Chapter 73

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Ren changed his little kittens clothes into cute pajamas. He coaxed the little ones to sleep as they both laid on top of him. When he was sure that the little ones are fast asleep, he placed then carefully on the bed.

He built a defense wall of pillows surrounding them so they won't roll over and fall off the bed. He kissed their chubby cheeks then grabbed a towel and went straight to the bathroom. He stripped his clothes off and went under shower.

As soon as he closed his eyes, her lips were the first thing that came his mind. He chuckled helplessly as he run his hand through his own hair. "This is why I try so hard to not run into you", Ren mumbled to himself as he started to fantasize about her.

After an hour length bath, Ren came out in a towel around his waist. He changed into a pair of navy blue tshirt and kakhi shorts. He looked at the time, it was too late into the night. Ria is not back yet. He thought about it for a minute and called the security guard.

He said that, she left few minutes ago. Ren hung up the call and saw the little kittens sleeping soundly. He let out a growl and said to himself, "You really are something!" He took the kittens to their room and came back with his laptop.

He sat on the bed with the laptop which gave off a feel that he was working. That is, he is awake because he is working not because he is waiting for someone. But as time went he started to work for real without him noticing.

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Ren fell on the bed and woke up startled. The room was a bit lit from the dim sunlight coming through the glass window apart from his bedside lamp. His laptop screen was so bright which made him to close his eyes instinctively. His eyelids fluttered till his eyes adjusted to the light.

He saw the time on the bottom right corner of the screen, it is early 4 o clock in the morning. Ren stood up to check whether Ria came or not. She was not there in the little kittens room or not on the neighbouring rooms. He picked his phone to call her but he couldn't reach her.

He also called Peggy's number straight but she didn't pick the phone. He couldn't track Ria's phone as there is no signal from her phone. He walked inside the room to and fro. He thought of all the places she could go. Crazy scenarios filled his mind, he finally gave up and called Josh to check about her location.

Josh who is in dreamland half way, started to call his contacts on receiving news from Ren. After 30 minutes, Ren's phone rang.


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He picked it up, Josh's voice was heard, "Madam left the office last night itself, President. According to the traffic cameras she went into city but we couldn't pinpoint where! As it was late night and a weekday the streets were nearly. But..."

Ren's head ached as he asked coldly, "Do you know where she is or not?" Josh reduced his voice and said, "No... not yet, sir" Ren hung up without asking or saying anything further. He changed into a track pant and went to the garage to get his car.


His phone rang again, it was Josh. Ren asked, "Did you find her?" Josh replied, "Madam is on her way to the Mansion, sir". Ren replied with a "Hmmm" and hung up. He walked inside the mansion again. After another 30 minutes, Ria came to Kozhaksi Mansion.

She looked so tired and worn out. Ren was simply lying on the bed when she came in. She went straight to the bathroom took a quick shower and changed into a light green night dress. She fell on her side of the bed without thinking much after checking on the little marshmallows.

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When her mind turned into a deep slumber, Ren's cold voice was heard, "Where were you?"

Ria said annoyingly with a sleepy voice, "Oh! Please! not now. I'm tired, anyway you will know by morning". Ren stood up from the bed and walked to his study room. Ria was not in the mood to bother him as she slept like a log.


She woke up as her cheeks were in danger. "Aargh!!!", she yelled then opened her eyes to find varun and Diya, pinching and pulling her cheeks. She pulled the both and started to tickle their sides. Laughter filled the room as Ria adjusted her eyes to the light.

She showered both of them with kisses and went to the bathroom. After refreshing she came out and saw the time, she has given a day off for Peggy today. She had finished most of the work and the pending work can be finished in two days.

And she will have three more days to prepare for the wedding. She asked the little ones, "Have you brushed your teeth?" They both gave nodded like a doll. She wore a cardigan over her clothes and picked the little ones as she walked to the dining hall.

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As soon as she descended the stairs, she saw Brent reading newpaper on the living room. She politely said, "Good morning, Father". The little ones followed the suit and said, "Goodh morning, Grandhpa". Brent's face was full of smiles as he heard them and greeted them back.

Ria let them down as they both walked to him and she walked to the dining hall. She is in need of food to an extreme level. She saw Ren dressed in a black suit with white shirt wearing an indifferent expression on his face.

He didn't raise his eyes from the document he was reading as she sat on a chair opposite to him. The others joined them soon. As soon as Violet came out, she chatted with her. Ria stole few glances at him but he looked like he was there all alone. Soon breakfast was served, she started to gobble the food as elegantly as possible.

The little ones ate on their own as it was french toast. Darren kept taking there pictures and posted some on Instagram while tagging Ren and Ria on them. Nash also took some of their adorable pictures. Brent discussed about the marriage preparations with Ren.

Violet all of a sudden asked Ria, "Oh right! At what time you came dear? It was pretty late, when Ren and the kids came". Ren stopped talking and listened to their conversation. Ria smiled wrly and said, "Mom was not feeling well yesterday, so I kept her company all night. I came back in the morning".

Ren's lips curved up in sarcasm. Brent asked with concerned, "What happened? Is she fine?" Ria shook her head and said, "Nothing serious, Father. She is fine now". He gave a slight nod and didn't ask anything further.

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