Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 706: 706

For such a situation, Chu Han did not have the slightest accident, and even did not pause. The Shura Tomahawk in his hand rotated again, and the cold light on the axe blade flashed by, and then he chopped hard at the ground again!

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After the second strike, the bridge deck suddenly vibrated again. After a few clicks, the second crack suddenly appeared.

However, after the two strikes, the whole bridge still has no impact. It stands firmly on the river. The impact of the bridge's motionless motion is that after everyone's momentary stagnation, it gives out a crazy laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, what did I think it was for?" Xiao Yuntian in the extreme distortion of anger, suddenly a heart fell, pointing to Chu Han and laughing: "the bridge is not broken! How can you cut this bridge? This is a bridge. What's the use of cutting two cracks? It's as stupid as a dog

All the people standing with Xiao Yuntian also laughed with exaggeration. After Chu Han erected his middle finger, they all thought that there was something big to do. As a result, NIMA cut two cracks on the bridge deck? This bridge is made of fine steel and concrete. How can it be broken unless it reaches the bottom of the bridge?

It's really laughable. After cutting two times with such a loud force, people who laugh can't stand up!

The two brothers, Yang Han and Yang Lin, who just fought for their lives and ran on the bridge, were in despair. It was a real disaster. They rushed to the bridge. Not only did they fight for their lives through the joint efforts of both sides, but also they were both scratched by the zombie on their back. The injuries were not light. What's more, the previous breakthrough focused on a surprise. Not only did Xiao Yuntian and others fail to respond, but also the zombies group Most of them have not been found, but now the double faced zombies are attacking, thinking that it is impossible to go out.

Yang Han and Yang Lin looked at each other, their eyes showed a sense of powerlessness, they are now completely standing in the wrong team!

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Qin Yuxuan was so mad that he yelled at Chu Han: "you're stupid to cry. Are you a brain pit? What's the bridge for? How can you smash it? Well, there is no other way now. Come and kill the zombie

Yu Wei, who has been trying to break a road in the rear, is even more stuck in his mind for a moment. His eyes are full of resentment. Just to break a temporary road, he has almost exhausted his means, but even so, he still fails to break through the encirclement and consumes all his strength.

What's more, more and more zombies flood onto the bridge from both sides, and the longer the delay, the more impossible it is to escape. Jumping into the river is even more impossible. There are a large number of crazy fish in the river. Coupled with a series of obstacles such as water pressure, it is estimated that they will be gnawed into a pile of white bones in a moment.

Xiao Yuntian also with a group of people blocking one side of the bridge covetously, Chu Han and others have no way out.

"Do you want to make a deal?" Xiao Yuntian took the opportunity to open his mouth: "boy, hand in the super zombie crystal on your body, kneel down on the ground and call Laozi a big · Ye. I will immediately take people to evacuate. Whether you can kill all the remaining zombies depends on your luck."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" People around immediately burst out laughing: "kneel down, call big · ye, kneel down!"

Chu Han solved several zombies with a puff of two, and then suddenly a hook in the corner of his mouth, for the first time, he said to Xiao Yuntian and others: "I forgot to tell you one thing."

Xiao Yuntian was immediately aroused by curiosity. He couldn't help but ask: "what?"

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The smile on Chu Han's face suddenly became bigger, and his voice joked: "your IQ is negative, which is worse than that of a dog."

"You want to die Xiao Yuntian was enraged by Chu Han again and roared furiously: "I'm going to tear you up and feed the zombies. You'll wait for these zombies to gnaw you into a pile of meat scraps! Fool, I'm here to watch you. I can't help but watch you being engulfed by zombies. Ha ha

At the same time, Qin Yuxuan in the rear of Chu Han couldn't help shouting at Chu Han: "brother, you can either kill zombies or open a road with us. What are you doing with the bridge?"

To this, Chu Han just touched his nose: "have you heard of Hooke's law?"



A group of people showed a puzzled look, most of them looked at Chu Han with silly eyes, only when he was talking nonsense.

However, Chu Han's smile was particularly clear. He looked down at the bridge deck cut by his two axes. Each of the two cracks extended very long and directly covered the whole bridge deck. The most striking thing was that the two cracks crossed each other and formed an obvious x pattern.

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Xiuluo's Tomahawk clenched, Chu Han raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Yuntian and others who were still exaggerating and laughing. His voice was full of provocation: "farewell, a group of fools!"

After that, the Shura Tomahawk suddenly turned in one direction in the air, with the axe blade upward and the axe hammer downward. All of Chu Han's physical energy was suddenly concentrated in his arms, and he used his maximum strength to hit the most central point of the X-shaped crack!


The huge bombardment burst open, and the whole bridge suddenly vibrated in an instant. The center of the two cracks which were strongly bombarded by Chu Han was directly broken by one blow. Countless stones burst into the sky, accompanied by the violent cracking sound of the whole bridge.Bridge

It's broken!

The whole bridge is broken at the center of the fracture, and the crack is spreading towards the surrounding area. Countless stones clattered on the river below, arousing countless huge water spray and making a splash sound.

The bridge broke off at an unprecedented speed, and the gap became bigger and bigger, and soon it was more than five meters wide, and it was still going on!

"Run!" As soon as the axe hammered, Chu Han suddenly turned around and roared with excitement.

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Qin Yuxuan, Yu Wei, Yang Lin and Yang Han were shocked by the sight, as if they had traveled to outer space. They didn't understand why the bridge was broken after the third hammering?

After the sound of Chu Han pulled them back to their senses, the four found that the whole bridge was shaking violently. Many low-level zombies were lying on the ground and could not get up. Moreover, the broken place at the center of the bridge was still extending to both sides. It seems that the bridge will collapse at any time!

"Run Qin Yuxuan roared directly, followed Chu Han and ran toward the opposite bank of the bridge. His voice was not frightened, but with incomparable excitement.

Yu Wei, Yang Lin and Yang Han did not care about the shock. They quickly followed Chu Han's pace and ran toward the opposite bank, but the shock spread silently in their hearts.


The bridge collapsed!?

Chu Han, who had done all this, had already used the fastest speed to run across the bridge. He looked at the other end of the bridge with a smile on his face. Xiao Yuntian and others were stupefied. Hooke's law was widely used in the civilized times. There would be an X-shaped break in the place where many drinks poked the straw, which was based on the principle of Hooke's law.

At the moment, Chu Han used it to break the bridge and stunned all the people present!

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