Chapter 70. A Dangerous Voyage

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“Hmm, I didn’t know that riding a boat is such a pain.”
Delfino muttered helplessly with a very pale face.
The sea with the waves is completely different from the river. He had heard that seasickness is difficult, but he never expected it to be this painful.
When he calmed himself down using his divine power, he would be fine for a while, but soon, he felt nauseous again.
However, it is impossible to continue drawing and using divine power. Reluctantly, Delfino took out the snake summoning dagger from his bosom.
It was what he had received as a reward from Ferocious Tooth tribe, the Red Valley tribe.
Originally, it was a poison that paralyzed the enemy. He used it very weakly to dull his senses.
“I can’t like that it was being used like that.”
Ferocious Tooth murmured like that.
The snake summoning dagger was a treasure that contained the power of the snake god Morna. It must be complicated to see that Delfino is using it on himself before using it on his enemies.
Of course, it would be the worst situation if the priest who needs the most protection had to take the dagger and protect himself. Fortunately, the dagger has not been used in the meantime.
Delfino said, moving his eyes slowly.
“It feels a little strange. I feel like my body is suddenly heavy. And since my senses have become dull, there is less sense of reality.”
Originally, Delfino was trained as an exorcist to survive in all kinds of situations. It was said that he had built up resistance enough to chew and laugh at any poison. However, the venom of the golden snake was closer to a curse with the power of the snake god Morna rather than an actual poison.
“Are you okay now?”
“Well, it’s much better than constantly emptying out what’s in your stomach. There are no side effects too.”
The curse could later be lifted with the divine power he possessed. Since it is not physical, it will disappear rather neatly.
Considering the value of the Snake Summoning Dagger, it had a bizarre use, but it is now being put to good use.
Anyway, Delfino, who tasted the bitter taste of the mysterious and enchanting sea, was almost confined to the cabin after that.
Ferocious Tooth stared blankly at sea from the deck for a few days. But it seems tedious to keep doing it. Soon afterward, he too, was locked up in the cabin.
Meanwhile, Ivan was diligently roaming around, making friends with the crew. He was born as an outsider, so he wasn’t good at approaching friendly, but he could be friends with anyone if he offered a delicious bottle of alcohol here.
Of course, as he drank a glass of alcohol, the information he found out was mostly useless.

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It was full of vulgar gossip and bragging, such as how they seduced a village girl in a certain port, that there were many beauties in some places, and that they had caught a 20-meter-long whale.
However, there was also information about Thomas Meyer, Kyle, and the captain.
Ivan, who spread his magical powers and created a soundproof barrier, opened his mouth.
“The crew had a strange trust in Thomas Meyer. It’s a sign of respect for the captain of this ship that he doesn’t go out in public. It would be an overstatement to say that they were simply drawn to fame or character.”
Sailors were unaware of the treasures of Carly Hawkins. They just knew that they were going to the Bladewind Isles.
It was even more surprising. Doesn’t that mean they’re willing to follow him to that hellish island, even if it’s not a treasure?
“Thomas Meyer was a very famous adventurer. He’s been on a treasure hunt all his life, and he’s made a lot of surprising discoveries, even though he didn’t find the Carly Hawkins treasure that he wanted.”
At Irene’s words, Ivan asked.
“Does it still have an impact decades later? Are others willing to take the risk?”
“If you look at the current situation, it will be.”
But Ivan was not easily convinced. Because he had a strong feeling that virtue and fame were not the only ones.
“He said he had no choice but to squander his family and be pushed to the slums. But does it make sense to save ships and people so easily?”
There was more to him than meets the eye. Ivan was just uneasy with what it was.
At that time, Delfino, who had spent half of the day sleeping in the cabin, got up and said:
“Perhaps he is a pagan.”
“It means he is a worshiper of a local god that the denomination has not officially recognized. I’ve been lying here for a few days, and I’ve been thinking about it.”
He glanced somewhere and continued.
“Perhaps he is in a position close to a cult leader. So it’s only natural to be trusted more than you can see.”
“There will be a religious connection with the sailors as well. Most of them if not all.”
Delfino’s expression was calm for a sudden bombshell remark. It was as if he had expected it.
When Ivan asked about it, he replied calmly.

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“Originally, sailors are vulnerable to that belief. It’s very common.”
The Western Union Kingdom was a place where a very diverse culture was mixed. It was a place where even a warlock could function normally if he wasn’t connected with the devil.
It was disapproving from the standpoint of the nine denominations of Sanctus Populi, but it was difficult to erase all the existence of small beliefs from which even the origin was not properly known.
“The outwardly inactive cultists, on the contrary, always carry their religious symbols in their arms. It could be a will to not lose faith in the face of religious persecution, or it could be for a sense of belonging. I saw those hidden symbols on the sailors.”
Delfino was originally an expert in that field. An exorcist who chases away demons and fights heresy. His eyes couldn’t be wrong.
“If Sanctus Populi did not approve, there must be a reason…”
In fact, Sanctus Populi was not very exclusive to other religions. In the first place, Sanctus Populi itself was created by the gathering of nine denominations, and he used to think that most religions were like that. Even if you look at Ivan’s party right now, don’t all four of them have different beliefs?
It was a very recent belief or some strange doctrine that it was not recognized even by the Sanctus Populi.
“I don’t know much about it yet. We don’t have to be overly vigilant, but we shouldn’t relax either.”
At the end of the story, someone was approaching. Ivan felt it and quickly broke the soundproof barrier.
When Ivan opened the door at the sound of a knock, one of the sailors looked at him and said,
“That, the captain has asked for the Spirit Master.”
Suddenly? Everyone was looking puzzled, but Irene nodded as if it was normal.
“Have you arrived at the waters near the Bladewind Islands?”
“We are almost there.”
“okay. Say I’ll be there.”.
When the sailor returned, Irene stood up.
“Everyone, get ready. You will know that the sea up until now has been a child’s play.”

Ivan came out of the cabin and frowned. It was still quiet. But in the distance, he could see black clouds gathered. It seemed unusual at first glance. A storm is approaching.
The captain and Thomas Meyer stood next to the helmsman, sweating profusely.
They looked forward expressionlessly and then greeted Irene.
“Are you here? I’m sorry for calling you while you’re resting.”

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“You don’t mean it.”
Irene snorted at them and glanced at the dark clouds at her.
“Isn’t it a quiet season these days? It looks so dangerous, isn’t it?”
“That’s a pretty meek storm. Then we’re counting on you.”
After that, the captain said something, but Ivan did not understand it because it was a technical term used on the ship. But Irene nodded as if understanding.
“okay. Let’s go through it once.”
The wind blew. A violent storm raged. As if crossing the border, the weather had completely changed.
The body rises and falls into the air. The waves they had experienced before were wobbling as if they were funny.
It rained. The sky, which had been clear a while ago, poured heavily.
Thick magical energy flowed out of Irene’s body at that moment. Her spirit appeared around her.
The raging waves are fading away. The fierce wind calms down. The ship, which had been rocking to and fro in the storm, became stable.
The spirits were changing the surrounding environment. This was the reason why the Elementalist who reached this stage was welcomed on the ship.
After an hour passed like that, all the storms disappeared, and the calm sea appeared again.
Using the power of her spirit to dry her wet body in an instant, Irene spoke with a sullen expression.
“Now, the same storm will come over and over again.”
At that, Ivan burst out laughing.
“Is the sea normally like this?”
“It’s a fickle place. Among them, the waters near the Bladewind Islands are famous for their dirty nature…”
Irene, who was talking, bit her mouth. She wasn’t the only one. Thomas Meyer, the captain, and all the rest of the crew shut their mouths and stared intently into the sea.
“What is it?”

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Ivan narrowed his eyes and looked out to sea. But he couldn’t figure out what was strange as he didn’t know the sea very well.
“The fog is a problem. Suddenly, a haze is coming, and it’s too thick. This is…”
She didn’t finish her explanation. The fog that had suddenly thickened all over the place obscured their view. And a low sound echoed from somewhere.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
A strange noise is distinctly different from the sound of waves. A sound like the sound of a drum.
Hearing this, the captain shouted sharply.
“Everyone! Ready for a battle!”
The captain’s cry was drowned out by a loud noise. A large stream of water rose from the sea, and it soaked their whole body. It looked like a storm was coming again.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Again the drum rang out. Now Ivan could clearly see where the sound was coming from.
“What’s that!”
A loud scream was heard from Ferocious Tooth. Ivan felt the same way.
A ship rose from the empty sea.
On the ship that appeared like that, someone chuckled and shouted.
-Who is invading our seas!
Clack, clack!
The sound of skulls collided as if laughing was heard. On top of the bones with only white bones, there was a ghost shape that overlapped vaguely.
An undead pirate, the specter of the sea.
Even though they had already died, the wretched men who could not cast away their regrets in the sea and were wandering around with cursed bodies raised their rusty swords and cheered.
-Kill and take them away! Even their life is ours!
chuck! chuck! chuck!
Ghosts appeared next to the ghost ship. It was not enough that they were killed by the pirates. But they also caught the souls of the slaves and remained in the ghost ship, and swam in the sea.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
The sound of drums signaling the battle drew closer and closer.

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