Chapter 27 – (??▽?)? Sorry, I Couldn’t Think Of A Title Today

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After Bai Youlian left, they sat there in silence for a while. Ouyang Chen didn’t dare to make trouble in front of Ouyang Feng and could only sit there dumbly as his big brother ran different errands.

Such as: taking hot drinks from Lin Lan. It seemed to be an errand to him.

As he watched his big brother help Lin Jiabao into the car, he couldn’t help but complain, “Why do I need to stay behind?”

Just as they were about to leave, he suddenly received a text——

“Remember to settle the bill. Note: you know what happens if you don’t arrive at the mansion by 7.”

F*ck, I’m definitely not blood-related to you. (#‵′)凸

In the car, Lin Jiabao was hugging the cakes to his chest and seemed to be thinking deeply about something, looking dejected.

Ouyang Feng turned on the radio and adjusted the volume to low, playing some serenades. He turned to Lin Jiabao, “I didn’t tell you I was Ouyang Chen’s big brother.”

Lin Jiabao was taken aback and hurriedly kept his gaze. “It’s, it’s alright.”

“That little brat loves to spout nonsense.”

“Wu, big brother Ouyang Feng is a reliable elder in my heart.”

Hiss, just an elder?

Ouyang Feng found that these words weren’t pleasant to his ears but he couldn’t find fault in them. He recalled how he was almost 8 years older than Lin Jiabao and couldn’t help furrowing his brows.

Men also cared about their ages.

“Although that little brat can’t take on the family business like us, the amount of pressure on him isn’t small. If he doesn’t handle it correctly, he turns into a jerk.”

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Lin Jiabao could hear the helplessness in Ouyang Feng’s voice but spoke on Ouyang Chen’s behalf, “Chen Chen takes care of me in school.”

“Taking care of you? By making you do his homework?”

It was over, the secret had been revealed. But maybe he knew about the said secret all along…

Thinking about how he reported Ouyang Chen’s mistakes to Ouyang Feng, he meowed a few times in his heart and observed three seconds of silence for him.

When the traffic light at the intersection turned red, Ouyang Feng saw Lin Jiabao staring unblinkingly at the light. He thought of Lin Jiabao’s unusual behaviour earlier today and suddenly said, “You were more active than usual just now.”

Yi, what does that mean?

Even until he walked Lin Jiabao to his door, Ouyang Feng didn’t explain what he said. It might be because he himself didn’t know what he was saying.

Lin Jiabao was humming a song as he stood in front of his front door. He opened the door and heard——

‘Your mood seems good, what are you holding?’

Lin Jiabao shrunk into himself and hurriedly hid the little fish cake given to him by Ouyang Feng behind his back. As if there was no silver there1, he resolutely declared that he had taken nothing.

‘Take it out, we agreed not to eat fish for three months. Foods with the word ‘fish’ inside are also not okay.’

Lin Jiabao, feeling wronged, placed the cake on the table and stared wide-eyed as 1028 confiscated it.

“If it isn’t eaten, it’ll go bad.”

‘If you put it in my belly, it won’t.’

Lin Jiabao bid goodbye to the cake with a pained heart and could only hug mummy, acting like a baby. ‘How did you know I was holding a cake?’

1028 used its paw to push Lin Jiabao’s face and pointed at the phone in his pocket. ‘I saw it this morning. You think you can hide anything from me?’

‘However,’ 1028 dragged out its words, as if leaving some hope for Lin Jiabao, ‘You can get a small slice as a reward.’

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“As a reward?”

‘The male lead met the female lead today, right?’

Lin Jiabao nodded. Not only did the two leads meet, they met because of him. He could be said to have joined their paths…

If he told the truth, he would definitely get scolded. 

‘On my end, the system gave me a warning twice and I’ve been paying attention to the points. You’re amazing.’

Lin Jiabao was at a loss. “Yi?”

‘Points were added. Although it didn’t go up much, under the influence of the original plot, the plot has regressed a lot.’

Lin Jiabao was dumbfounded, did he do anything?

Was it because Lin Jiabao was fanning hard to change the plot with his wings or did the male lead’s heart change by itself? Only the people involved would know. But if mummy took the initiative to praise him and he stupidly rejected it, only to explain what happened, he knew that his kitty bum would be swollen.

So, Lin Jiabao hid his ashamed heart and ate the cake bite by bite. When he finished it, he hid from mummy and sent Ouyang Feng a message, telling him how delicious the cake was!

It was simply like a guerilla war. 


‘It’s gonna rain today, don’t forget to take an umbrella to school.’

“Okay, mummy.”

‘Don’t forget to buy a packet of salt from the supermarket on the way back from school, we don’t have any more at home.’

“I wrote that down in my notebook meow, don’t worry.” Lin Jiabao put on his shoes and waved to 1028. “I’m off, bye bye!”

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In Dong Chen, it rarely rained in autumn and every time it did, it meant the temperatures were going to drop again.

It got colder everyday and it would affect students who had the issue of lazing around in bed. So class would usually start earlier than the usual summer classes and Lin Jiabao would have to get up earlier.

Big brother Ouyang Feng wanted to drop him off at school but mummy got him to reject the offer.

Ouyang Feng told Lin Jiabao that he found 1028’s gaze strange.

1028 also expressed that it found this man strange.

It was just that Lin Jiabao, this stupid little cat, even when sold to someone, he’d roll over for them. He even took the initiative to help count the male lead’s money.

It was quite worrying.

Even more worrying was when Ouyang Chen came to school earlier than Lin Jiabao the following morning. He watched Lin Jiabao enter the classroom and abducted him, dragging him to a corner to perform severe torture on him to extract answers. 

It included:

How did my brother know you?

How are you on such good terms with a violent old man?

The most important——

“Wei, you didn’t tell my brother any of my school affairs, right?”

Lin Jiabao looked around guiltily, not daring to look into Ouyang Chen’s eyes. If it wasn’t for Bai Youlian interrupting Ouyang Chen’s interrogation, Lin Jiabao was sure that his guilty conscience would have made him spill it all out. 

Ouyang Chen sighed, who would’ve thought. He had a thousand defenses up, and his lifetime of fame was overturned overnight2 by this little fellow.  

Lin Jiabao used his english textbook to hide his face, showing that he didn’t know anything.

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“How annoying.” Ouyang Chen dug through his desk, which had several different love letters written to him and inflated his ego. “These women have nothing to do?”

Lin Jiabao lowered his english textbook and silently looked over at the letters on Ouyang Chen’s desk, curious.

“You’re interested?” Without even looking at Lin Jiabao, he pinched his cheeks accurately.

There was a little bit of interest, but after transforming from a little cat, he hadn’t gone into estrus3.

Although this seemed to be two different things. _(:3_|)_

Ouyang Chen pushed the letters to Lin Jiabao and said, “Give it to you. You can do whatever you want with it.”

“That can’t be good ba…” Lin Jiabao arranged the love letters nicely, wanting to pass them back to Ouyang Chen.

“These damn annoying women.”

Lin Jiabao put the letters into a nice pile, he was really curious to know the contents. Yi?

This person’s name seemed a little familiar?

The author has something to say:

Ouyang Feng and Lin Jiabao haven’t gone their way yet, they only have one foot past the door. Someone is coming to help them get the other foot past the door (??▽?)?

thanks for reading! hehe next week’s chapter is interesting ψ(`∇´)ψ


Basically, a clumsy way of denying something


It’s an idiom, 一世英名. The origin of the idiom is a famous general being defeated by a nobody overnight, based on what my mom said lol


Another word is heat. It’s when animals get really ho*ny

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