.

Ji Feng had already retreated to the spectator’s seats, but Moore’s mind was messed up. Why had Ji Feng appeared suddenly? Why did Ji Feng hold him so intimately just now? What was with the soft-spoken encouragement? Also, what did his confident phrase “You will win” mean?

Even when he was beaten into an embarrassment by Rad, Moore’s heart hadn’t been shaken in the slightest. Yet, it was messed up by Ji Feng’s inexplicable hug.

But soon, Moore had to return to the Mecha control cabin with these messy thoughts, because the fight had begun.

However, when Moore’s nerves were connected to the control system of the Mecha, a strange feeling that had appeared suddenly startled him.

This was an indescribable sense of comfort. As if his nerves were closely connected with the Mecha Nerves, as if the blood was shared. In other words, the Mecha seemed to have become a part of his body.

This was probably the highest realm yearned for by all Mecha Fighters, but Moore had never felt this way before. Why did it suddenly happen?

Moore was a little puzzled, but as a Mecha enthusiast, the joy of this feeling overwhelmed everything. Moreover, this wonderful feeling brought him far more surprises.

When confronted with Rad again, everyone saw sparks igniting, then saw Rader Nelson flying straight ahead and heavily hitting the partition wall.

The loud noise caused the audience to fall into silence. This was because they were ready for Moore to be knocked into the air. But the result turned out to be reversed? Did Rad deliberately give way for Major General Moore, like in the first fight?

In fact, the ones who were most surprised were the two people who had personally felt the collision just now.

Moore was shocked to find that his punch had exerted at least three times more strength than in the past. Not only did the compatibility reach an unimaginable level, but the strength also inexplicably skyrocketed several times. He didn’t know the reason why.

Could it be because of what Ji Feng just did? Impossible. Moore immediately denied this speculation. Even if he admitted that Ji Feng had some mysteries that he couldn’t guess, Ji Feng couldn’t have done it just now under the eyes of the spectators. Even if Ji Feng really did something, it was impossible to do so in such a short period of time. So was it simply because of his encouragement?

Rad, on the other side, was more surprised. In the last fight, he clearly grasped Moore’s strength. Moreover, he knew Moore hated him, so Moore could not have reservations. But this hatred became inexplicably strengthened just now. What’s with the power that had been increased several times suddenly?

Surprise was merely surprise. Rad was suddenly interested. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he was. Not to mention that his opponent was Moore, which would only make him more excited. So in the next second, Rad flew towards Moore.

“F*ck, His Royal Highness Rad has become faster!” Someone exclaimed.

“Cr*p, Major General Moore is even faster!” The audience dropped their jaws in shock, especially the knowledgeable Mecha enthusiasts.

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“Impossible, Major General Moore had clearly reached his limit!”

“How can it be impossible? Only Rad Nelson, that hoodlum, can save his strength? Our Major General can’t?” A large number of Moore’s fans immediately retorted.

The two exchanged dozens of moves in a blink of an eye. Everyone was stunned, as if the entire fight had been upgraded a notch. Both speed and strength were doubled compared to the previous fight.

“Wonderful, wonderful!” Whether it was the audience watching the live action or the viewers watching the live broadcast, this was the idea in all of the viewers’ hearts at this moment.


As for the supporters of Moore, who just witnessed Moore being bullied, they only felt a burning fire in the pits of their chest as they watched this fight. Everyone’s fire was ignited.

Ji Feng watched silently, but he was actually a little bit remorseful in his heart. The stronger the Mecha, the stronger the strength, and the more difficult it was to surpass the original stats after modification. Moreover, the time was too limited. Ji Feng couldn’t do much. The most important thing was that he had only the strength of the Golden Core Condensation. If he was in the Nascent Soul Stage, even if he bled through his orifices, distracted…… Just the thought of a Mecha made on such a level brought excitement to Ji Feng.

However, even this was enough to deal with the similar SSS-Rank, Rad Nelson.

“Boom!” Moore flew into the sky and slammed Rad to the ground with one kick. The enormous impact of landing shook Rad’s internal organs and shook the hearts of the audience to a boil.

“Moore! Must win!”

“Moore! Must win!”

“Bang!” Before Rad stood up, Moore kicked him again.

Then there was another round of beating. The sound of Mechas colliding resounded through the Fighting Arena. Rad didn’t even have a chance to stand up before being beaten back to the same spot time and time again. The whole scene burst into flames.

“Major General! Invincible!”

“Major General! Invincible!”

The scene was completely ignited and deafening shouts filled the huge fighting platform, as if it could shatter the toughest transparent partition wall.

The atmosphere at the scene could be described as boiling. Even Ji Feng, an indifferent old man, felt a heat in his chest.

Many heavy falls left Rad Nelson at a disadvantage. Although his attack had become obviously stronger, Rad Nelson was the kind of crazy and ruthless person. The more tragic his plight was, the crazier he became. The body and spirit was more excited, just like a madman.

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So afterwards, Rad completely ignored his body as he crazily attacked. Even if the mechanical arm was broken and the whole being was beaten to the point that he couldn’t stand up, his face was full of maniac smiles.

“Hahaha enjoyable, enjoyable hahahahahaha!”

“Boom!” Moore was even less polite. His last kick hit the heart of Rad Nelson’s Mecha. As that position was the control panel, the hard mechanical feet seemed to crush Rad with one kick.

The harsh voice of Rad Nelson finally disappeared and there was no more struggling. The audience was silent. Only the sound of a crack resounded in the arena. Rad’s Mecha shattered to the ground and Rad’s face was full of blood. He rolled out of the control cabin.

Moore looked at him in a condescending manner. At this moment, he finally thoroughly stepped on Rad. Moore was so happy, so satisfied. Of course, if he could, he wanted to beat Rad to death, but Moore was always a rational person.

“My brother’s news.” Moore’s cold voice reached Rad, who was half beaten to death.

Rad grinned with his mouth full of blood, “How fun hahah~ Blergh~”

Moore looked at Rad, who was lying on the ground, in disgust. Moore did not speak and soon he heard a notification tone on his terminal. He knew that he had gotten the information he wanted. He immediately turned to look at the audience, no longer willing to look at Rad Nelson again.

“End of fight! The winner is Moore Houston! Moore Houston!”

The mechanical sound pierced the skyscrapers of the Mo Tian Fighting Arena and echoed through all corners of the planet Lopa Star. It was believed that it was only a matter of time that this video would appear all over the Star Network.

“Moore! Moore! Moore! Moore!”


The deafening cheers made people’s blood boil, but Moore was unconsciously searching the crowd for Ji Feng’s figure. Very soon, Moore locked onto him.

There was an inconspicuous smile at the corner of his mouth and there was a calm expression as usual. But it made Moore feel at ease for a while, because those eyes were also looking at him.

After the fight was over, Ji Feng planned to take the car home after bidding farewell to Gal. Ji Feng was still lamenting the speed of communication in the Interstellar Era. In just one hour, “Dark God” had already gained more than three million followers. Moore’s voice suddenly came from behind.

“Wait a minute.”

“Moore?” Ji Feng looked back and saw Moore standing behind him, with a slightly unnatural expression, “Would you like to go together?”

“Yeah.” Moore nodded and got in the sonic car first.

In fact, Moore’s heart felt a little depressed. His own heart was disturbed, but looking at Ji Feng’s reaction, it was clear that Ji Feng felt exactly the same as before, as if he had done nothing previously.

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Besides, today Moore finally stepped on Rad Nelson with his own feet. This was by no means as simple as defeating a random SSS-Rank. There were too many complicated emotions in Moore’s heart that were difficult to calm, but he couldn’t find an outlet for venting.

“Just now, thank you.” Moore tried to make himself behave more normally.

On the contrary, Ji Feng smiled and asked, “Why the gratitude?”

Moore choked, raising his eyes to try and find something from Ji Feng’s face, but there was nothing. So he said while feeling depressed, “Thank you for your encouragement.”

Maybe there was something else, but he couldn’t see it, couldn’t think of it, let alone ask. After all, everyone had their own secrets, not to mention a person who was full of mystery. Moore had a kind of intuition. Once he questioned it, he was afraid that the superficial relationship between them was also over.

Ji Feng smiled, “I didn’t do anything. It was mainly because you are good.”

There was never a lack of people who praised him for being outstanding, but Moore was unconsciously happy because of Ji Feng’s praise.

“There’s news on your brother?” Ji Feng asked suddenly.

The indistinct pleasure on Moore’s face disappeared immediately. It was replaced by an indescribable heaviness. Just now, Rad Nelson kept his promise and gave him Rolt’s news. Moore read it as soon as it came in, but he felt too heavy to breathe, even if this ending seemed to have been expected long ago.

“Rolt has disappeared. When the warship was approaching three kilometers above Heduro, the warship suddenly lost control due to unknown reasons. In just five seconds, the warship lost its signal. There were 191 people on the ship, including the voyage indicator, all had disappeared without a trace.”

Although it was said to be missing, in fact it basically meant that the whole army was annihilated. This could be understood without Moore’s explanation. Ji Feng could only hope that Rolt had carried the ocean blue bead with him now.

“Don’t worry too much. The heavens have its blessing for the good.”

Moore pursed his lips and did not speak. In fact, his worries were more than that. He confirmed this to his father as soon as he learned of Rolt’s disappearance. What surprised him was that his father, the supreme Marshal, had just learnt of the news.

Rolt was just a Lieutenant General and this mission was related to the Ministry of Energy. His immediate superior had never been Marshal Wip, so Marshal Wip would not be the first to learn about him. But for such important information, Rolt’s superiors must immediately report it, but he did not. Marshal Wip actually received the news after Rad Nelson, a man who had no military position.

The truth that this fact reflected was too surprising and terrifying. This showed that Marshal Wip’s prestige and power were already in danger, far beyond Moore’s expectations.

Originally Moore wanted to go to Heduro to find Rolt, but Marshal Wip stopped him severely. It was obvious that some people were targeting Marshal Wip from all directions. They were desperate enough to start from his son. If Moore went to Heduro at this time, wouldn’t it be a free service for them? Rolt’s situation had already foretold ill intentions and Marshal Wip couldn’t let Moore take any more risks.


In fact, Moore knew this very well, but his relationship with Rolt was unordinary. How could he bear to let this go?

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But Moore soon had no place for choices. As his father said, Rolt was just the beginning and he was next.

Moore received an order the next day, to escort a group of experts to Lungu Star for an investigation.

Lungu Star was a planet that had been abandoned for thousands of years. It was said to have been once glorious. But a thousand years ago, the whole planet was destroyed for unknown reasons, and it had become a place where the majority of planets were unwilling to set foot on.

Moore could vaguely feel that there might be something behind it, but at least on the surface, it was a very simple escort task. It stood to reason that such a task did not require a Major General at all. Furthermore, he was still an extremely remarkable SSS-Rank Major General.

Moore didn’t know what he would encounter this time, but inexplicably, he wanted Ji Feng to know his whereabouts. Even if the phrase “non-interference” in the marriage contract kept lingering in his mind.

“I have a mission the day after tomorrow, maybe…” I might not be able to return like Rolt, but Moore could not say it after all. “I might need to leave Lopa Star for a while.”

In fact, Moore would like to say that if he did not make it back in 2 months, Ji Feng could apply to the Main Brain for divorce. But the word “divorce” suddenly made him feel uncomfortable. Moore just couldn’t say it out, so he kept it in all the way to the end.

“Okay,” Ji Feng didn’t react much, but suddenly handed a bead to Moore from out of nowhere. “You take this with you.”

Moore recognised this bead. It was the same bead Ji Feng gave Rolt before he left. For some reason, Moore had a little more hope for Rolt.

On the day of departure, when the warship slowly landed over Lopa Interstellar University, Moore had a complicated thought. He actually expected to see Ji Feng in the crowd. He actually hoped that the man would come and send him off, because Moore was afraid that he would never see Ji Feng again.

But what made Moore depressed, was that he really did see Ji Feng. In that same instant, Moore was not only surprised, but also a little inexplicably angry.


Because Ji Feng was not among the crowd of onlookers, but among the group of experts he was escorting this time. So why didn’t Ji Feng tell him that day???!!!

Ji Feng rubbed his nose awkwardly. Ehem, didn’t he also just know about it? It was a pure coincidence.



The author has something to say:
Ji Feng: Are you surprised? Are you happy? Let’s take a risk together.

Moore: …… Suddenly don’t wanna talk.

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