Chapter 69. Sailing through the sea

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Thomas Meyer looked at the newly engraved map in blood. He nodded his head, looking intently as if he was not going to miss anything.
“After all, it’s the Bladewind Islands. It doesn’t make sense if it’s not there.”
As he mumbled that, Irene frowned slightly and asked.
“The Bladewind Isles? That Island of hell?”
“It’s a huge treasure. It should be that much if you want to hide all of that for hundreds of years.”
While Irene and Thomas Meyer talked about maps, Delfino treated the young man’s hand.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh, yes. Priest.”
“Just call me Delfino.”
“Yes, Priest Delfino. My name is Kyle.”
“Kyle Meyer?”
“Yes? Oh, um, yes. It is.”
The cut on the palm was healed in an instant by Delfino’s divine power. After wiping off the blood, he was fine, as if he had never had a wound.
And the Ferocious Tooth that watched it silently let out a low breath. The Lizardmen’s language was suitable for secret conversations, as few people except them even noticed that it was a language.
“It’s strange.”
“They seem to have a lot to hide.”
“There aren’t many people who live with everything exposed.”
Even though he responded like that, Ivan could not dispel his doubts. It was because he felt something was out of place.
It’s not surprising that the map was genuine. For God to be interested, that has to be the case. And even if the map was genuine, it was another matter of whether there was actually a treasure there or whether it was useful.
The problem was that there was a strange sense of incompatibility in Thomas Meyer himself. Is he really a trustworthy person?
“There are no dents on the floor for walking with a cane. Although he may not have a very strong body, the movement of his muscles makes it seem like he doesn’t need a cane?”
tuk tuk.
As Ivan drank his tea, he shook his leg as if it was just a habit. And through the magic he spread, hitting the floor with his heel, he realized there was a basement.
“The basement is too big for the size of this house from the outside. What did you find out?”
At those words, Ferocious Tooth twitched his nose.

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“It smells like medicine. It’s so awful that it’s covering up all the other smells.”
“Smells like medicine?”
“I don’t know exactly what it is.”
Meanwhile, Thomas Meyer and Irene’s story took a different turn. The question was how to get there if this map was real.
“If it was the Bladewind Isles, no ships would want to go there.”
“It won’t be easy, but…”
Thomas Meyer thought for a moment, then nodded his head and added.
“If you take me, I’ll try my best. It’s something I’ve wanted for the rest of my life.”
“Would it be alright?”
“I am Thomas Meyer. My influence is not yet dead.”
He sent the party out to come back three days later. The reason was that he would be very busy finding a new ship and crew from now on.
On the way back, Ivan sneakily asked Irene.
“It’s a bit harsh to say this, but do you trust him?”
Irene smiled bitterly. And after she inhaled the tobacco deeply, she exhaled like a sigh.
“No way. Decades have passed. A lot of what I remembered has already disappeared.”
Still, she nodded her head as if she couldn’t help it.
“As far as I know, he’s the best expert in this field. We need his help, as not all treasure maps can be interpreted.”
Originally, this was something that had to be prepared over several years. To supplement it with external personnel, they had to take some risks.
“Anyway, I think we’ll have to go to the Bladewind Isles at this rate. Is it really okay?”
At those words, Delfino and Ferocious Tooth tilted their heads, and Ivan frowned.
“Looking at your face, you seem to know?”
Ivan nodded at Irene’s question.
“Roughly. I’ve heard it’s a very dreary place.”
Bladewind Isles.
It was said that the place with that bloody name is a place where storms come in all seasons. It was said that many ships sank nearby because it was full of reefs.
There were many dangerous routes, but among them, the Bladewind Isles was ranked among the five most dangerous.
‘Are there treasures there? Was there anything like that?’

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Ivan rummaged through his old memories. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t remember.
‘What was there? I thought it was just a terribly troublesome place to make amends.’
I suddenly stopped thinking. And it seemed that the puzzles that had been in his head were coming together little by little.
Treasure, Bladewind Isles, Pirates, Sea.
Ivan wrinkled his brows and pressed his temples firmly together.
‘Hey, shit. Those damn gods can’t see me take a rest.’
As he mumbled something of his, his colleagues gave him a look of anticipation. Because they knew that sometimes Ivan would do it often and find the answer.
The party believed that Ivan, who was loved abundantly by God, had powers similar to that of Foreknowledge of the Future. Actually, it wasn’t that wrong.
“Did you learn anything?”
Delfino asked with sparkling eyes, and Ivan answered.
“I’m thinking about how to fight when I fall into the sea.”
The group became very anxious.
“Hey, is the ship going to sink?”
When Delfino asked that question, Ivan shook his head.
“No way. How would I know that?”
“Then what do you mean by learning how to survive when you fall into the sea.”
“I meant the battle would be fierce. Then we might have to fight in the water.”
If Ivan’s memory was accurate, the Bladewind Isles would not have been an ordinary place by now. But in terms of timing, it was in the early stage, so it wouldn’t be the worst.
In retrospect, it was all connected with the previous events. Summoning demons, weakening the dimensional barrier and causing it to shake.
“There must be a dungeon there. I’m not sure how big it will be.”
It was easy to create a dungeon when the dimensional barrier shook. Because the dungeon was also a different dimension.
An infamous historical source, people’s thoughts, and a treasure trove of Carly Hawkins. All conditions were perfect.
“The Bladewind Isles is such a terrible place to be called a cursed place. Imagine how dangerous would it be if such a place became a dungeon?”
But his colleagues were rather relieved at those words. It means that the ship won’t sink. Well, they are not afraid of the enemy.
After all, when did they ever avoid battle?
They were the ones who ran to the most dangerous place when a battle broke out.

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“Everyone, get ready. As always.”

The sound of waves crashing. The salty wind and the smell of the sea filled the air.
The party is now located in Gaspin, the most famous port city in the Western Union Kingdom. A place where numerous trade ships come and go and various cultures coexist.
Hairy demihuman, humans, and lizardmen were mixed, and surprisingly, orcs and goblins also appeared occasionally.
In the east of the continent, the human was fighting a very fierce battle with Greenskins, but the west was not yet like that. In fact, there were quite a few orcs and goblins who did not join the Blood Alliance.
While Ivan was looking at those people, he was looking at the sea ferociously. All he could see from far away was water. It was such a touching scene.
“This is the sea!”
“Yeah, the sea. Dirty salty and lots of water.”
“I come to the sea!”
Ferocious Tooth looked like they wanted to dive into the sea, but there was no time for that. Because the promised time is almost over.
There was a boat for the party to board in the corner of the harbor with a few people.
Thomas Meyer welcomed the party in front of him.
“Come here. What do you think?”
His face was full of confidence. It was not the face of an old man whose impression had been blurred before. His eyes were full of power.
“It’s good. You prepared a bigger boat than I thought.”
“Because if it’s not this big, we can’t break through those rough waves.”
“You prepared it in such a short time.”
“Ho ho, of course. I put some effort into it.”
The Bladewind Isles were surrounded by rough seas, stormy all year round. If you miss the quiet time these days, you have to wait for at least several months while sucking your fingers.
For those months, Thomas Meyer couldn’t wait. He really moved as if he had regained his youth. It was all thanks to his efforts that they were ready for departure in just a few days.
“I don’t know where you got the map, but speed is important in this kind of thing. If the story leaks somewhere, bugs will attach themselves.”
Having said that, Thomas Meyer looked around with sharp eyes and jumped into the boat.
“Kyle! Move quickly!”
Thomas Meyer shouted and rushed the crew. It seemed that his youthful appearance was revived again.

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Following them, the crew boarded the ship, and the sailors, who were busy moving around, glanced at them. We’ll be on the same boat for a while, so you might be wondering who they are.
“…They frowned. What don’t they like?”
Irene shrugged her shoulders in response to Ferocious Tooth’s words.
“They don’t like me. Among sailors, there are a lot of guys who find it inconvenient for women to get on a boat.”
Irene was hiding that she was an elf, but she was a beauty even in her transformed form. All in all, the younger sailor smirked at the look, and the older sailor frowned.
The sea was a force majeure. People who lived with it believed in a lot of superstitions that were not even from any denomination. Among them, it was a very famous story that it was unlucky for a woman to get on a boat.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s meaningless.”
Irene summoned her spirit and appeared around her. Then the sailors, who were looking uncomfortable, bowed their heads in surprise. Since then, the uncomfortable gaze has greatly diminished.
“I don’t think you did that to just show your power.”
“It’s similar. They all know how powerful the spirits are on the sea. Rather than saying that a woman shouldn’t be on a boat, they want a powerful spirit to be on a boat.”
Irene snorted and sent her spirit back.
“I’ll be in the cabin. Call me if anything happens.”
The ropes holding the ship were loosened, and they slowly left the port. It unfolded and quickly accelerated with the wind.
The sound of a boat breaking the current was heard. Perhaps the experience was strange, Ferocious Tooth sticking his head out of the boat and looking down.
“Be careful, you will fall.”
“I know. I’m not such an idiot.”
Ferocious Tooth, which experienced their body stagger as the boat swayed, fell far away from the railing.
Ivan turned his head to see Delfino looking somewhere with a very serious expression on his brow.
When Delfino didn’t answer that question, Ivan wondered if he felt the devil’s power, so he started his spell.
“It hasn’t been long since I left the harbor, so what’s going on…”
Ivan patted Delfino on the back without a word. (TN: poor Delfino. I totally can relate)

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