Chapter 10 – A Bet

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“Brother Zhou’s skill of manipulation of objects is used wonderfully!”

Zhou Qingyue used his qi to fling a pile of leaves onto Fang Yuan’s head. The dead leaves were light and could not hurt anyone.

However, when the surrounding disciples saw this, they immediately cheered. Zhou Qingyue also looked around, acting proud of himself.

He just showed a skill that one can only use after completing the first layer of gathering qi. It can be used to move things through the air. Even though he could only move some dead leaves that had no harm, it revealed Zhou Qingyue’s remarkable accomplishments in the art of control.

He also felt that this was his best performance in recent days.

It was satisfying to throw the leaves on top of Fang Yuan’s head; especially in front of Sister Qiao. This made him feel even more proud and elated.

Several other disciples cheered, while only Sister Qiao frowned.

The withered leaves hit Fang Yuan’s head, and Fang Yuan, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped, clenching his fist slowly.

He was silent for a few moments, then turned slowly.

Zhou Qingyue couldn’t see the anger in Fang Yuan’s heart. He joked and said, “Brother Fang, have you ever seen the art of control?”

Fang Yuan’s face was expressionless, and he said lightly: “In the first stage of Qingyang’s gathering qi technique, you can move objects gracefully and control them as you wish. But you can only only fling dead leaves. It can only be regarded as inferior!”

He said this very seriously. The other disciples of the immortal sect were stunned and dumbfounded when they heard it.

“And you think you have the qualifications to judge me?”

Zhou Qingyue’s face became a little ugly. He was just joking around and didn’t expect a serious answer. He couldn’t have imagined that this bastard would actually understand the training method more than himself. This reminded him of days in Taiyue City, when this guy would stand above everyone and overshadow himself. He immediately felt upset.

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“You had just said that I am the top ranked scholar of the Immortal’s List and you are at the bottom. Of course I have the right to judge you!”

Fang Yuan spoke lightly, but his expression was deadly serious.

“Haha, you are only a former genius, yet dare to speak out of place!”

“In Qingyang Sect’s thousand years, this must be the first time a servant has given pointers to a sect disciple.”

“But… what he said of Brother Zhou isn’t wrong…”

The crowd of disciples sniggered and looked at Fang Yuan with teasing eyes.

“Oh Brother Fang, let’s go, let’s go. We still haven’t finished our work in the Sutra Hall…”

Mister Sun couldn’t bear to watch anymore and tried to persuade Fang Yuan to leave without further humiliations.

“It’s enough. Let’s go!”

Sister Qiao looked at Fang Yuan with a complicated gaze and spoke toward the other disciples.

Zhou Qingyue could hear Sister Qiao’s compassion toward Fang Yuan, which made him feel even worse. He purposefully sneered toward Fang Yuan, “Oh, I also want to relive Brother Fang’s guidance. But unfortunately, although we are in the same sect, you have the status of a servant. I may not be able to wait till the day…”


Fang Yuan asked calmly, “Even servants can cultivate. Could it be that you are not as talented as me?”


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Zhou Qingyue wanted to rebuke, but his words couldn’t come out.

The person standing in front of him topped the Immortal’s List, yet, he was only on the bottom. He doesn’t dare to say that he was more talented.

But to hear this question in front of so many people made him lose face.

He was filled with pent up anger.

After a pause, he coldly said, “Of course I can’t compare to Brother Fang, the former genius. Who can compare to you? But now, I am a bit luckier than you are. I received my teacher’s and my fellow brothers’ and sisters’ guidance, along with the sect’s resources. If I can’t beat a servant, then wouldn’t I be as stupid as a pig?”

As he said this, he threw a small shining stone toward Fang Yuan.

“Spirit stone?”

The crowd of servants could only stare at the small red stone.

It is the cultivation world’s most common resource. A piece of spirit stone contains pure qi that is better than ten gathering qi pills. The difference is enough to make their eyes turn red with envy.

Seeing the spirit stone, everyone felt pitiful toward Fang Yuan.

He is only a servant, why would he quarrel with a disciple. One can receive a spirit stone every month while the other can only receive two gathering qi pills. The difference is obvious. 

Fang Yuan, looking at the stone, was also slightly moved. After a look, he averted his eyes. He suddenly had an idea. He said lightly, “If it were anyone else, as a servant, of course I wouldn’t dare to compete. But with Brother Zhou…” He suddenly laughed, “I feel that we shouldn’t be all that different. Since in my eyes, you are even dumber than a pig!”


The crowd was shaken after hearing these words.

Did he just insult Zhou Qingue?

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Zhou Qingyue’s face was purple and his fists were clenched. Subconsciously, he glanced at junior sister Qiao and saw her smiling. He felt even more angry. He said in a cold voice, “The daydreams of a fool. You dare to look down on me as a servant disciple?”

He took a step forward as he said this, ready to fight.

Fang Yuan was not afraid, “I am not looking down on you. I am just curious, what would you do if my cultivation is higher than yours?”


Zhou Qingyue laughed coldly, “So what if you were a former genius? You’re still just a servant now. I am a disciple of an immortal sect. How could I be surpassed by you? If there comes a day when your cultivation surpasses mine, I’ll kowtow to you three times!”

The other disciples nodded as they listened. 

The difference between servants and disciples are tremendous. Over time, this difference will only grow.

From the beginning, they were destined to start at different points. 

Fang Yuan seemed to not understand this point and continued, “I don’t need you to kowtow. You can just hand over the spirit stone in your hands to me!”

Zhou Qingyue suddenly realized that this guy really just wanted his cultivation resource…

He sneered at Fang Yuan and laughed coldly, “Only one? Why don’t I give you ten?”

The other disciples showed complicated faces.

In their eyes, this servant must be going crazy.

Is he boasting? Or does he actually think he can compete with a sect disciple?

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Before the thought has passed, Fang Yuan had already turned and said, “This can count as a small bet between Brother Zhou and me. I wonder if anyone else would be interested to participate?”

The crowd of disciples were surprised by these words.

A purple-clothed man held back his laughter and said, “This bet is quite interesting. I’ll also bet a spirit stone…”

Another laughed, “We’re all fellow practitioners. I will cheer for Brother Zhou as well and add a spirit stone too!”

“I’ll bet too…”

“Haha, what fun is it to only bet one. If this servant can win against Brother Zhou, I’ll give you ten spirit stones!”

In only a moment, five, six people spoke up. They all thought that Fang Yuan was a fool and that his bet was simply a joke. They thought that it was a good chance to give Zhou Qingyue some face without risk. Only Sister Qiao kept quiet. She looked Fang Yuan up and down and seemed to have developed a strong interest in him.

“Haha, thank you everyone!”

Zhou Qingyue’s face brightened. He raised his chin toward Fang Yuan and smiled, “The stakes you wanted are all here. But I also want to ask Brother Fang, if your cultivation is lower than mine, then what would you do?”

He thought to himself that he doesn’t care about a servant’s qi gathering pill. He only needs Fang Yuan to kowtow to him. 

But, Fang Yuan did not answer as he had wished. “I only want to do what I like. But if people want to bully me, then I will not stand down!”

Zhou Qingyue didn’t really want to hear Fang Yuan’s answer, “Don’t waste my time. When do you think you would catch up to my cultivation?”

Fang Yuan smiled, with a wave of his arms, all the dead leaves around them swirled up into a tornado that moved around him. He looked toward Zhou Qingyue and laughed.

“Right now!”

With a swing of his arms, all the leaves in the air flew toward Zhou Qingyue and hit him in the face.

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