Chapter 29

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Ria was looking outside, Diya was playing games in her dad's phone. Varun was enjoying the ride like he was the one driving. Emma was talking about promotion for the new collection with the manager of PR department.

When she is finished with the call, Ren asked, "Ria, is she talking about your new collection?" Ria turned her head to look at him and said, "Uh huh". He asked furthur to develop the conversation, "When are you releasing the collection?"

Ria said causally, "We have just started the project. There is an award ceremony to be held in two months duration. So we are planning to release the collection with limited pieces before the ceremony." Ren said excitedly, "Oh! I can help with promotions and publicity, If you..."

Before he could finish Ria interrupted, "Mind your own business!" Emma almost laughed out loud and she thought, 'That is our boss! No space for guys. But the thing is she avoided others because of this guy, now why is she avoiding him too?'

Ren laughed out and said, "Okay! Okay! Nothing personal, I just wanted my company models to do your fashion show". Ria thought about his words for a while, 'Free promotions inturn for the show? Not a bad offer. But what if his models destroyed my show?'

After few minutes, Ria said, "I will hold auditions after the pieces are finished, that time we will see." Then she said to herself, 'We are just talking about business Ria, so its not a problem. And we can punish him by making him spend more money on promotions'.

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Ren interrupted Ria's thoughts, "Where are going first?" She replied, "We are going to VKC Bazaar. You are going to your office, I will call you when we finish. You can pick us up." Diya said tilting her head, with her bright dazzling eyes pointed towards Ria, "Mama, why kan't papa gho with ush?"

Ria had a big smile in her face when she looked at her kid's adorable face. She cuddled Diya more and said softly, "Oh! Sweety, Daddy has more work at the office. So he can't come, we four of us will go okay?"

Diya thought for a while and she looked at her father's face. Ren deliberately made a sad face, Diya said, "I will gho with papa tu offish. You shop with brother and Emma mom". Ria's face fell, she tried to calm herself down and said soflty, "Sweetheart, daddy will be busy. we shouldn't disturb him."

This time Ren spoke, "Let them come with me, Ria. You guys will be shopping and moving here and there. If the kids come with me, they will stay safe and don't have to get tired too." Ria refuted back, "I know how to keep my children safe. You have no need to worry about that."

Ren was a bit annoyed by her sudden attack of words, he said with s forced smile, "If you get angry for everything I say, I have no other choice but to bite you." Ria thought, 'Did I hear him say bite me?' Emma chuckled then Ria turned back and raised her eyebrows. Emma showed her teeth and looked out.

Varun said, "I alsho want tu gho tu Papa's offish". Diya added, "Pleashhhh!" Ria raised her hands up and said, "Fine! you guys win."

Ria said to Ren, "Give Diya your mobile or any computer she will play games and give Varun a sketch book. They won't disturb you. Give them some fruits inbetween. No fried items, baked items are allowed. Don't give too much icecreams for Diya she will get cold easily.

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Don't give Varun anything with cashew. He is allergic to it. And lastly, if they need something, they won't ask they will just find you. You have to ask them what they want. Keep an eye on them, don't you dare leave them alone in any room."

Ren said without hestitation, "Copy that!" Ria rolled her eyes and said, "Repeat what I just said!" Ren who was driving stopped the car and said looking at her eyes, "Games, sketchbook, fruits, no frys, only bakes, less ice cream, no cashew and eyes open wide. Got it, sweetheart! And you have reached your destination, my princess"

Ria mumbled with disdain, "You and your sweet talk, rubbish!" Then she hugged Diya, gave her a kiss in the cheeks. She pulled Varun from Ren's lap gave him a hug and a kiss in the cheeks. They kissed her back. She got out of the car with Diya in her hands and helped Diya to sit in the front seat.

When she bent down to put the seat belt on for Diya, Ren asked leaning into her left ear in a husky voice, "Hug and kiss for me?" Ria acted like she didn't hear anything. She retracted out of the car, Ren grabbed her hand and pulled in. Without giving her time to react he closed the gap between their lips.

Ria groaned and bit his lips. Ren smiled and let her go. Ria shouted, "Don't you dare try this stunt again! or I will..." Ren asked while he licked his lips, "You will?" Both of the kids were giggling not understanding what was happening.

Ria pulled Emma and walked into the bazaar. Ren looked at Emma's back pose moving beautifully and he whistled. Ria heard his whistle and rushed to him with a angry face, but Emma held her back. Ren laughed out loud and the car went away.

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Ria screamed, "This guy makes me go crazy!" Emma chuckled and said, "Exactly, only he can make you go crazy, Boss". Ria's expression changed and walked quietly into the crowd. Emma asked her, "Do you still love him, Ria?" She didn't say anything to Emma.

They went to a sweets shop first. Ria bought lots of sweets for her collegues and asked the shop keeper to have it with him and told him that she will come and get it on their way back. He agreed generously. When they left the store, Ria said while looking at the store nearby, "I hate him".

Emma heard her but she still asked, "What did you say?" Ria didn't see her eyes she looked around and said, "I hate him!" Emma smiled and said, "You should have told that immediately when I asked you or atleast looking me in my eyes"

Ria looked her eyes and said, "I! Hate! Him!" Emma chuckled softly and hugged her. Then she said, "It's okay, Ria. You can be honest to atleast to one person. I have seen you cry while thinking about him, looking at your old photos. You may hate him, but you never once told that you don't love him."

Emma let her go and looked at Ria's face. She was on the brink of crying while her eyes holding her tears back. Ria always patted someone's head as sign of encouragement. This time Emma patted her head and said, "It's alright if you want to give him a chance. I will support you fully."

Ria nodded her head and they went back to shopping mode.


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In Kozhaksi Main branch office.

Ren parked the car took his kids in his private lift to the top floor. When he stepped out of the lift, he saw some policemen. They were standing and talking to Darren in front of his office.

As soon as Darren saw Ren and kids he ran over to them. He squatted and squeezed the to marhsmallows and tickled them. Their laughter resonated in the corridor. Ren had a gentle expression in his face while looking at them.

Darren stood up and pulled Ren aside. He then said in a low tone, "Brother, a theft happened in your office". Ren's expression changed he asked coldly, "What did you say? How is that possible?"

Then Ren strolled fastly to his room. Things were scattered in the room and his tea table was broken. Ren asked indifferently, "Do you know what is missing?" Darren replied, "We didn't touch anything so that evidence won't be disturbed. We waited for you, to check the surveillance camera of your room".

Only Ren knows the password for his room surveillance camera. He remembered something when he heard the word surveillance camera. His lips curved up!

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