Cade returned to the office after slightly kissing her cheeks, which had a light flush.

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After watching Cherryl sleep, he poured strong alcohol into his mouth to calm himself.

He shouldn’t lose his reason.

Cade picked up the single letter left on the table.

The letter that the butler had brought carried the royal seal in it.

It came from the royal family of the Lopern Empire

Those slanderers destroyed his ancestor’s roots and deprived him of the title and the territory he deserved.

Cade knew everything.

If it weren’t for Cherryl, the royal family’s impure blood would have taken over the Blkanovs and distorted its history.

He would also be forced to live the life of an animal.

Cade, who had been flicking his finger for a while as he recounted his past life, read the letter.


“Did you hear that?”

The next day, the fourth district where Cherryl had lived became a mess.

The young maids were excited about her whereabouts after she went out to see Cade but did not return.

“Why? What is it?”

“Yesterday,  a message from the lord’s main castle came. He ordered us to get the lady’s clothes from here.”

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“Really? Then the two of them——”

“Yes. I went with Mrs. Bailey But I didn’t even see Lady Cherryl’s face. Maybe, she went to bed early, but she hadn’t woken up yet!”

“You’re saying she was tired enough to sleep that long!”

As she looked around to see if someone was eavesdropping, the maid lowered her voice.

“She even asked for an energy potion today!”

The maids shouted, jumping at the hot gossip.

“They must like each other so much! Arranged marriage couples in an aristocratic society usually avoid sleeping together before the wedding. But, considering both of them didn’t mind——”

The maid looked up into space, lovestruck.

“Good for them. I want to be in a relationship, too.”

“You can do it. There are many good men under the lord’s command. What about Axel?”

“He’s alright except that he’s a prankster. Cole is cool, but I like smart guys. A man with a bad memory like him spells trouble.”

“Right. He always gets my name wrong. It’s Lily, but she keeps calling me Lala. It’s driving me crazy!”

Another maid thought about Lecter.

Among Cade’s confidants, Lecter was the most popular.

“What about Lecter? He’s the youngest, but he seemed more serious and mature for his age.”

“He’s out. From the way he talks, he already has a woman he misses. I’m confused whether the girl’s name was Rossi or Lucy.”

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“You have no right to comment on Cole’s memory.”

Mrs. Bailey interrupted the group’s chatter.

She was making a fuss after packing the Lady’s luggage.

“Oh! I have to go now. I was ordered to come and fetch Cherryl since she had slept at the main castle.”

“See you later. Let us know how nice the couple looked.”

Behind the fast-walking maid, the servants smiled happily as if Mrs. Bailey had already promised.


When the sun touched her face, Cherryl opened her eyes.

The unfamiliar surroundings embarrassed her, but she realized later that she had fallen asleep in Cade’s bedroom.

She wasn’t seated next to him in front of his desk.

It appeared like Cherryl had slept alone in his bed, given that she didn’t notice his presence last night.

“I was planning to wake up after sleeping for half an hour.”

Before she knew it, the sun had shone through the window.

“Did you sleep well?”

Cherryl turned her head upon hearing a faraway voice.

“Oh. Your Grace.”

Cade folded his arms next to the door, his dark eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

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“I knocked several times, but you didn’t wake up.  Are you sick?”


The bedroom was quiet and uncomfortable, but it didn’t hurt.

Cade, who approached the bed and sat next to Cherryl, touched her forehead with the back of his hand.

“You don’t have a fever.”

“I’m not sick.”

“You slept for so long that I thought you were sick. “Didn’t you know you slept for fourteen hours?”


“You slept for fourteen hours.”

He pointed out in concern.

However, she couldn’t help but feel ashamed to hear this from a man who hadn’t overslept in his life.

Just in time, a maid came in, carrying water where she could wash her face, and brought clothes for her to change.

The polite maid looked at them back and forth with sparkling eyes before quickly lowering her head.

“Did I exhaust you yesterday?”

Cade examined Cherryl’s complexion.

He must be worried about sharing his workload with her until the night.

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“Did you have a hard time? You insisted and even reassured me that you could stop midway.”

“No. I couldn’t even finish it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me if you were sick?”

“I’m not sick.”

Perhaps he was still shocked that she had slept for fourteen hours, so he scrutinized Cherryl for a while.

He grabbed her chin and turned her face from side to side.

Then, he touched her forehead again to check if it was hot.

It was not until she confirmed over and over again that she was alright that he rose.

“Your breakfast is already prepared in the dining hall. When you’re ready, come down to the first floor.”

“Yes. See you later.”

Cade left the bedroom first.

For some reason, the maid quickly paid her a silent tribute when their eyes met.

With slightly trembling hands, she began to groom Cherryl.

“You look very close.”

The maid commented carefully as she brushed her hair.

It felt even more awkward than sleeping and changing clothes in Cade’s bedroom.

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