“You crazy kid!”

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Axel, who regained his fighting position like a wild beast, punched.

“Haven’t you thought about the next time you take your revenge against me? Don’t you want to see me for a long time?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Did you put a snake under my blanket because you want to see me for a long time?”

When Lecter hit him, blood, that she hadn’t known whom belonged to, burst out.

Undeterred, Axel raised his fist and hit Lecter’s temple.

A heavy rupture broke out that Cherryl had to close her eyes from the violence.

“You’d better not hurt his face.”

“Who are you talking about?”

The growing number of their wounds caused Cade to shrug.

“Lecter. I’m giving you two hours to finish each other. Will that be alright?”

His eyes turned towards  Lecter and Axel, who were fighting back and forth.

They were hitting each other fiercely with their fists and legs without signs of exhaustion.

As Cade said, he wouldn’t know when this would end because he wasn’t sure who was dominant between the two.

“Can we go back to the castle without seeing this until the end?”

“If Lady Cherryl wants to.”

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“I’m afraid the children will be disappointed if I go like this. Everyone was looking forward to my participation in this event.”

“It’s not an official duel, so they will understand if you fall in the middle.”

Cherryl looked pitifully at Lecter, who had just been hit in the snow.

She hoped he would win.

After uttering an audible cheer, she made eye contact with Cade.

“We should get back now.”

Cade stretched out his hand and guided Cherryl up from her seat.

The two walked through the noisy crowd.

The gloomy light on the castle’s background when she left had completely vanished only to be replaced with the night.

While she was in the carriage with him, Cherryl’s mind just couldn’t calm down on their way back to Cade’s bedroom inside the main castle.

Cherryl had jumped constantly like a fish out of water.


“Oh, Lady Cherryl.”

As soon as she entered the main castle, a maid approached her excitedly.

“You have returned safely, My Lady. Did you have a good trip? Just in time—-”

The babbling maid quickly curtsied at the sight of Cade following behind.

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“My lord.”

The maid didn’t notice him immediately since he had opened the door for Lady Cherryl and came in late.

“Keep talking. What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, milord. But, uh—-The bedroom on the third floor which the Lady Cherryl was supposed to move in is ready.”


According to Cade’s suggestion, Cherryl would live with him in the main castle sooner or later.

Cade told her that the bedroom she would live in was under construction, so she assumed she would still have a few days left before moving her residence.

“Are you saying it’s alright for me to move in right away?”

“Yes, my Lady. Even if your luggage hasn’t arrived yet, you can use your bedroom tonight.”

The maid, who got easily nervous around Cade, was so happy that she couldn’t hide her smile.

“It’s a beautiful bedroom that suits you well, My Lady. Mrs. Bailey did the interior decoration herself.”

“Really? I can’t wait to see how she did it.”

“It’s probably the brightest and loveliest room in this fortress. Would you like to take a look while you’re here?”

“Well, I’d like to.”

Cherryl gave Cade an expectant look.

She wondered what the bedroom would look like since it would become her own private space from now on.

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Cade, who was pulling his cravat down his neck, nodded gladly.

“Go ahead. I’ll wash up first.”

“Yes. See you later.”

The staircase toward the higher floors was separated into two.

Cade headed to his bedroom on the second floor through the stairs on the right, while Cherryl followed the maid to the third floor.

The maid screamed inwardly, turning her head to an angle that Cherryl couldn’t see.

‘These two again!’

It was a popular phrase among the maidservants these days.

The two did it last time so of course, they would do it again.

The maid turned her expression blank except for the amicable smile.

“Did you enjoy Cole’s coming-of-age ceremony, My Lady? I was invited, but I couldn’t come.”

“It was fun. Why didn’t you?”

“Lecter told me that there would be bloodshed. Of course, no servants were willing to go after hearing that.”

“I see. It would have been nice if you came, though.”

“I’m going to Lecter’s Coming-Of-Age Ceremony. He seemed sweet, considerate, and nice.”

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“Do you like Lecter?”

The maid’s face turned red at the sudden question.

“No, My Lady. But I don’t think maidservants would hate Lecter. I just think he already has someone in his heart.”

“Really? Who is that?”

“Well, what was her name again? I think it was Roxa.”

“I’ve never heard of that name before.”

When they reached the third floor, they walked toward the bedroom.

“Anyway, no one could have ever imagined that servants were allowed to go to an event that a lord had hosted unlike before. I’m also honored to work here upon your arrival, My Lady.”

“Watch your words.”

“Oh, I’m sorry——”

“It’s not that. You shouldn’t say things that seem to criticize the previous Duke. If they get into the enemy’s ears, His Grace might get in trouble. Still, I do agree with you.”

“Yes, My Lady.”

While they were talking about this and that, they arrived in front of Cherryl’s new bedroom.

“The recent construction was made to insulate the bedroom walls and it was finished earlier than scheduled. I’m glad I could show you this room early, My Lady.”

‘The lady would want to be with the lord a day earlier than planned. ‘ The maid swallowed the shy words.

When the dark brown door, made of walnut trees, opened, a neat bedroom with a subtle yellow light entered their vision.

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