“I don’t think it’s bad to be close to children.”

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When Cherryl replied vaguely, Cade expressed his discomfort.

“Who do you want to be best friends with this time? Is it Cole from the Coming-Of-Age Ceremony?”

It was an absurd question.

Cherryl, who was opening her lips without realizing it, waved her hand in dismissal.

“It’s not that. I suggested it because I thought it would be fun to participate in the festival together.”

“All together? Who do you want to go with the most?”

Cherryl tilted her head again. “Of all the kids?”

Was Cade misunderstanding something?

That’s not———

“Actually, Lecter wants to go to the festival with Lucy but Lucy finds it awkward to be alone with him. That’s why we decided to go together. All of them are around the same age so if they get along, they can get closer. Lucy lives here now so it’ll be nice for her to have friends of her own.”

However, the words coming out of Cherryl’s mouth sounded like an excuse.

Cade remained relaxed, leaning against the back of his chair as if urging her to continue.

“Of course, that’s not the only reason. I’ve always wanted to go to the winter festival——-”

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Cherryl paused and stopped talking altogether.

She couldn’t figure out how to interpret Cade’s open disapproval.

She could roughly guess that he felt a little bad because he heard their plan to participate in the festival as if he was just notified of his fiance’s future whereabouts from someone else’s mouth.

Was that it or was he upset that she didn’t ask for his company?

“Did you also want to go to the festival, Your Grace?”

Even Cherryl hesitated to say what she thought but Cade’s cold face had hardened even more.

“I hate cluttered places,” Cade uttered bluntly and that divided her expectations.

“Oh. I see.” Cherryl muttered, casting a blank stare somewhere in the air.

“What a shame because I really like it.”

Cherryl enjoyed listening to street performances in noisy places and meeting new people while drinking something sweet.

Sometimes, not all of the social parties and balls that the Upper Society hosted were annoying.

It was also romantic to dance with a man she liked to the slow melody of the stringed instruments.

In contrast to what she liked, Cade seemed to prefer a dark, quiet place.

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He seemed to believe that resting and spending time alone was more productive than chatting with others.

As far as Cherryl knew, it was true.

She shouldn’t ask someone who hated noisy atmospheres for companionship at all.

Her pledge to cajole the Grand Duke into going to the festival together during his free time blurred like smoke.

It was her sole decision to ask the Grand Duke, who was busy with the watchtower construction, to go to the festival and relax in the first place.

If it wasn’t for the low notes that followed, she would have kept thinking so.

“If you have to go to such a place, I only have one condition for you.”

“What is it?”

“It will be difficult but I can leave my schedule empty enough for half a day. Did you say you’re going on the first weekday of next week?”

Feeling lost, Cherryl couldn’t answer immediately and it wasn’t until she understood his query belatedly that a beautiful smile spread across her lips.

The appearance of her white teeth showing as her unusually deep-colored lips stretched seemed to sparkle.

‘Did he work to the bone just to see such a gorgeous smile?’ Cade thought as he unconsciously licked his dry lips.

Cherryl couldn’t hide her excitement and tightly held her hands.

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“Will you go to the winter festival with me, Your Grace? It’s pretty noisy and crowded.”

“There’s nothing I can’t do, right?”

“A merchant soliciting their customers might feel bothersome, a ball kicked by a kid might hit you in the head, and the smell of grilled meat from the street stalls might permeate in your skin that you might regret why you even came in the first place.”

Cherryl listed the made-up scenarios she experienced while attending festivals one by one.

Cade also noticed that she was talking about her experiences.

Imagining Cherryl getting hit in the head by a small ball and looking all embarrassed made him smile.

Even then, when he thought of the idiots flirting with Cherryl, he wanted to break their arms.

His commitment to go with her no matter what happened solidified even more.

Cade shook his chin, not caring about the little things she said.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure I won’t regret anything.”

Cherryl’s smile spread across her face.

Nevertheless, she was already looking forward to enjoying this much-awaited festival with the Grand Duke.

“It’s going to be so much fun.” She said excitedly.”If I knew this would happen, I should’ve asked earlier. I couldn’t even think of it because you seemed busy.”

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“From now on, don’t hesitate to ask me anything. I don’t mind if it’s just a small thing like this. It’s not like I’m far away from you when I’m just downstairs.”

Upon hearing it at first glance, she just couldn’t visit a man with a tight schedule for no reason.

Well, he said it was alright so———

“Then I’ll do that. Hopefully, you won’t be bothered by me.”

“You can’t be that troublesome.”

Cade’s smile turned to a smirk when he opened his mouth to speak in a subtle tone. “On the contrary, if I have any business with you, can I come to you anytime?”

“Oh, well…” Cherryl couldn’t answer that and hesitated.

It was difficult for her to respond willingly because it felt like Cade was implying that he wanted to visit her often despite his busy schedule.

When her answer got delayed, Cade let out a low chuckle while wearing an expression as if he already expected it.

Cherryl’s lukewarm response wasn’t very pleasant.

He wasn’t even asking her to share the same bed so why did she have to hesitate this much?

It was kind of cute that she wanted to play around with his men without his knowledge, but her hesitation toward his simple request was quite jarring.

Did she feel like he was intruding on her privacy?

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