“They’re troublemakers, indeed. But thanks to them, I finished moving early. I had a lot of luggage but it wasn’t that hard because the servants had lent me with their helping hands.”

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Cade concluded the conversation with a brief nod.

Then, he patted the desk with his long finger.

“By the way…”

Was his sweet and low voice became hesitant on purpose or was it an illusion?

As she pretended to be calm while flashing him a relaxed smile, Cherryl waited patiently for his next words.

“What were you reading?”

The embarrassment she tried to hide crossed across her face.

“Is that because of what happened this morning, too?” He added, dropping his gaze from observing Cherryl to the book.

When Cade showed interest in the secret she had always wanted to hide, the tendons in Cherryl’s neck tightened so much that she couldn’t have rotated it any faster than that.

It appeared like Cade was well aware of the library’s classification system.

He knew that only medical books were located on the third floor so she shouldn’t arouse his suspicions with pointless lies.

Deciding to tell the truth, Cherryl answered as if there was a lump in her throat. “It’s a medical book related to… the human body.”


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He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Yes. The librarian guided me on each floor, and I found a lot of interesting materials. I became more interested in the existence of anatomical literature on the third floor here, in particular.”

“I read about anatomical literature a long time ago. The book was so impressive that it was once treated as forbidden.” Cade emphasized.

“I see. Did you enjoy reading it, My Lady?”

“I didn’t have much interest in it at first because I saw it when I simply had nothing to read at that time.”

Cade pointed at the book Cherryl was clutching against her chest

“Is that the book about anatomy?”

Conscious of the direction he was pointing at, Cherryl raised her head and avoided Cade’s gaze.

Why was she feeling uncomfortable in the first place?

It’s just that the most suspicious-looking book in the world was placed upside down with its title hidden from plain sight.

“Maybe? I don’t know. I brought it after going through the books’ spines on a whim.” Cherryl replied with a glare.

‘Please stop asking me, Your Grace!’Her inner voice shouted at the same time.

As much as this moment, Cherryl was eager for him to behave like a gentleman.

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‘Please don’t take the book that a woman was reading out of the blue and don’t pry into what the book is all about.’

After a short silence, he brought up words that were neither the former nor the latter, but out of the expected category.

“I didn’t know you had an academic interest in health care. Do you want to explore the human body?”

“What? It’s not like that. However, I think researching the human body isn’t boring at all.”

“I think it’s better to focus on practical research than just learning the theory at your desk.”

“Of course. It will truly make a difference compared to only reading about it instead of experiencing it yourself.”

“That’s true. Do you need a male volunteer?”

“No! What are you talking about?”

Cherryl leaped up from her chair with her cheeks dyed red.

Cade had no idea know how fast her mind was swirling after he twisted her words like that.

Did he know what this book was all about when he said that?

Was she reacting too sensitively?

Thinking it was too late for her to notice, Cherryl felt a sense of dismay.

Still, Cherryl picked up the book because it was her only chance to do it.

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“Please sit here for a moment.”

“Where are you going?” Cade asked teasingly.

Even without seeing him, she could tell he had a mischievous smile on his lips.

“I’m returning the book to its place so I should stop reading now.” Cherryl, who shot back coyly, took a step.

Throughout the walk, she could feel Cade’s mirth at the back of her head.

Hugging the book as if nothing happened, Cherryl walked to the bookshelf and put it back there.

When she glanced back, the man who disturbed her mind was hidden behind the bookshelves.


Cherryl leaned her forehead on the bookshelf an exhaled a breath.

An emotion that she didn’t know where it originated turned both her cheeks red.

Was she almost got caught reading a suspicious book?

Why did he have to utter a joke that made her feel so awkward?

Did she have to marry a man with a presence that had kept her in the abyss of her troubles?

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Cherryl pressed her palm against her pounding heart as she asked herself questions that couldn’t be answered.

After calming its irregular beat, she turned around and went back to her desk.

Cade sat there and waited calmly as she had instructed.

As he thought about changing the awkward atmosphere, he began.”I was told that you were planning to go out of the castle, Lady Cherryl. It appeared like you’re planning to take several companions with you, too.”

Cade, whose smile he had shown earlier had vanished, stared at Cherryl with his broad shoulders tilted up.

Cherryl, who was squirming nervously with her hands on the desk, nodded.

“I was actually going to ask you if I could go to the winter festival. Lucy and I want to participate after hearing that it’s a grand festival for merchants from other countries. Will it be alright, Your Grace?”

Cade didn’t respond.

Did he feel bad because he heard it from someone else and not the person involved?

Before Cherryl, who had hesitated for a moment, could say anything, a low, low sound flew in.

“You’re quite close to the kids.”

The voice referring to the three men had a subtly disapproving tone.

Sensing that the flow of conversation was flowing in a rather strange direction, Cherryl tilted her head.

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