“Oh, my.”

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As if to greet the new owner, Cherryl carefully stepped on the fluffy wool carpet right in front of the door and looked around the inside.

The wallpaper and ceiling,  influencing the atmosphere of the room, were warm ivory colors, giving it a very cozy feeling.

The room didn’t contain the stark and cold energy unique to the North.

The combination of light apricot curtains in front of the window and the lace lining wasn’t excessive but rather sophisticated.

A round table for tea time was placed at the center and a comfortable gray sofa was on one side.

“I can’t believe there’s such a bright space in this gloomy castle. I almost thought vampires were about to come out.”’

The maid said it was a sunny room and she would have liked it even more if she saw it during the day.

Cherryl sat on the bed covered with a soft blanket.

The mattress under her buttocks was so soft that she wanted to lie down and just forget about her image.

“I really like it.”

“I thought so, my Lady.”

“I thought it was still under construction. You must have organized everything for me. You did a great job.”

“No. We are glad it’s up to your expectations.”

The maid, who finished talking, approached the drawer and began to pack something in the basket.

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It was a bottle of rose-colored liquid and purple salt.

Was it a bath product?

The maid opened the bathroom door grimly.

“You should wash up in the new bathroom, my Lady.”

“Huh? Suddenly?”

She just came to look around the bedroom for a while, but the maid randomly thought she needed to bathe.


She and Cade weren’t even married yet so she planned to return to the spire later to wash up.

As Cherryl hesitated, the maid tilted her head in question.

“Of course. Wouldn’t it be better for you to take a bath, too?”

The young maid mentioned ‘too’, implying that His Grace had washed up as well.

Her tone seemed to be asking why she wouldn’t.

Cherryl nodded in discomfort.

“Of course, I have to wash up.”

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“As expected, right? Please go to the bathroom, My Lady.”

Suddenly, she felt like she was preparing for the wedding night.

“Alright. I’m washing up because I’m done for the day. It isn’t for any other reason.”

The maid nodded in agreement with her eyes closed.

“I know how you feel. I won’t say anything, so don’t be shy.”

She smiled as if telling her it was alright not to make excuses.

“Oh, my. It’s not like that at all.”

They decided to spend time together in Cade’s bedroom until the gift arrived but if they were both washed clean, wouldn’t it feel a little weird?

The maid, who misunderstood Cherryl’s worries and proceeded in an entirely different direction, grinned.

“Don’t worry, My Lady. I have perfumes and bath salts ready for you. Just in case, I even brought the one you used in the spire.”

“No. I’m not worried about that. Wait a minute…. Why are my bath supplies prepared here?”

“I just brought it. The water is heated so your bath will be ready soon. Please come here, My Lady.”

Why did her bath supplies come first when her luggage wasn’t even moved yet?

In the end, Cherryl gave herself up to the maid.

When she dipped her whole body in warm water filled with bath bombs, her fatigue was relieved.

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Her eyes closed shut when her stiff muscles started to loosen.

Nevertheless, her anxious heart pounded like a bride before the first night.

The maid’s vigorous efforts in applying perfume on her skin had also played a part.

After the bath, Cherryl, who had changed into a nightgown, left the bedroom.

“I’ll be back.”

“Oh, you don’t have to come back!  Don’t worry about me, My Lady. Please feel free to leave this floor.”

The maid greeted, waving her hand in dismissal as if she found her words strange.

“I don’t know why the atmosphere seems sexually charged these days.”’

Everyone had various reactions every time Cherryl and Cade were seen together.

Even if she was secretly pleased by their attention, she would often cover her mouth in surprise.

Why did everyone have to make a fuss every time she talked to the Grand Duke?

It was embarrassing.

As soon as she finished taking a bath, Cherryl, whose cheeks were tinted pink, unintentionally smelled fragrant as she headed to his bedroom.

She was trying to knock the door with her knuckles but why did such a trivial move made her hand shake so much?

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Your Grace?” She called him brightly so as not to show him she was nervous. “It’s me.”

“Come in.”

When a low voice came out, Cherryl carefully opened the bedroom door.

Taking a  deep breath filled with weak tremors, she stepped into the space where she had already visited.

Cade’s personal room was an overall contrast to the warm tones of Cherryl’ bedroom.

The wallpaper and a few  of his furniture were painted in dark colors and the ambiance was unexpectedly cold, too.

As her gaze scanned the wide interior, Cherryl noticed flesh in motion on one side of the bedroom.


Her eyes turned to Cade as if they were drawn by a magnet.

He just exited his bathroom, shaking his wet hair, and his upper body was completely revealed.

He must have taken all of his clothes except the black pants.


Cherryl’s blue eyes were wide as saucers and thanks to that, Cade’s glorious nakedness came into clear view.

His large chest muscles, which had revealed their existence even with the fabric over them earlier, faced her boldly.

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