Chapter 9 – Immortal Disciples

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On the second day, Fang Yuan woke up feeling full of spirit and vigor.

The path of cultivation is profound and arduous. Each step is stepping on ice. Since everyone is different. Even if people study the same cultivation method, there will still be different paths. No one can perfectly copy another’s. For practitioners, it is like choosing a road from many which allows them to go the furthest.

Even a little carelessness could end in death.

Now, Fang Yuan is different. He just obtained the power to find the right path!

Although he had just started, he was no longer afraid of the future since he had this powerful skill to aid him!

“Huh? Brother Fang, it looks like your mood is good today!”

When Fang Yuan arrived at the servant’s hall, Steward Sun and others had been waiting. They were surprised as they looked over Fang Yuan and finding that he looked much better than they had imagined. “If I’m not wrong… it seems that your qi has grown a lot again. Did you improve last night?”

“That’s right. After an enlightened moment, I luckily broke through the first layer’s barrier…” responded Fang Yuan with satisfaction and a smile.

“Well, it seems that Brother Fang is not a common person. If you keep this up, you may really be able to enter the immortal’s sect!”

Even several other servants started thinking about this.

With their current cultivation, they could no longer clearly discern Fang Yuan’s level, but they were aware of Fang Yuan’s effort.

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In addition, Fang Yuan’s qi is indeed much stronger and they didn’t mind praising him.

“Hmph. If it is so easy to enter the sect, then there wouldn’t be a single servant left in the immortal mountains!” sneered a servant coldly amongst the praise.

He was a man of thirty years. The man looked strong and tough and in the second layer of refining qi. Fang Yuan didn’t mind after hearing his words. He knew that this person named Song Kui was a bully amongst the servants. Rumor has it that he was somehow related to a deacon in the sect. Even Steward Sun didn’t bother to argue with him. Fang Yuan had always respected such people from afar!

“Haha, it is good that Brother Fang is putting effort in cultivation. If he can really enter the inner sect, then even us servants would gain some respect. Enough. Let’s not speak further. We need to finish organizing the sutra hall so we can rest!”

Steward Sun cleared the tension with a few words and carried everyone on his kite toward Little Bamboo Peak.

“Hey you, I heard you are diligent, then why don’t you put my row of bookshelves in order too…”

This time, Steward Sun assigned tasks meticulously. He saw many servants lazying around yesterday, with only Fang Yuan working. This time, he assigned an area to each person so that they wouldn’t have the chance to slack off. After assigning work, almost everyone left to perform their duties. Only the one named Song Kui remained. While Steward Sun was away, he forcefully gave his work to Fang Yuan.

“All right then!”

Fang Yuan hesitated but agreed.

This person, Song Kui, is a bully amongst the servants, so many new people have been under his control. However, Fang Yuan was different from others. First, he was brought in personally by Deacon Qiao. Second, he had always been close with Steward Sun. This was why Song Kui didn’t bother him.

However, it was different now. Fang Yuan’s focus on cultivation somehow made Song Kui a bit dissatisfied. He was purposely trying to find ways to start a conflict with Fang Yuan. But since Fang Yuan didn’t like trouble, he didn’t respond.


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Seeing Fang Yuan’s passiveness, Song Kui rubbed his neck with dissatisfaction and walked away fiercely.

“I am an honest person. There is no need to start conflicts with people like him,” thought Fang Yuan as he walked into the sutra hall with hands behind his back.

He didn’t mind doing more work. He would love to even live here if he could have more contact with these tomes of cultivation practices.

The truth is, he had already thought about whether he could give Steward Sun some benefits to arrange himself a job of guarding the sutra hall. He had developed a practice of reading everyday over his ten years of study. Not reading a book everyday day for him is the same as a pervert not seeing a woman in a year. The sutra hall had a vast collection of books covering a great variety of subjects that attracted him.

As he organized, he would casually flip through the volumes he held; and time gradually passed.

“Brother Fang, you should take a break!”

Around noon, Steward Sun sent someone to call Fang Yuan over for lunch. He found Fang Yuan still holding a book and reading without a hint of exhaustion.

Usually, servant disciples would go eat at Lingshan Hall. But since they still have work to do at the sutra hall, they didn’t want to travel back and forth, so they stayed at the Little Bamboo Peak. Steward Sun sent people over with food and they ate around a large rock. After eating, they would have to continue their work.

Fang Yuan was in a good mood as he thought about what he had read in the morning and ate an extra bowl of food.

“Oh, isn’t this Brother Fang Yuan?”

Just as Fang Yuan finished eating, he suddenly heard a laugh next to him.

Fang Yuan turned his head in surprise and saw a couple people in a pavilion nearby. The men were handsome and the women charming. By their attire, he could tell that these were all immortal disciples. The one who spoke stood at the side of the group. He was dressed in a red robe and carried an old long sword on his back. Wasn’t this person who looked like he wanted to stand out, Fang Yuan’s fellow student from Taiyue City, Zhou Qingyue?

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Fang Yuan was shocked at seeing this person and put down his chopsticks and bowl.

He had seen Zhou Qingyue yesterday and didn’t want to meet him. Yet, they saw each other today!

The other servants were surprised at seeing an immortal disciple initiating a conversation with Fang Yuan and looked at him with complex expressions. Next to Zhou Qingyue, the other immortal disciples were curious as well. “Brother Zhou, do you know this servant?”

Zhou Qingyue laughed, “You may not know him, but I definitely do. Can you think of who he is? He is the famous Fang Yuan, the former number one student of the immortal’s examination. Too bad the True Comprehensions of the Way was cancelled. Haha…”

Hearing this harsh laughter, Fang Yuan wanted to slam the bowl in his hand onto Zhou Qingyue’s face.

“Oh, it’s him?”

Each of this group of immortal disciples carried a different expression.

They were no strangers to Fang Yuan’s existence. He was recognized as the top student in the previous examination. These people had once lost to him. Seeing him as a servant would of course create some conflicting emotions. Some smiled with satisfaction, while others evaluated him for potential.

“Thank you for remembering me. Everything has been well.”

Fang Yuan was unhappy under these looks. He didn’t want to speak further as he rose with a bow.

“Haha, it really is Fang Yuan. This attire of a servant fits you pretty well…”

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Zhou Qingyue laughed with satisfaction while looking at those next to him.

“You are Fang Yuan?”

Just then, a white dressed, fifteen year old girl with a distinguished temperament and a pleasant appearance walked forward from the crowd of immortal disciples with some surprise. She bowed to him and looked at Fang Yuan with interest. “I have heard of your name before. There was once when I passed by Taiyue City and I wanted to visit you. I didn’t think that we would meet each other here!”

“Sister Qiao, you…”

Zhou Qingyue didn’t think that this girl would be so respectful to Fang Yuan.

Sister Qiao didn’t acknowledge him but still looked smilingly toward Fang Yuan. “Brother Fang, I have heard of your story. Fate was unfair to you, but this younger sister truly respects your accomplishments. I wonder if you would like to come over to the pavilion and chat with me?”

Hearing this, the other immortal disciples were surprised and couldn’t understand why Sister Qiao would invite him.

Fang Yuan turned to look at her. He didn’t know whether this girl was sincere or was mocking him. Either way, he didn’t intend to befriend any disciples at the present and shook his head. “I don’t have much knowledge. Since the True Comprehensions of the Way is fake, everything I know is fake as well. I won’t disrupt your cultivations any longer. I still have some miscellaneous tasks I must finish!”

As he said this, he showed his respect and turned toward the outside of the forest.

“Haha. The Brother Fang of the past was so domineering. Yet, now he acts like a mouse meeting a cat when he sees me.”

Zhou Qingyue had a playful smile on his face and deliberately tried to show-off. He grabbed toward the ground with spiritual power around his fingers. A pile of yellowed maple leaves floated up and shot forward like arrows.

The dead leaves hit Fang Yuan’s head and fell into pieces.

Fang Yuan’s steps stopped immediately.

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