Cade’s dark lust, which he had hidden from these muttered words, suddenly came up to the surface.

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“Are you listening?”

Cherryl narrowed her eyes at him in hopes of grasping his heart but he still kept watching her in silence.

Feeling anxious that she might change her mind, Cade tightened his grip and replied. “I’m listening.”

It didn’t hurt, but his determined grip expressed his desire not to let her go.

“It’s cold. We better go inside.”

As unhealthy possessiveness crossed his handsome face, Cade turned around and took the lead.

Soon after entering the main castle, the two walked through the spacious hall and headed to the second floor in silence.

Bright lights along the walls illuminated the dim corridor.

It wasn’t a joke when the maid told her she would empty the floor for them.

Not even tiny ants could be seen on the second floor.

Her surroundings felt calm on the outside but she was afraid Cade would catch her heart pulsating out of her ribcage.

After passing through the corridor where only their footsteps echoed, Cade opened the squeaking, wooden door and led her to his bedroom.

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A huge bed at the center of a dark room caught Cherryl’s attention.

As Cade took the cloak off her form, it slipped away from his gaze once her thin dress was revealed.

Despite wearing this comfortable outfit for a while, she might as well be naked when she was about to sleep together, literally, with the Grand Duke.

It wasn’t like they were going to do it tonight.

Glancing at Cherryl’s slightly trembling hand, he raised his eyes again to make eye contact with her.

“Are you cold?”

“The bedroom is a bit cold but… I’m not shivering because of that, Your Grace.”

“You’re nervous. I’ll have the servant bring you some warm tea to calm you down.”

“No, I’m fine. I’m just tired, so I can’t wait to sleep.”

It would be better to just hurry up and lie in bed so that she could finally close her eyes and shake off this ticklish feeling in her heart.

Leaving Cade alone, Cherryl approached the bedside and lifted the blankets.

After positioning herself under the blanket and laying her head on the pillow, Cherryl glanced up at him.

He just stood there, staring blankly at her.

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Her little hand patted the empty space next to her.

“Lie down.”

Cade couldn’t help but laugh as she continued to tremble.

As he approached, he soon settled down next to Cherryl.

Her keen sense could feel his familiar masculine scent surrounding her.

With the blanket pulled under her chin, Cherryl rolled her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

“This feels like the wedding night.”

Was this the right time to sleep in his bedroom after taking a bath earlier?

This was the first time she was spending the night with him so her breathing became labored and her heart was pounding for no reason.

It wasn’t like both of them were going to do anything that should be done on the wedding night.

She was the one who asked Cade to come here and lie down  but she still couldn’t relax even if both of them were now lying side by side.

Thinking it was awkward to lay on their backs while both of them stared at the ceiling, Cherryl turned to the other side and curled herself into a ball.

Cade immediately covered her with his big body in a tight embrace as his solid arm brought her back closer to his chest.

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Instead of stopping there, he began to caress her stomach with his large hand bit by bit.

The friction she  felt over the thin fabric of her dress felt like they were about to go somewhere in an instant.

Cherryl couldn’t stand it anymore so she decided to speak about it.

“My lord.”


“Your Grace?”

“Don’t talk and go to sleep.”

“It’s not that. How can I fall asleep if you keep touching me like this?” She whined loudly.

Cade smirked and continued caressing her with his hand.

She didn’t think he would ever leave her alone in bed.

Cherryl simply gave up and accepted his petting.

In fact, his large hand, accounting nearly half of her upper body, wasn’t that bad.

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The occasional movement felt pretty good the more he rubbed his palm against the thin fabric.

The same was true for his solid arms tightly wrapped around her, providing her delicious warmth.

His body temperature felt cozy so it wouldn’t be that hard to fall asleep.

Her eyelids became heavier and heavier, overshadowing her complaints.

Mysterious lethargy slowly eroded Cherryl who wa oblivious of Cade’s wild imagination.

‘I feel good. I want you to keep touching me, Cade.’

By the time such sentiment  came out, Cherryl’s eyes were closed.

Her pulse, which had been fluttering with tension all night, changed as her deep breathing evened out.

At that time, Cade raised himself slightly and watched Cherryl’s side, who was already asleep.

Then, he carefully rubbed his lips against her back, buried his nose in the fluffy part of her hair to inhaled her fragrance and lightly washed her skin with his lips.

It was funny and adorable that she had fallen asleep after he touched her a few times.

It made him want to shake her up and do something dirty.

How could it be normal to be so excited seeing a woman sleeping soundly?

Cade had no valid response to that and it made him feel dumbfounded.

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