Chapter 19. Nothing to acknowledge

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Even before sunrise, Ivan woke up naturally.
It was a luxurious bed in a very nice room, so he slept comfortably and woke up feeling good.
Of course, he slept well on the street too. He has sleeping skill for that. Still, waking up indoors, even on a luxurious bed, felt different.
Takrak, Cuk!
After washing his face lightly, take the equipment out and put them on one by one.
He wears hydra leather armor over a cotton shirt and a waterproof cloak outside.
After that, he hangs a long around his waist, and on the other side two throwing daggers and an axe. Bows and arrows on his back.
Ivan sighed only after securing all the equipment so that it did not rattle.
Cotton, leather, metal. It was a bit frustrating as things with different textures wrapped around his body. But he felt familiar with them. When his weapons and armor were removed from his body, he felt even more anxious.
Ivan didn’t know if that was a good change because he felt safe wearing equipments that kill people.
When he finished getting ready and went outside, there was a cold wind. Even with the strong body, which has already exceeded the ordinary man for a long time, felt that way, so it seemed that the soldiers would have a hard time.
Slurp, slurp.
By the time Ivan reached the wall, rain fell from the sky. The rain water running down his spear was not very pleasant.
On the wall, Billy had already arrived and was looking further away. He greeted Ivan with his wide smile.
“Hey, you are here?”
“How about their movements?”
“Last night, nothing happened. Orcs are not very bright at night, and they have the upper hand, so there is no reason to conduct a night siege.”
Orcs encamped near the fortress and repeated regular invasions once every three or four days. Then, when the tension of the soldiers was relieved, they changed the cycle and attacked for two days in a row.
He said that the confrontation continued for a while, but recently the battle had quickly become rough. They have completely blocked human entry into the forest, so they have full strength here.
‘Tezan will continue to protect the forest. There aren’t that many sorcerers who can coordinate the enormous main power sprayed in the forest.’
I heard that the head of the orc group that was aiming for the fortress right now was Valkrun. The 23rd son of Orc Lord Kartak.
A very energetic Kartak had many sons, some of whom were very good, but frankly, Ivan was the first to hear the name of Valkrun.
An existence that was not portrayed in the game. In the first place, he’s either not that important guy, or he’s already dead by the time the main story progresses.
“The rain is getting heavier. I want them to take a break at a time like this.”
I heard a soldier muttering next to me.
Although he was wearing a thick cloak to block the rain, the soldier’s clothes were already damp because the waterproofing material was not very good. A battle in the midst of this is a terrible thing.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s possible. We always fight only in damned situations.”

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Ivan, who was looking in the distance, shook his head.
“Since you have already come all the way here, they must have started before the sun came up. They’re terribly hardworking guys. With such diligence, they will make a living by farming, bastards.”
As soon as Ivan finished speaking, the emergency bell rang urgently.
ding ding-!
“All members! Prepare for battle!”
“Ready for battle!”
The soldiers moved quickly, trying to hide the signs of fatigue. The longbowman took his seat on the wall, and the wizard began to concentrate.
A bright light exploded from behind, and a warm energy passed through the fortress walls. The great blessings of the Battle Priests sanctuary fell on their bodies.
It was only a short time, but for a moment, a warm energy lingered, and courage and vitality rose in my body. The eyes of the tired soldiers regained strength and became sharp.
Suddenly, people gathered around Ivan. The strong men prepared to kill Valkrun were warming up.
“Please wait once the battle begins. When the soldiers open the way, you can deal with him.”
Everyone nodded at the commander’s words, but some could not stay still and kept moving.
The distance was close enough to check them properly. Then the group split up, and an orc warrior, larger than the others, appeared at the forefront.
“Is that guy Valkrun?”
“Yeah. He’s a very vicious guy.”
The commander made a stiff expression. In the meantime, he must have suffered a lot because of that guy.
As the orcs roared again, Valkrun took one of his spears and took a stance. It looks like they are aiming here.
“Are you going to throw it over there? How far is it, and with rains like this. That can’t be…”
Someone muttered something like that and then closed their mouth. Because he really shot the spear.
The spear thrown by him flew in a parabolic shape and hit the middle of the fortress wall with a roar. Everyone was at a loss for words because it was shocking to see the rainwater being pushed away by the shock wave. For a performance that signaled the start of the battle, it was very splendid.


“Damn, you’re definitely not a normal guy.”
Using Valkrun’s javelin as a declaration of battle, the orcs rushed in. The arrows of the bowmen and the magic of the wizard fell on their heads, but they quickly closed the distance as if they were not afraid of it.

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Ivan also took out the bow he was carrying and fired an arrow. Most of them hit, a few were blocked by the enemy’s shield, and a few pierced even the shield and pierced through the body of the guy.
It was a pretty good archery skill, but that was it. Ivan had no skills other than basic archery, so there was no room for him to play anymore.
Every time he has to buy arrows and use them, the value of the arrow was more formidable than he thought. When he first arrived in this goddamn world, he couldn’t master archery deeply because it was too expensive.
Now, he didn’t learn it not because of the money, but because he didn’t want to waste skill points.
The siege weapons they brought hit the wall. The wizards burned it, but it was raining heavily, so the result was not very good.
One step back, push and push.
Orcs climbed up the walls, and the soldiers desperately knocked them down. Stab with a spear, cut with a sword, kicked and pushed away.
Many of them fell again without even putting their feet on the wall, but they continued to push and climb.
It didn’t seem like it would last long. Eventually, the guys climb up the wall one by one.
“Isn’t it dangerous? Do we still have to wait?”
“A little bit more.”
The commander cut off Billy’s words and moved the soldiers while shouting.
Boiled the oil, poured it down, and lit it on fire to block the entry. The knights who were waiting came out and took care of the guys who came up on the wall.
It was close, but it was quite organized. There’s a reason why they’ve been holding out for a while.
But as soon as he appeared, the balance began to break sharply.
“The strong one! There are no strong guys! They’re all weak!”
The guy who jumped over the fortress wall at once swung a big ax and a few soldiers split their bodies at once. Not only that, but even the walls were partially broken down.
What a formidable strength and speed.
As Valkrun laughed wildly, the soldiers began to retreat in fear.
The commander, who was looking at it with a firm expression on his face, said lowly.
“Everyone, get ready. I’ll drop him and push him to one side. I’ll try to prevent other guys from interfering with it as much as possible. Please deal with him.”
The soldiers fled to one side and fell to the ground.
The guy stepped on their corpses and moved them little by little.
It’s all about intentional sacrifice, planned death, and expected outcome.
He calmly used the soldiers as bait and was steadily bringing them to one place. Those who were trying to catch up with him were kept in check with arrows and magic and cleverly isolated.
“… It’s a lot of sacrifice.”

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Perhaps hearing Ivan’s murmur, the commander responded on the battlefield without looking away.
“Whether their deaths will be dog deaths or noble sacrifices is up to you. I think the time is now. I will cut them off as soon as the battle begins. You can’t last long, so finish it as soon as possible.”
After receiving the commander’s signal, the party cautiously headed towards Valkrun.
Valkrun, drunk from blood and battle, separated from the main unit and approached a corner. They all grabbed their weapons and rushed at once.
The knights’ shield charge, followed by provocation.
The heavy orc’s body shook. The gaze of the guy who was aiming for the soldiers turned to this side. It was a shock that even the rock would break at once, but the guy only staggered for a while, he didn’t look like he was badly hit.
“Hahaha! Now, some good guys have appeared!”
The knight’s body is pushed back by the guy’s axe. Even if a buffalo rushed in the knight usually was fine, but the knight’s face hardened with his push.
[Thunder steps!]
[Thunder Dragon Slash]
Ivan, who came close at once, swung his sword.
Weapons collided with each other with a roar, and their expressions changed. One is pleased, the other is serious.
‘It’s heavy!’
It was only one collision, but it was enough to make the sword feel messed up. The axis of the sword was twisted and cracks were formed here and there. Durability dropped to the ground and turned into scrap as it is.
Ivan threw the sword he was holding on the ground and immediately took out a spear from his inventory and grabbed it. He was not in a position to hide his power. He ignored him because he is not famous, but the named is still a named.
The lost warrior’s spear is caught in his hand. The unsealed unique item, the power of a growth-type weapon swept through Ivan’s body.
His strength and speed increases. The movement of mana becomes light.
It was obviously a growth-type item that did not perform well compared to its peers, but the enormous power he had never felt before made his body light.
It was a completely different feeling from borrowing the power of God to become stronger. He just changed his weapon, but his physical performance has greatly improved.
After all this is an item. Compulsory growth of capabilities through the system which others can never feel.
They bumped into each other again, and now, Valkrun’s expression changed.

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It went a little further than just being please, and even included a little surprise.
“Damn it!”
He swung his ax as if to clear useless things.
The knight who blocked it head-on groaned and rolled on the ground, and Billy managed to avoid it and spit out swear words.
Meanwhile, that guy was also injured. The knight’s sword that hit him from the side cut his forearm, and a mercenary stabbed him in the back.
However, the knight who cut the forearm, his arm was blown off, and the mercenary who stabbed him in the back was kicked and flew several tens of meters and lost consciousness, so it was not known if it was any use.
Bal Kroon touched the wounds on his cheeks, ignoring the wounds on his arms and back. And he asked Ivan, who made the wounds.
“Human warrior, what’s your name?”
Fucking bastard. What do you mean suddenly introducing yourself while fighting? Is that important? Anyway, I don’t like the orc cubs.
Ivan muttered to himself like that, but answered meekly. He hated this kind of nonsense, but the heavenly gods loved it very much.
“Ivan, Ivan Esirsson.”
As soon as he said his name proudly, an exhilarating energy rose from his body. It was because Thor gave him all his power.
He was the god of thunder who knew nothing but fighting. He likes the spirit of a warrior. Let’s try to stop Odin from hitting the back of his head with that kind of pride.
A powerful force erupted from his body as Ivan frowned fiercely.
Seeing the lightning spewing out with even stronger momentum, Valkrun laughed out loud.
“Hahaha! I am Valkrun! I am the son of the great Orc Lord Karthak, the man who will take your life!”
Go ahead.
Ivan didn’t care at all. Anyway, he’s going to die today. Because he’ll make sure of it.
Gradually, the rain grew thicker, and thunder cry out from the sky like the roar of an animal. It’s the perfect day for Thor.
“Thor, I will sacrifice a piglet.”
Ivan muttered lowly as he glanced up at the sky and raised the spear. And lightning flashed from the ground to the sky.

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