Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 705: 705

"Anyone else?" Wang Cai, who was surprised by Yu Wei's appearance, was stunned and then said, "this group of people are not kind-hearted. They look at you with their chests. They seem to be waiting for you to be exhausted."

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Chu Han kept waving his axe, and his eyes showed a touch of impatience and impatience: "I'm a little unhappy."

"Don't talk nonsense, will you?" Wangcai turned over with a big white eye: "what do those people want? Do you think of a way to do it now? "

"What can I do?" A trace of cruelty flashed through Chu Han's eyebrows. He looked at Xiao Yuntian and others who were hostile in the distance. His tone was chilly: "when I killed a super zombie, none of them came out. As soon as the super zombies died, they all came out. Obviously, they had been watching nearby for a long time. Now they are standing there with evil intention, thinking with their toes that it is for the special crystal And come. "

We should know that every city's super zombies are rare. Only one of the 500000 zombies will come out, and it is possible that there will not be one. This special crystal has long been copied to a high price by the research institutes of various bases. Cao's Research Institute even said harshly that it would buy a super zombie crystal for 10000 coins.

Although they don't know where this crystal is special at all, they know that it must have great research value, and Chu Han, who had already obtained a super crystal, did not reveal the difference of this crystal at all.


Wangcai swallowed his throat nervously: "what should I do? There are a lot of zombies in this group, and there are many high-level zombies. There is only one straight road in this road, and we can only rely on hard work. When we have solved the problem of zombies, where can we deal with these people? "

"And their expressions are so fixed that they must have their cards." Chu Han added.

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"I said this is the time. Can you not push the problem in the most serious direction?" Wangcai is quite speechless. The most important problem is how to solve this trouble!

Just when Wangcai was at a loss and Chu Han was in a bad light, suddenly another figure suddenly came from the distance. It was so fast that it was almost to fly. With two short knives in hand, he all the way to the bridge.

The appearance of this man made everyone unexpected. Not only was Chu Han and Wangcai stunned, but they didn't respond when they stood at the bridge head. Xiao Yuntian, who let this man rush to the bridge from his side, was also shocked.

"Hello! You lost my brother Wangcai? " The first word of the comer was that he roared at Chu Han.

This is not Qin Yuxuan. Who is he?

Chu Han stayed for half a second. While chopping and exploding a zombie's head, he turned his head and took a look in the direction of this man. Then he looked at Qin Yuxuan with a silly and forced look: "I said, do you have a hole in your brain? If you have the ability to kill in, why don't you deal with the zombies in the outer ring? Now, it's all surrounded. "

Qin Yuxuan was stunned. He twisted his neck and looked around. Then he clapped his forehead with regret: "Oh! What can we do now? "

Chu Han is speechless directly. Uncle beard is a real force. He's going to die!

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"Well, I said, you haven't answered me yet. I'm going to worship brother Wangcai?" Qin Yuxuan suddenly returned to this question again, waiting for a pair of big eyes to stare at Chu Han fiercely: "did you eat my brother? You big jerk! That's my brother

It's not too much to describe Chu Han's mood with collapse at the moment. He threw Wangcai in his pocket on Qin Yuxuan's face: "your family worship brother Wangcai. Since you're here, go back. Do you see the boy with a long knife? We'll take a road with him and give you ten seconds. Now we'll start timing. Ten, nine, eight... "

Chu Han only said the key points, and began to count down without even giving people a chance to think. Qin Yuxuan did not recover from the impact of his younger brother Wangcai. Hearing Chu Han's countdown, he ran back in a hurry.

At the same time, Yu Wei, who was constantly solving the siege of the zombies in the rear, was also shocked and listened to the countdown in Chu Han's mouth. Now he has counted to five.

What's the situation?

"Come on! Break a path Qin Yuxuan didn't know what Chu Han wanted to do, but he did it subconsciously according to Chu Han's words: "it's OK for the moment. Hurry up. I don't know what that crazy man wants to do."

Yu Wei quickly raised the spirit, and Qin Yuxuan stood together, facing a direction of the zombie group.

Xiao Yuntian and others are also puzzled. They stand together and look at each other. They don't understand what Chu Han wants to do.

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At the moment, Chu Han's smile on his face has become more and more arrogant. While solving the zombies around him, he counts down to three. At the same time, his dark eyes are directly staring at Xiao Yuntian and others, showing a playful look.

"I have a hunch." Standing opposite Xiao Yuntian and others, Yang Han, hiding in another place, suddenly opens his mouth.

"Me too." Yang Lin and Yang Han looked at each other nervously, and then they suddenly opened their mouth at the same time: "rush past!"Brush! Brush!

Two figures suddenly rush out of the corner, facing Chu Han's direction is desperate to run.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yuntian was shocked, and his anger suddenly burst out. The ferocious look appeared on his face. Yang Han and Yang Lin, these two bastards, dare to betray him!

At the same time, Chu Han's countdown also happened to count to the last number.

"Two, one, zero." The words fall, Chu Han suddenly brush a Shura Tomahawk back in his hand, extremely fast and in everyone's eyes, free his left hand to the opposite Xiao Yuntian and others without warning to erect a middle finger.

Brush! The two brothers as like as two peas and Yang Lin, who rushed to the

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at the moment, passed through the Chu Han with the same expression. The two faces were exactly the same, nervous, excited, shocked and confused, and the color of the Mongolian circle which Chu Han had compared with this gesture.

The gloomy look suddenly surged out on Xiao Yuntian's face, and he cried out in a rage: "fuck you, mom! I'll kill you! Call you Ma Bi's arrogance

But in the next second -

Chu Han's arms suddenly grasped the Shura Tomahawk, instantly mobilized all the energy in his body, and the life wave of the fifth order peak was publicized to the extreme. Then he held the axe high above his head, and then cut it down against the bridge deck below!


A huge bombardment suddenly sounded, and a burst of smoke and dust exploded and shot away. With the strange sound of "click" on the bridge deck, an obvious crack suddenly appeared on the ground of the bridge after Chuhan's all-out strike.

In a flash of dust, a group of zombies were shaken to the ground, and a group of human beings were stunned by Chu Han's blow. However, after the dust smoke, the crack on the bridge deck looked terrible, but the bridge did not move.

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