He seemed to have become a shameless person waiting for her to sleep.

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Contrary to those thoughts, Cade gently slid the thin strap clinging to Cherryl’s shoulder down her arm.

Then, his fingertips carefully brushed her moonlit skin.

It felt strange to touch the skin of the woman he loved with his strong hand which had also taken her life.

At the same time, he had this sadistic urge to possess her at will.

Cade himself couldn’t understand his indecisive mind from changing every moment.

Someday,her soft and beautiful body will be his and for his eyes only and he wanted to burn this present image in his mind forever.

The mere thought of drawing traces on the expanse of her skin like it was his personal canvas made his heart ache with longing.

He was acting like a man who suddenly discovered an oasis after not drinking a sip of water for a few days.

He must have been so thirsty that his reason flipped over.

Cade started biting and licking her exposed shoulder.

While she was asleep, Cherryl, who had no idea that he was nibbling her like a lustful wolf, wiggled slightly.


A strange feeling came over him when he saw her shrink away from him while moaning.

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He remembered a colorful moment in his past life when it should have been black and white.

At that time, Cade and Cherryl lay in the same position as their bodies shared each other’s warmth.

However, the location they were in was an abandoned old barn and not on a fluffy bed.

It was a precarious circumstance where positive emotions such as love were too difficult to nurture.

Nevertheless, their love still managed to grow and he cherished their happy memories the most.

It was the only driving force in his repeated life that kept him from losing himself.

“I just want to bury it without reflecting on what had happened.”

Then, Cherryl’s voice resonated in his head, saying, “Let’s just bury what is already dead.”

Can they just bury it like that?

It must have been something one could have said due to a lack of awareness of the situation.

In Cade’s past life, they met each other like fate and shared their time together for a short period.

In this current life which he considered a miracle, he wanted to confess that he had killed hundreds just to keep her by his side.

How could she not recall their past life memories that served as a medium that binds them together?

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Deeming his concerns useless, Cade kissed her shoulder.

He wanted to do whatever Cherryl asked him to do.

She will surely open up to him if he listened to her well.

His logical side could barely keep up with his affectionate heart.

Cade patted her soothingly after fixing the hem of her dress.

Next, he covered her with a thick blanket and hugged her lovely little body again.

At this point, he was already sleepy.

It had been a while since he felt his mind relax as his vision blurred.

He rarely felt this pleasant drowsiness in his this life which had already repeated twice.

Cade slowly closed his eyes, treating the soft breathing in his ears like a precious lullaby.


By the time the sunlight shone in his eyes, Cade woke up.

As he slowly raised his upper body, he could not have easily escaped the unfamiliar sense of daze.

He had slept through the long night without waking up once.

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When he suggested that Cherryl join him in bed after citing his irregular biorhythm as an excuse, he had no idea that he would have slept so comfortable with her being around.

With a sweep of his hair, Cade turned to her, who was still asleep.

Everything in him hardened like a marble statue.


When was it?

The particular scene where Cherryl admitted that she had bad sleeping habits flashed through his mind.

He specifically remembered her talking about wearing a nightgown in particular.

According to her, the hem of her slip would raise as high as her chin early in the morning from too much movement.

She was actually telling him the truth.

The blanket which Cade had covered her last night got kicked and rolled at her feet.

Cherryl’s long saliva had dried up to her bolt bone and her panties underneath her thin clothes was revealed.

Her glorious naked form was like a sudden endurance test that he had to pass.

Cade, who would have boasted this level of difficulty as extreme,  even forgot how to breathe as he fixated on her dazzling curves.

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Cade’s heart was beating fast, dangerously narrowing the gap between beats.

He couldn’t control most of his blood from rushing down south.

Last night, he had wondered how attractive her naked body would be, and now, his dirty question was answered.

He assumed he would be able to see it slowly in the distant future once Cherryl was ready, but he didn’t expect to appreciate such art first thing in the morning.

Cade’s pupils, scanning her pale and juicy thighs and thin ankles, trembled with need.

He suppressed the urge to bite, lick and suck her everywhere that he had to clench his jaw.

A deep breath flowed out of gritted teeth.

“Should I seduce you right now?”’

His primal instincts whispered devilishly.

The blood in his body began to stir something in him, encouraging him like crazy to do whatever he wanted with her.

Cade was now in the throes of a lifetime.

After a period of contemplation, he finally moved closer to Cherryl.

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