Chapter 30

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Ren thought of some way to trap Ria. He turned and said to the police officers, "Thank you for your concern officers. We have found the culprit. I would like to handle it myself. If I need any further help I will call you, definitely".

The police officers didn't know what to say, they just left after hearing Ren's words. Darren went with police officers to see them off. The outside walls of the office after 30th floor are bullet proof fibre glasses.

There are shutters to cover the fibre glasses which are opened every morning and closed before locking the office. The kids were standing outside in the end of the corridor and looking outside.

Ren was looking at them with a angel like face. Even his assistant Josh was startled seeing his face. Darren came back with longs steps and asked anxiously, "Brother, you know the culprit?"

Ren didn't reply him, he ordered Josh, "Get someone to clean the mess. Change the tea table and arrange my table neatly. I want a big couch at the corner of my room with some tables. You know... like childrens play area, with lots of cushions and pushies. And....

shift my table next to the couch and rearrange the room. Lastly, bring some fruits which was cut into small pieces". Josh noted everything down and nodded with a smile. Darren was just smiling without saying anything.

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Josh asked, "Is there anything else sir?" Ren thought for while and said, "Bring the files to my lounge and prepare for the meeting at noon." Then Ren strolled to his kids and squatted down. He said happily opening his arms, "Let's go".

Both of them ran into his arms. He lifted them both in one scoop and walked to his room. He walked over the mess and went into his lounge. The CEO room was divided into two halves. One was his office room and the other was lounge, his resting room.

He went to the door and asked to Varun as his hands was full with two marshmallows, "Can you open it for me, little guy?" Varun nodded and unlocked the door knob. Ren pushed the door open with his legs. His lounge was like a funished apartment.

There was another door on his left as soon as they opened the door which led to a big bathroom. As they went past it, the room had a king size bed at the farthest edge. It had a row of furnished shelves and sofa with tea table on the left, an computer table on the right and a refrigerator beside sofa.

Ren put the kids on the bed. The bed was near the fibre glass walls. They could see the city ouside as Ren opened the curtains. Their eyes were shining brightly. Ren called one of his secretaries to buy some drawing materials for Varun.

He sat with them and played till the materials arrive. After some time, a beautiful lady in a maroon formal suit knocked on the door while holding a big bag, beside her stood a man with a drawing board and a drawing stand.

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Ren said with a playful voice as he was smiling with his kids, "Come in". They didn't know whose laughter was that and entered the room hesitantly. As soon as they entered, both of them saw Ren was running around the lounge chasing the two little kids in light blue dress. The boy looked handsome as Ren, while the girl looked like an angel.

To their surprise, Ren was wearing prussian blue suit, which made him look more young and energetic. He wears either navy blue or black suits all the time. Diya ran over to hide behind them while giggling. Varun ran to the sofa side.

Ren was catching his breath for a second, that is when he saw his employees. Ren said indifferently, "Keep the bag in the table and set the drawing stand near the bed." They both nodded and did the work given to them.

Ren sat in the sofa and said tenderly, "Come here both of you." They both ran to him. He picked those two up and made them sit in his lap. He then said, "Peggy and Collin come here". They both looked at their Big boss, Ren was so enthusiastic and said, "This is my little girl, Diya and my little guy, Varun. Say hello to them, sweethearts."

The little ones said in unison, "Hello!" Collin nodded and smiled looking at how adorable they are, so did Peggy but she had this uneasy feeling. She always dreamed of marrying Ren but never had the guts to even look at him in the eye. He was jovial to everyone but the minute he realises some girl is pursuing him, he will transfer them to avoid trouble.

Peggy bent down and said "Nice meet you sweethearts" then extended her hand towards Varun. He looked at Ren immediately, Ren nodded at Varun then only he shaked her hand. Then she extended her hand to Diya. Their hands felt so soft and small.

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Peggy was full of smile, she asked Ren for the first time, "Do you need milk or any drinks for the kids, President?" Ren who was in a good mood said, "Sure, can you get them fresh juice?" Peggy nodded and left the office happily followed by Collin.

Ren set those two some personal space in the lounge and started to work on his files. Josh came in with a bowl of fruits and some fruit forks in his hands. Diya was sitting in the centre of the bed playing with Ren's laptop while Varun was sitting at edge of the bed and sketching.

He took the bowl of fruits to the kids and kept it one the bed with the tray. Then he came to Ren and said, "Everything is ready for the meeting at noon, sir". Ren nodded his head without lifting his head. Then he looked at his watch, its been two hours since he met Ria.

He thought, 'Is she still shopping?' He took his phone out to call her, just then his phone rang. It was her, an handsome smile spread across his lips. He picked up and said in a lovely tone, "Hello, darling". Ria replied without hesitation, "Darling, your *ss! Come with kids to the airport" then she hung up.

Ren chuckled looking at his mobile phone. He couldn't help but love her for being this way. The only thing which has not changed is, her arrogance. He stood up immediately and carried his children then walked to the door.

Josh looked at the fruit bowl and thought, 'My hardwork!' Ren turned around and said, "Wrap them up and keep in the fridge. We will come back in a while" He took his private lift to the parking lot then took the car and drove away.

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Ria and Emma was waiting at the entrance as her luggage was with Ren in the car. Ria said, "It is just one bag, Emma. I will bring it when I come back." Emma thought, 'Yeah, you are right! But will you come back any time soon?'.

Emma smiled and said, "Its okay, Ria. Anyway I have to meet Diva and say good bye to them. I will wait, there is still time." While they were talking, a red Ferrari stopped in front of them. Ren came out of the front seat and opened the back seat.

Two little marshamallows jumped out of the car. Emma squatted down and hugged them. She was with them since their birth actually, even before. She felt a little teary eyed, Ria caressed her back. Emma carried Diya and Ria carried Varun.

While our hero was pushing the trolley and luggages. Everyone in the airport admired the gang, Ren took this chance to hold Ria's shoulder. She gave him glare with a forced smile. They loaded all the luggages first. After getting the pass Emma bid farewell to everyone and left with tear filled eyes.

Ren was holding Diya now. He said with a deep voice from behind Ria, who was controlling her tears which may escape anytime, "It's not like you won't see her again". Ria whined with a angry voice, "I know! Its just.... we had each others back for a long time, I forgot how it is like to be without her".

Ren leaned in and whispered, "You have me now!" Ria's cheeks turned red, yet she shouted, "Who needs you?" Then she walked faster towards the entrance. Ren smiled charmingly and followed his wife while admiring her back beauty.

Ria suddenly turned and glared at him. She said, "You go first!" He shrugged his shoulders and went forward.

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