Chapter 28 – Murong Nanqiu

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Even after thinking for half a day, he couldn’t figure out who the person in the letter was and could only skip it. Seeing that Ouyang Chen really didn’t care about the love letters and treated it like waste paper, Lin Jiabao continued to help him pack it. 

This letter’s sender and the previous letter’s sender were the same person.

Ai, this one with a heart drawn in front was also sent by this person?

Yi, this one too?!

After he finished arranging the letters nicely, he counted how many there were. There were 38 letters and 28 were from the seemingly familiar person. Although it was a love letter, receiving this many was frightening. Two were fine but the letters after that were scary.

The letters had ‘if you don’t read this, you’re dead’ written on the front.

Or on the back, which was completely black, would be a blood red heart…

Lin Jiabao shuddered and sorted out all of this person’s letters before turning to poke Ouyang Chen helplessly, like a screwdriver. “Chen Chen Chen…”

Ouyang Chen grabbed Lin Jiabao’s hand and placed it on the table, rubbing the place where he was poked. “What are you doing?”

“Someone sent you threatening letters meow!!”


Lin Jiabao placed the suspicious letters in Ouyang Chen’s hands and said worriedly, “Take a look, should I go tell the teacher?”

“What’s this?” Ouyang Chen picked up the strange letter and said with an eyebrow raised, “Murong Nanqiu? Why did this fellow send a letter?”

“Ai, are you familiar with them?” Lin Jiabao heard Ouyang Chen’s tone, as if he knew the sender. He took his hand back and sat up straight. “Then, there’s no need to tell the teacher anymore.”

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“Tell, what ‘no need to tell’?”


“This woman and her sister are more annoying than the person behind you.” Ouyang Chen pushed the letters into a pile before carrying the pile out of the classroom.

Lin Jiabao cocked his head, Murong Nanqiu. It was such a familiar name but he couldn’t remember where he heard it.

“What were you guys doing just now?” Bai Youlian just entered the classroom, holding a notice and saw Lin Jiabao visibly extremely confused. She passed two notices to him. “Take this first.”

“Chen Chen received threatening letters and went to tell the teacher.” Lin Jiabao turned his attention to the notices he got. “Vacation notice?”

“What threatening letters? He’s a person with many tricks.” Bai Youlian counted the number of vacation notices she had. “Done, help me distribute these.”

“Okay.” Lin Jiabao took the notices from Bai Youlian.

“This vacation is a long one so the school gave out notices in advance to get parents to sign it. You give the first three groups.”

Needs the parent signature, looks like he can only go get the shop manager to help him sign it.

Lin Jiabao hadn’t finished giving out the notices when he saw Ouyang Chen looking happy, walking into the classroom like a young master. Ouyang Chen saw Bai Youlian giving out something and rushed over to her side. “What’s this? Vacation notice?”

“Don’t you feel cramped, move away.”

Lin Jiabao hurriedly gave out the notices and rushed in between them, worried they would fight.

“I placed yours on the table.”

“Go, go, go. When you’re done, hurry back to your seat, you’re blocking other’s paths with your big body.”

The three of them returned to their seats. At this time, Lin Jiabao took out his textbook to do his homework but his mind wandered to the threatening letters Ouyang Chen had received. Of course, Bai Youlian, who was seated behind them, was also worried about the threatening letters but she was more discreet about it.

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“Chen Chen, what’s going on with the threatening letters, is everything alright?”

Ouyang Chen originally wanted to tell him that it was none of his business but when he saw their concerned gazes, he swallowed his words. “Just some bothersome person, it’s nothing big.”

“Then, that’s good.”

Ouyang Chen purposefully showed a disgusted face. “You’re both little shorties, how are you gonna help me?”

He truly was insatiable. 

Lin Jiabao and Bai Youlian exchanged gazes and opened their textbooks, continuing to do their homework.

The school bully, Ouyang Chen, who was always surrounded by tyrants, was momentarily speechless. He was heartbroken!

Although it was like that, Lin Jiabao was still worried as he walked to the shop. Besides, he really found that name was familiar, as if someone had mentioned this name to him before?

After thinking for half a day, Lin Jiabao didn’t even get to put on his uniform before he was pulled by Lin Lan to the back.

“Hurry help brother Jie feed the cats. If he feeds the cats any longer, they’re going to start a revolution.”

“En, en.” Lin Jiabao took over Song Jie’s job and said to Lin Lan who was standing to one side. “Manager, can you help me sign a vacation notice, the school needs it to be from a guardian.”

Oh, oh, oh, oh. This was the first time Lin Lan had the feeling of being a guardian.

The opportunity was actually snatched away by Song Jie, who had quicker hands.

F*ck (#‵′)凸 !

After he put on his uniform, Lin Jiabao asked Lin Lan thoughtlessly as he was making coffee, “Manager, have you heard of someone called Murong Nanqiu before?”

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Lin Lan, who was doing the accounts, put down her pen and said, “I know Murong Zi, wu, Murong Nanqiu sounds a little familiar. Maybe they’re both from the Murong family.”

“Why are you asking?”

“No, nothing, Chen Chen got a letter from this person today.”

“Is that so, maybe the person is from the Murong family. Oh right, you can go ask Ouyang Feng, the Ou family1 and the Murong family are friends and they are close.”

If they were family friends, then the ‘threat’ Ouyang Chen got must be a mistake. As it was probably a mistake, it could be ignored.

Lin Jiabao was humming a tune when he finished his work. When he left the shop, he saw Ouyang Feng waving at him.

Heheh, in the end, he still secretly took brother Ouyang Feng’s car home behind mummy’s back.

Ouyang Feng helped Lin Jiabao put his bag in the back and when he saw Lin Jiabao’s face of joy, he slowed the car down a little. “Were you busy today?”

“There weren’t many people today so we weren’t busy. Brother Jie was scratched by the cats while feeding.”

“As long as you weren’t scratched.”

“The shop’s cats won’t scratch me hehe, they won’t scratch big brother either.”

Lin Jiabao looked at the supermarket that wasn’t too far away and said, “Can you stop here for a while, I want to buy a bag of salt.”

Ouyang Feng frowned after hearing this. He previously thought Baobao was busy hurrying to graduate school. He still had to take care of the family and could only rely on himself to do the laundry and dishes, it was too difficult. But if Ouyang Feng brought him directly into his home, he would definitely be rejected. Firstly, they didn’t have any special relationship. Secondly, Ouyang Feng felt distressed that the distance to his school was too far but he would still reject being driven to school.

Sure enough, something was missing.

After being sent home by Ouyang Feng, Lin Jiabao deliberately looked around the gate. 1028 usually wouldn’t go out at this time and would stay at home to watch the night news.

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“Mummy, I’m back, meow!”

1028 collapsed on the sofa, waiting for Lin Jiabao, the little kitty, to pounce on itself.

‘What’s up, why do you seem happier than usual?’

It was so easily seen by mummy.

“No, nothing.” Lin Jiabao tried to change the subject. “Let me tell you, Chen Chen received so many love letters today and there was actually a threat inside!”

‘A threat? You should stay away from him, don’t draw fire upon yourself2.’

“No, no, no. It’s said that his good friend wrote it? A person called Murong Nanqiu?”

‘En? The plot has developed until Murong Nanqiu is going to show up?’


The author has something to say: 

The original plot’s second female lead is about to go online:

Sickly and charming sister flowers —— Murong Zi, Murong Nanqiu 


Ou is their actual surname, not Ouyang but I feel that Ou Yang Feng and Ou Yang Chen look weird so I decided to use Ouyang instead


Fire = trouble. Mummy is saying that Baobao should stay away from Chen Chen so that his fire (trouble) wouldn’t spread to him

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