Chapter 28

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After Ria left Ren picked his towel, closed the door and went to the bed. He saw the bags in the bed and opened it. Its been a while since someone bought him something. He is the one who buys things for his family. Even when they were together before, Ria always gave him gifts over small occasions.

He didn't know the gaps he had in himself until she is filling it again. To make that girl give in was very easy back then. She would be the one chasing him the entire time. She always talk philosophies like she needs his love only, just need him by her side.

She had even begged him to talk to her sweetly before she broke up with him. He understood how much he hurted her back then during these three years when she left him.

When he saw the things she bought, he felt the love she had for him after a long time. Everything matched his taste and style.

Ren picked the prussian blue suit from the two suits. He wore everything she bought for him and left his things there. He was a bit surprised, fitting was perfect and suited him very well. Vin walked to the dining table happily.

Ria was feeding the marshmallows when Ren's eyes saw her. Damien invited him to have breakfast as soon as he saw him, "Ren, come over and have breakfast." Ren nodded at his father-in-law-to-be and walked towards the table.

Ria noticed Ren when she heard her father call his name. She looked at him top to bottom like she did in the bedroom. Her face was expressionless. Ren thought, have to teach her some lesson.

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He sat naturally next to Ria, he kissed both marshmallow's forehead who was sitting on top of the dining table. No one minded them sitting like that, Ren thought they are so cute. Ria didn't mind him, she was focused on feeding her kids which kind of made him a bit jealous.

He pinched Ria's waist, she made a "ssss.." sound. Everyone in the table looked at her, she smiled awkwardly and glared at Ren. Diya giggled looking at her parents, Ren winked at her. Ria looked for tissue to wipe kids mouth after feeding them.

Ren took the tissue and wiped their mouth. Then Ren said, "Get down both of you, Mommy needs to eat right?" He stood up and helped the kids down. They both went to watch TV. Aunty Susan brought freshly cut fruits in a bowl.

Valerie put some fruits in two small bowls and a toothpick in it, then gave it to the little ones. They were watching cartoon so they silently ate without any compulsion. Ren took another plate then picked some nutritious dishes and lots of salad and placed it in front of Ria.

Ria murmured, "Did I ask for your help?" Ren leaned into Ria's right ear and said, "You are welcome, darling". Emma walked towards the dining table and greeted everyone. When she saw Ren she was shocked by what he was wearing.

She looked at Ria while raising one of her eyebrows. Ria smiled at her showing her teeth then Emma shook her head and sat down.

When they were shopping in Milan two days back, Ria stood still in front of Reyson Suits showroom. Emma was carrying Diya that time and she looked back to find her looking at the suit Ren is wearing now.

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Ria said she didn't want it at that time as she have no one to give it to. Emma thought, 'You girly, not only you bought it behind my back, you also found someone to gift it!'

Ria was eating her fill, while Damien and Ren talked about share market. Ria finished her plate and stood up only to be caught by Ren. Ren pulled her by wrist, she turned to look at him. He didn't even look at her as he was talking to Damien. He let go of her hand and showed the glass of milk which was not at all touched.

She don't like to drink plain milk. She was getting irritated by his imposing behaviour. If someone else saw them, they will think he was caring her deeply. She kept her mouth shut to not make a scene in morning earlier. Now, she said directly, "I don't like plain milk".

Ren said without lifting his head from the food, "I know!". Lucy thought, 'World war 3 started!' Ria frowned and turned to leave again. Ren again caught her hand and said politely, "It is good for health, Ria. Drink it!"

Ria thought, 'Don't act like you care' She tried to take her hand from his. But she couldn't, Ren didn't budge a inch. Ria looked at her mother, she immediately stood up and went to her grandchildren.

Ria made a child face then looked at father and said, "Daddy!" He took his phone and dailed someone number then escaped from the area. Before Ria could ask Lucy, she was nowhere to be found. She looked at Emma sadly. Emma gave her a thumbs up.

Ria couldn't understand what she meant by that. Ren tried hard not to smile. Ria gave Ren a sharp glare and said wryly, "Let go of me, Ren". Ren replied causally, "You drink your glass, I will let go of you. It is as easy as that."

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Ria thought, 'Why should I have to do, what you say? More importantly, things I don't like!' Ria said seriously, "Stop treating me like a child, Ren!" Ren said with grin in his face, "Then stop acting like one".

Ren finished his food, he stood up and whispered in Ria's ear, "Want me to feed you, darling?" She immediately gulped down the whole glass. Ren let go of her hand then patted her head and said, "Good girl!" Emma laughed out loud looking at it. Ria glared at Ren.

Varun came to Ren, showing his head then said, "Me too". Ren squatted down, patted Varun's head and picked him up. Diya also came and showed her head. Ren patted her head and picked her up too. Ria looked at Ren, she thought 'even though he was holding two kids his king like presence didn't change a little bit.'

Emma coughed and said, "Come to earth, Ria". She smiled devilishly at Emma and said, "Lets go and you drive". Ria throwed the keys at Emma. She looked at Ria helplessly and complained, "But I didn't finish my breakfast yet!"

Ria said coldly, "You should have thought about it, when you were busy smiling and commenting". Emma had no way of refuting against her Boss so she stood up unwillingly and went to pick her luggage.

She then bid farewell to everyone and came out. Ren who was waiting for them to leave, followed them to the parking lot and said, "Emma, I will drive". Emma didn't even ask Ria, she happily passed the car key.

Ria thought, 'When did these two became friends?'. Ren put the shopping bag Ria gave in the back seat and helped the kids to get in.

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Ria said to Ren with disdain, without moving from the place she stood, "Don't you have any work at office, Ren?"

Ren said with a smile as he sat in the driver seat, "My wife and my kids are my first priority, your honour". Ria said politely, "Is it so? Where were you last week?" Emma said immediately, with concern, "Go easy on him, Ria!"

Ren said with a smile, "Thank you, Emma". Before Emma could reply, Ria said coldly, "She is not your girlfriend, show some respect". Then she stormed to the car and sat in the front seat.

Ren was happy to hear Ria's words. He thought, 'She somewhat cares!' Varun jumped from back seat to Ren. He made Varun sit in his lap and let him hold the steering wheel. Diya crawled from Emma to front seat. She sat in Ria's lap.

Before starting the car, Ren took his phone out then took a selfie of his family and uploaded it on Facebook. Emma thought, 'Who came here to eat your dog food?'

He quoted the picture of four as,

"Outing with my darlings".

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