Chapter 17. The hated World

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When the tree spirits hit the floor, the ground shakes. All the large trees holding the ground turned into tree spirits and lifted their roots, making the ground unstable.
A large rock protrudes from somewhere, and a hole suddenly drilled down. There were places where water poured out, perhaps because it touched the water vein.
In the midst of such confusion, Ivan flew up.
[Thunder step!]
Blue lightning flashes and Ivan’s body shoots out.
The sound of thunder bursting with every step, and the strong wind circling around his body. When all of these things were put together, the current Ivan really resembled a storm.
When Ivan threw out the spear, the tree spirit’s body exploded. Like a strong wind cuts an old tree, the tree spirit was cut and turned into a mere pile of firewood.
Ivan’s mere movement cuts through the ground and breaks the root. The wind as sharp as a blade cut through the tree spirits little by little.
Tick, Tack!
The thick and hard tree spirits’ skin and bark are peeled off. He dug into its flesh and sap like blood flowed out.
Dozens of tree spirits but only one man was dealing with them.
Watching the tree spirits attacking around, it was as if the entire forest was attacking, but Ivan did not back down even for a single step. Each time he swung his spear, an enemy was always wounded.
The greatness of dealing with nature alone.
Truly a heroic look.
The bad-tempered god of storm chuckled and gave his warrior a little more power. The wind circling around Ivan grew a little stronger.
Ivan did not take it as a mere favor, but he gladly shouted the name of the gods. Because I decided to dedicate this battle to him.
As Ivan shouted and threw his spear, the enemies in front exploded like balloons.
Even though it had pierced the three large tree spirits, the spear did not lose its power completely and shook violently stuck in the rock.
When he reached out his hand, the trembling spear that had been embedded in the rock jumped over the space and returned to Ivan’s hand.
Now, Ivan is under Odin’s protection and is using his powers so this little trick is easy.

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Ivan took a rough breath and held the spear firmly.
Before he knew it, the dozens of tree spirits surrounding him became piles of firewood, but there was no feeling that the battle was over.
The main power flowing in the forest was still strong, and the gaze of the strong guy felt from somewhere has not disappeared yet.
Swag, swish!
Some of the remnants of the tree spirits scattered around were gathered in one place and formed into a shape.
The branches became bones, and the soil that rose from the ground became flesh and covered the branches. Finally, as the leaf became skin, it suddenly took on the form of an orc shaman holding a staff.
“Hehehehe, a strong warrior…”
The orc shaman let out a curious laugh and his head exploded. The ax Ivan quickly pulled out of his inventory pierced through him.
Instead of blood and flesh, the orc shaman fell down with tree sap and dirt. But soon he flinched and merged into one. And again he took the form of an orc shaman from a pile of trees and dirt.
Again, Ivan’s ax flew away, but a pile of dirt from the floor blocked it. The voice of the orc shaman came from beyond it.
“You’re a short-tempered guy. A kid who doesn’t even know honor.”
The low mumble was Orc language. He must have thought that Ivan would not understand.
But Ivan retorted by lifting the spear crookedly.
“Isn’t it strange that you’re listening to a small talk when there’s an enemy?”
A fluent Orc language came out of Ivan’s mouth. He even spoke the Northeastern Orc dialect perfectly.
It was not common within the blood alliance to speak the language of Orcs this perfectly unless it was really Orcs. Moreover, I didn’t know humans would do that.
The orc shaman asked with a very red expression.
“Do you know how to speak orcs?”
When Ivan first fell into this damn world, the most difficult thing was the language. The weird-looking guys were talking about something, but I couldn’t understand any of them.
He was a person who was optimized for Korea’s cramming education system, and unfortunately, they did not teach basic conversations of another world at school.
Fortunately, Ivan had skill points. It was only natural that he had acquired linguistic skills.
He learned it only after learning the skills, but linguistics did not just make it through conversation, but rather instilled knowledge in a more professional and academic knowledge.
It has many uses in various fields, from languages ​​to different races and regions, to interpretation of torture, cryptography, and semiotics.
Well, it was natural. In the beginning, linguistics skill was a basic skill to get on the linguist route, which is one of the additional jobs. If it ended with simply learning a foreign language easily, the skill points were wasted.

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However, it is not possible to disclose such circumstances to the enemy every now and then. Ivan nodded harshly.
“It’s simple and easy to learn. The language structure can’t be difficult to learn with a stupid orc head.”
Ivan spit it out a provocation, but the orc shaman was not at all agitated. An experienced man could not easily fall for the enemy’s talk.

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“Hoho, is that so? But it’s difficult for me to learn another language.”
“That’s because you’re head is bad.”
At this, even the orc shaman was momentarily perplexed.
“Wha, what?”
He was pretending to be relaxed like that, but a cold sweat dripped down Ivan’s back. He could not let his guard down because he knew the enemy’s identity.
Seeker of Nature, Tezan.
A named shaman that the Greenskin is proud of, and one of the twelve arc shamans later.
‘Named, he is named too.’
Of course, right now, he was probably not an arc shaman yet. But that made it even more surprising. He’s not even a great shaman, it’s not even his real body, only a clone of himself, yet Ivan feels this much pressure.
“I’ve known for a while now that humans have been destroying the totems I’ve laid out. So I brought out the numbers I had hidden, but it’s unexpected that they can’t even deal with a single warrior.”
Tezan just stared at him, but Ivan felt very uncomfortable.
‘What’s your plan?’
He grabbed the spear that was about to pop out at any moment. Unlike the first time, when he finds out his identity, he can’t attack easily. He felt like he was missing something.
Reluctantly, Ivan accepted his words.
“It is not easy to change old trees into tree spirits at once. You must be feeling heartburned.”
“Wow, are you worried about me? You’re a pretty warm-hearted warrior.”
“I can make you warm too. If you stick a knife in your stomach, it usually feels hot.”
At that, Tezan spit out swear words in Orc.
“Damn you. Do humans have no manners? If it’s going to get that warm, then stab yourself in the stomach.”
“…I understands all Orc languages.”
“I know. I’m saying because I want you to listen.”
Tejinzan, who had been making fun of Ivan with a smirk, hardened his expression and said seriously.

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“What’s your name?”
To that question, Ivan frowned and answered meekly.
“..Ivan, Ivan Esirsson.”
Ivan snorted inwardly.
‘Damn it, it’s ruined.’
After declaring that he would dedicate this battle to Odin, he could not hide his name.
Because it wasn’t heroic. Because the gods won’t like it.
“Yes, Ivan Esirsson. I will remember your name. I’m letting you go for now, but the next time won’t be easy.”
“Let me go?”
Ivan had a strange thought. He still had the main power, but he did not understand why he was sent away.
Even though it’s an alter ego, it’s not to the point where you can’t fight at all…
Ivan, who realized something, hardened his expression.
“…You didn’t give up tracking.”
Just as Ivan was alone here and attracted attention, Tezan was also earning time by holding on to Ivan.
Instead of having to fight a powerful warrior that cannot be easily stopped, taking time and letting other orc warriors keep chasing the escaped humans.
Orc warriors were strong enough. If it weren’t for Ivan, it wouldn’t be too difficult to deal with those men.
In a situation where even the tree spirits were broken, it was a very clever wisdom to appear as an alter ego and do it with a few words.
“It’s not like an orc way to avoid a fight.”
“Because I’m not a warrior. Don’t think all orcs are like that. A shaman has a shaman’s way.”
Tezan, who had been smiling for a long time, said.
“Tezan. Make me remember my name too. We will…”
Ivan’s spear pierced through Tezan’s body.
Obviously he still had enough of his main power, but he didn’t regenerate his own clone. It meant that he had enough time, and at the same time, he meant to spare his main power without needlessly consuming it.
“You got me, damn it!”
Ivan, who uttered a low swear word, hurriedly ran.
In order to catch up with the troop who escaped first.

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He stomped hard on the floor and sprinted forward, but Ivan’s expression was not good. He had a thought in his mind that it was already too late.
Ivan stopped when he finally found his troop.
Just before they left the forest, there was not much left. There were corpses lying on the ground.
People with one of their limbs cut off and their faces on the ground. A member of the troop who was alive until now.
The hot blood cooled down and was just scattered as chunks of meat.
“Ugh, oh, are you?”
Grabbing his bloody stomach, Kevin let out a hoarse voice.
Seeing his shield split in half and even his sword shattered, I could guess how fierce the battle was.
Kevin drank a lot of potions, leaned his back against a tree as if his wound had improved a little, and smiled in despair.
“Huh, heh heh. Just before you came, the orc warriors pulled out. That’s how I lived.”
Kevin, who had said that far, looked around and added.
“…only me.”
Anger, fear, despair, frustration.
All kinds of emotions rushed through his eyes. The veins that swelled up were bursting and tears of blood flowed out.
“Only meeeee!!”
A message window popped up, covering that desperate cry.
[Quest: Increasing Tension (Complete)]
[You prove your valor]
A quest completion window appears at this time?
Ivan felt as if he was being teased. He got what he wanted, but instead of feeling refreshed, he felt nauseous because his heart is stuffy.
So he looked up at the sky without reading all the words in the message window.
one day!
I don’t know if I’m mistaken, but I heard laughter from somewhere.
Damn this world. fucking bastards
Ivan couldn’t possibly like this place.

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