Chapter 18. A New Mission

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Seuk, Seuk!
Ivan sharpened the dull blade with a whetstone. Grease it, wipe it off, and reattach the handle.
He leaned over and looked at the blade, nodded and put it into his inventory. Then take out another piece of equipment and clean it.
Since Ivan had an inventory, he carried a lot of weapons, so there were a lot of things that had to be cleaned up after a battle.
In the game, you can use it freely and throw it away if it breaks, or if the durability is low, you can go to the blacksmith and leave it for repair, but in reality, that was not possible.
If you give them money, they won’t be able to repair it easily on the spot saying, ‘Voila, durability has been restored!’
I had to do the little things myself, such as wiping off blood and flesh from the weapon, sharpening a dull blade, and greasing it with oil. He wasn’t even a high-ranking knight who has a servant to do all the chores.
“Damn it, there’s no end to it.”
Axes and swords, like arrows and daggers, even leather armor. Things piled up like a mountain. To be honest, it was terribly annoying to do it alone.
Only the sound of Ivan sharpening the blade echoed through the dormitory. Everyone else is dead, so there was no one to notice. But, he can’t be happy with that thought.
After a few more days of equipment maintenance, he was finally able to straighten his back. After several days of squatting on the floor and bending over, his body became very stiff.
Until then, the dormitory had not been filled.
‘…Should I visit first?’
Upon deployment, the unit was shattered on its first mission. All the personnel involved in the mission died and only two survived.
There were members of the unit who did not participate in the mission, but they were being treated for injuries, so it would not be an exaggeration to say that the unit simply disappeared.
Kevin’s condition, which somehow returned together is not normal, he has been evacuated to the rear and so Ivan was here alone for several days.
The mercenary contract hasn’t ended yet, the command must not be so experienced to leave it like this.
Ivan, who was wondering if he would be wasting time while eating raw like this, decided to visit them himself.
Playing like this didn’t help Ivan much either. The level-up was not long ago before the experience was met.
“How long has it been since I leveled up in the dungeon, has it already been filled with this much experience?”
Ivan mumbled something like it was ridiculous, then shook his head.

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However, as the main story progressed, the number of quests increased and the reward of experience was generous. Until now, no matter what he did, it didn’t go up at all.
He knew it was all about bait, leash, and feed, but Ivan had no choice but to follow. It was such a world. It’s a hell of a place.
“Ah, yes. I was going to call you anyway, it’s good that you are here now.”
When Ivan went to the officer, he said with a big smile.
When Ivan first arrived, it seemed like they were just treating him like that, but when they learned that Ivan’s skills were considerable through Kevin’s testimony, they suddenly seemed kind.
“I’m ready to fight. Give me a job.”
“Huh, you might want to take a break after a tough battle like that, after all you’re a Norse warrior. A brave warrior who doesn’t fear death.”
The operations officer nodded his head in admiration, but Ivan did not dare to correct his thoughts. Because from experience, it was a meaningless action.
“If it’s your skill, it’s better to put it in an important place rather than send it to a small battle. It’s about time now.”
That makes him nervous in its own way.
Ivan asked, narrowing his brow slightly.
“What’s going on?”
“The command has decided to give up the forest. If the tree spirit wanders around that much, there’s no way we can get in. We tried, but the results were disastrous.”
After Ivan returned from the forest, he was called back and forth to testify about it.
It is said that the shamans were spraying totems in the forest and feeding the trees with their main power, and that awakened the tree spirits.
After checking back and forth based on that testimony over the past few days, the command seems to have completely given up on entering the forest directly.
“This side is blocked, so we have to go through the other side. The other side is now fighting more intensely. You will be put in there.”
“As I said before, I won’t take a long-term contract. I have no intention of being held captive on the battlefield.”
“I know. We don’t plan on dragging on that long either. You have to hit it short and hard and finish it.”
Is that possible?
Ivan was frankly skeptical. Others might think it was just a temporary situation, but it wasn’t. Greenskins will grow bigger in the future and become a force that can perfectly oppose humans.
The camp battle divided between the alliance of blood and the alliance of trust was unavoidable. Because that was the future of this world Ivan saw. Even with some minor changes, it was not likely that the global trend would change.
“Go there and hear the exact details of the operation. Because I don’t know either.”
“I see.”

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Ivan, who had received the new order, was about to go outside, when he heard the officer’s voice behind his back.
“Thank you. I heard you stayed alone in the back when the troop tried to escape?”
“I couldn’t stop the orcs who turned around and attacked them.”
“It can’t be helped. You can’t block all ten hands with one hand. But isn’t that why Kevin came back alive because of you?”
“I was late and everyone else died.”
“Everyone dies on the battlefield. You didn’t kill them, you saved them. At least one life.”

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Hhhh, the operator who smiled like that added.
“Thank you. I just wanted to say that. Come to think of it, no one seems to have said thanks to you.”
“I only worked as much as I was paid. I received my thanks in money.”
“Huh, is that so? I heard that you were told to distribute all the rewards you received to the bereaved families.”
“I just said I wouldn’t accept it because it was unlucky money.”
Since then, there has been no relationship with the cost of life. Ivan muttered like that and came out.
the wagon moves This can’t be called a very high-end wagon, but it was much more comfortable than the cheap wagon I rode before.
Ivan was the only one in the wagon. There was a soldier as a coachman, but there were no other passengers.
It was a wagon given out by the headquarters to take Ivan to another battlefield. It’s only prepared to pick him up.
Ivan narrowed his eyes and looked around the carriage suspiciously.
‘I don’t know what the hell they’re trying to do.’
No matter how good his skills are, do you even prepare this for a single mercenary?
It was an unexpected luxury. He was more anxious than happy. It felt like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse.

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“Damn, I suddenly remember when I was assigned to military life.”
Close your eyes. can you see it? I can’t see it! That’s the rest of your military life!
Are you born early? Yes, we are! Then run around the training ground how fast you are! (TN: it’s korean word, technically, ‘are you fast? then let’s see how fast you run’)
How many meals did you eat yesterday? We ate three meals! What? bastard? Are you cursing your boss? No! (TN: three meals, Se kki, it rhymes with saekki-bastard) So is this inside or outside? What does this look like? Isn’t that an acorn? No, this is Dragon Ball. Go and visit Saseonggu. Find the Dragon Ball! The most mysterious secret in the world! (TN: ugh, dragonball reference… sorry, I am naruto generation)
“…Goddamn Corporal Kim, you fucking bastard.”
Ivan, who had been unexpectedly assaulted by memory, shook his head to forget them and got out of the wagon.
After two days, he arrived at a new battlefield. He came in a wagon and didn’t feel very tired.
As soon as he arrived he was taken to a new lodging house, which, too, is a much better place than what is usually given to a typical mercenary.
He took a bath in the hot water to calm his restless mind, then a soldier came and informed him that he was called to the command room.
‘How come it’s more uncomfortable than sleeping on the street?’
Arriving in the command room while grumbling like that inwardly, Ivan narrowed his eyes. It was because the presence felt from the inside was not usual.
“Loyalty! I have brought him!”
“Welcome, Ivan Esirsson. I’ve heard your story from reports already. This guy here told me.”
The commander, who looked quite classy, ​​said so and pointed to his side. There sits Billy smiling awkwardly.
Billy Angate, the branch manager of the Mercenary Guild I saw a while ago, or something like a branch manager.
“It’s a face I never expected to see here.”
“Hey, me too.”
“What happened? You said you’re in a similar position as the manager of mercenary branch guild. Now you’re completely armed.”
Billy smiled bitterly at that.
“I got cut from a position similar to that branch manager. Because of those damn bastards.”
It was obvious who the bastards he was referring to.
It would be Julia and Sven. Those who were recommended by him to complete the Blue Tower’s request and then betrayed the party.
It seems that Billy was disciplined for recommending a wrong person at that time and was sent back to the field.

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“Damn, I never thought I’ll be back in the field at my age. It was my dream to play and eat in the office.”
Billy’s body was very strong despite his grumble. It seems that he did not stop training even though he did not run in the field.
Ivan, who had already guessed that he was a casual person, looked at the others without surprise.
Except for the commander, there were seven people sitting, including Billy, and none of them were unusual.
‘One mercenary is a wizard, and the others are knights?’
Ivan, who had quietly guessed their identities, asked with a bitter smile.
“It looks terribly dangerous. What should I do?”
A bold statement that I will not avoid it.
As if liking Ivan’s attitude, the commander smiled and opened his mouth.
“The greenskins are going crazy, so they are coming very hard. We are blocking it well, but the damage to the soldiers is very serious.”
The commander, who had taken out his map and explained the war situation by moving these and other wooden models, quickly got to the point when the people around him began to look bored.
“Hmm, in the next two weeks, a large-scale support force will come from the center. The problem is that they could defeat us twice. You have to buy that time.”
Two weeks on the battlefield was a time when I could go back and forth between heaven and hell several times? That’s enough to build a castle from a scracth.
“I don’t think that’s something to tell us. It’s the military’s responsibility, isn’t it?”
When someone asked that question, the commander nodded his head.
“Yeah. So what you’re going to do is attack, not defense.”
He lifted up a large wooden doll standing in front of the enemy formation.
“It’s a tradition for Orcs to have the strongest warrior at the forefront and announce the battle. They consider it an honorable thing to do. All you have to do is catch him. If you hit him on the neck, it will be easier for us to hold on. “
Defeat the enemy boss and break the vanguard. In other words, Named hunting.
“If we fail, the fortress will fall and everything around here will be blown away. Damn greenskins will take up residence in our land. It’s very dangerous to deal with the strongest guy. What do you think, will you do it?”
At the question, the people sitting around began to laugh. If he was afraid of such a risk, he would not have been sitting here in the first place.
Everyone was confident in their abilities. If it was really dangerous, it wouldn’t be a problem to get out of my body.
“Instead, if we succeed, we will be heroes. There will be wealth and fame.”
Be sure to take the guy’s head on the next attack. No one has a doubt.

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