“Why do you think so?”

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“We’ve never seen Grand Duke Blkanov take care of anyone like how he treated you. He had been smiling a lot since you arrived. You two look great together.”

“Thank you.”

It wasn’t something she didn’t know, but it felt strange to hear that from other people’s mouths.

The man was rather cold and detached but expressive in her presence.

He must like her since the first time they met.

The thoughts that had been pushed into the corner revealed their shapes.

He was an elusive man.

Sometimes, Cade would look at Cherryl with a persistent gaze.

At first, she thought it was his habit to stare at her like a beast whenever she lifted her eyes towards him.

Later, she found out that the subtle difference originated from some emotion.

Considering the time the two had known each other, it was a complex emotion.

She didn’t feel rejected at all.

Fear, which used to bloom inside her heart upon assuming that Cade was a man who killed people if he was upset, disappeared for some time.

Now, she was confident that he wouldn’t hurt her no matter what.

However, she felt empty, as if she had skipped a critical process.

Maybe this was why she withdrew from him last night.

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After changing her dress for breakfast, Cherryl headed to the first floor with her long hair neatly tied in half.

Cade, leaning lazily against the back of the chair while checking the documents, straightened up when she entered.

As soon as Cherryl sat down, he gestured at the table.

“Please eat.”

A hot and watery meal was prepared for her, similar to what she ate yesterday.

Even if last time was due to a hangover, she felt like a patient for being served this soup that aided digestion for two consecutive days.

However, no meal was prepared in front of Cade.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I did.”

“Already? That tree bark… Was that protein?”

She was so surprised when she first saw the mysterious food.

Instead of answering, Cade smiled as he poured warm tea into her glass.

The waiting-maid also did what she had to do.

She placed some energy potion next to her water cup.

Cherryl couldn’t believe she was under extreme care just for oversleeping.

“I’m really not sick.”

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“Eat first. It’s better than complaining.”

“I just don’t want it to bother everyone. I just slept a little bit.”

“A little bit? It’s not normal for humans to sleep for fourteen hours, so please take this medicine. Your physical strength might have weakened due to the cold.”

He didn’t have to point out that she had slept for fourteen hours all the time.

Even humans could be abnormal sometimes.

Feeling chagrined for sleeping half a day after saying she would keep her eyes open last night, Cherryl raised her spoon and asked calmly. “Where did you sleep last night?”

“I didn’t sleep.”

“What? You didn’t sleep at all?”

Her already round eyes rounded even more in surprise.

Was it because she occupied his bed?

There were dozens of bedrooms in the main castle, so he could have slept anywhere he wanted.

Her brows wriggled in concern.

She felt sorry for Cade, who couldn’t sleep, whether she was the reason or not.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“It’s not enough to interfere with my physical strength.”

“It might affect you one day. Come to think of it. You didn’t sleep at all in the carriage while we were headed to the north. Are you alright?”

“At that time, I couldn’t sleep because you used me as a pillow, My Lady.”

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“Ah. Ah! I’m saying this because I don’t think you sleep normally.”

She remarked about his health, but he didn’t even care.

“Not sleeping for a few days doesn’t strain me.”

Cherryl cast him a suspicious glance.

“You don’t sleep. You don’t eat. You don’t get drunk. Tell me the truth. Are you sure you’re a human being?”

Cade laughed aloud at the nasty question.

He lowered his eyes as he grinned.

He looked joyful.

Frowning, Cherryl continued to preach.

“I might have slept for fourteen hours, but I’m more human than you. Don’t call me abnormal.”

“Are you mad?”

“I’m not mad.”

“Then are you sulking?”

“I’m not upset!”

Why did he have to make her angry?

After drinking her tea, Cherryl glanced at Cade before looking away.

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Her pale cheeks were as plump as bread, and she was obviously sulking.

Cade suppressed a chuckle and pouted instead.

He wanted to hug that petite frame and plant kisses on every inch of her skin as soon as he could touch her.

When he  watched her react like an angry gourd, he thought about locking her in a cage for the rest of her life so that his eyes could capture her forever.

He should tease her a bit more.

A mischievous prank rose in his head.

There was something he wanted to suggest.

The timing was pretty good.

Whether or not she knew Cade’s thoughts, Cherryl gave him a severe look.

“I’m not kidding. People need to sleep well and eat a balanced diet. But what you’ve been doing far is far from that, Your Grace.”

“Do you want me to sleep and eat well, Cherryl?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“Then do you want to move into my bedroom?” He suggested.

“What?” She whispered in shock.

Cherryl accidentally released the energy potion she had just picked up.

It was covered with a stopper so it didn’t spill, but she couldn’t afford to look at it.

Cade picked up the bottle as it rolled on the floor, opened its cap, and handed it back to her.

“You said you wanted me to live like a decent human being. If we share each other’s daily life, your sleeping pattern may also return to normal. What do you think?”

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