Chapter 74

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Ren was almost finished with his breakfast but he deliberately ate slowly. He was fully aware that Ria was stealing glances at him since he was concentrating entirely on her. He couldn't understand his emotions himself, he felt that she looked so cute and adorable with that dishevelled hair.

At the same time he was angry since she lied through her teeth saying that she spent the night with her mother. 'Anyway I will get to the bottom of it, let's see what colour your face will become then', Ren sneered in his mind.

Ria's coarse voice was heard when she asked, "Can I move out of this mansion, Father?" Everyone stopped what they were doing at that instant and looked at Ria. Ren sent daggers at her. She smiled as though she didn't know who is Ren.

Brent said with great pressure as he could sense Ren boiling up, "Um... What is it? Are you uncomfortable with anything? Or Did this guy bully you? Tell me, I will take care of it, Ria". All the others except Ren nodded in unison. Ria shook her head like a doll and said, "Nope! not like that, Father.

Wedding functions will start next week so it is necessary to stay at my parent's house. There will be lots of occasions and rituals to attend. My friends and relatives will be there by the day after tomorrow. So it will be perfect if I leave today".

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Brent felt that it was reasonable and looked at Ren who was sitting beside him. Ren snorted the moment he heard her mention her relatives. He stood up and said coldly, "Do as you wish. You are already treating this place as a hotel, coming and going as you please. Why act like you care?".

He didn't wait for anyone's reply and went upstairs. Violet's lips twitched as she said looking at Ria lovingly, "That guy, don't mind him dear. He is just upset that you are leaving". Ria forced a smile at her. Brent let out a sigh and said, "We will miss the little ones".

Ria smiled and said, "You just give me call when you want to see them, Father. I will send them here". Brent also smiled and pinched Varun's cheek. Ria looked at Nash who was eating quietly and asked, "Can you do me a favour, Nash?" He looked at her face and gave her a little nod.

Ria continued, "Can you help me get an invitation? I haven't seen one". Nash was finished with his breakfast, he said with a simple smile, "Sure, I will send one to your office". Ria smiled at him in return. Then both Darren and Nash stood up to leave, but Ria remembered something suddenly and called them, "Hey!"

They both looked back, Ria continued, "Both of your wedding costumes will be available by afternoon". Darren face brightened as he said, "Great! We will collect it during the photo shoot session in the evening". Ria was confused as she titled her head to one side.

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Darren sped back to dinning table and imitated Ren's cold voice, "Don't tell me you forgot it. Today evening at 4 o clock sharp, your wedding photos will be taken". Ria chuckled along with the little kittens and said, "How could I forget? I will be there on time!"

She gulped the vanilla milkshake and stood up to inform Peggy. She had asked Peggy to send her clothes directly to Raj Mansion along with other's. She also had to make an appointment with her friend for make over. She rushed to her room as Violet was taking care of the little ones.

She walked straight to the bed side table and picked her phone. She was about to press the call button, his icy voice was heard, "Where were you till this morning?" Ria jumped in her place and shouted, "Oh My God! Ren. You gave me a heart attack".

She turned to look at him, he was leaning on one side of the door with folded hands. His face was devoid of emotions. Ria knew he is angry, she took a deep breath and said slowly, "I was really with Mom, yesterday. She...."

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Ren interrupted her, "What were you doing in the middle of the city then?" Ria's eyebrows furrowed as she asked, "Where you spying on me?" His lips twitched as he sneered, "What happened to your 'I was with Mom act'?" Ria took deep breaths and shook her head and then she let out a sigh.

She walked fastly to cupboard and took out her suitcase. She started to throw her and the little ones things into the suitcase. Ren took long strides towards and asked, "What do you think you are doing?" She didn't say anything and continued what she was doing.

Ren pulled her arm towards him and asked, "Can't you hear me talking to you, Anna?" She looked into his eyes and raised her voice, "Let. go. of. me. Ren". He locked her on the nearby wall and said with a dry voice, "I asked you a question! ".

Ria looked away from him and said indifferently, "What difference will it make? You are not going to trust me anyway". Ren tightened his grip on her arm and closed his eyes for few seconds. Ria pushed him with her other hand and shouted, "You are hurting me, Ren. Let go".

He opened his eyes and looked at her's, it showed a rare sense of vulnerability. He whispered, "So are you" and then crashed straight into her lips.

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Ria tried to push him away but he got hold of both of her hands and raised it above her head. He locked them with his left hand and held her face straight with his right hand.

He deepened the kiss as he took the breath out of her. Ria didn't feel good, an uneasiness grew inside her by the way he kissed her. He tried to trap her as he opened her mouth willfully invading it. He sucked her tongue as though it was his last drop of life.

Ria bit his lips as hard as possible but he didn't budge. Even though they felt his blood in the kiss, Ren was nowhere near stopping the kiss. He held her in place using his hips. Ria could feel his bulge growing, but she could only feel the anguish in his kiss.

Without realizing, tears escaped from Ria's eyes. As soon as he felt the water on his cheeks and saltiness in the kiss, he froze. He didn't have to look up for the source of this saltiness. He let go of her hand and loosened the grip on her.

She started to slid down so he immediately held her by holding her waist. He rested his forehead on her shoulders. She could feel that area get wet on her shoulder, he whispered in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Don't cry please".

He carried her to bed, gently laid her on the bed and marched out of the room.

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