Chapter 29 – That Letter

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Murong Nanqiu, she was one of the important female leads. The male and female leads got closer due to her creating conflict. At the same time, due to her being called out for her wrongs and her ‘young mistress temper’, she constantly went to find the female lead looking for trouble.

Murong Zi, she was the other important female lead and was Murong Nanqiu’s big sister. She was secretly in love with the male lead and like her younger sister, her personality was just as extreme. It’s just that she was better at hiding it, making it hard for people to find any fault.

‘Let’s not talk about it, I’ve already introduced the main characters to you.’ 1028’s cat face was serious, placing its claw on Lin Jiabao’s face. ‘I recall you have seen Murong Nanqiu before?’

“ yi, did I?” Lin Jiabao’s expression was one of confusion. Although Murong Nanqiu sounded familiar, he didn’t remember what she looked like at all. 

‘Don’t you remember when you first saw Ouyang Feng?’

Lin Jiabao hugged his head and thought hard. “The cafe? wu no no! It seems it was when we were eating?”

‘Weren’t there a male and a female back then, one was Ouyang Chen and the other was Murong Nanqiu.’

“ Ai?! Turns out Chen Chen was there too?!”

1028 used both its claws to swipe at Lin Jiabao’s face, spitting out, ‘You can still be unreliable.’

“Meow hu hu…” 

‘Anyways, even if the mission cannot be completed, you better remember to stay further away from the two of them.’

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1028 looked at Lin Jiabao’s doubtful gaze and knew right away that he hadn’t registered what it just said. It sighed. ‘These two people are not friendly, especially Murong Zi. She even tried to take the other’s lives in the original plot. You better remember this!’



Who would’ve thought that Murong Nanqiu wasn’t a good person. Although they had never met, he had already produced defensive feelings towards her. Furthermore, based on the original plot, this person meant harm to Bai Youlian. Lin Jiabao’s gaze gave both Bai Youlian and Ouyang Chen goosebumps.

Ouyang Chen used one hand to turn Lin Jiabao’s head, letting his gaze fall on the media board and not on them anymore.

“You couldn’t be worried about those threatening letters, right?” Ouyang Chen raised his eyebrow. “I’ve already passed it to the bald Director to deal with, what are you still worried about?”

“Even if this dummy got threatening letters, little Bao, why are you looking at me?” Bai Youlian adjusted her glasses and found that she couldn’t understand Lin Jiabao’s actions today.

“I just feel worried, meow…” Lin Jiabao turned his head back.

“What’s there to worry about, your courage is so shallow. Hurry, turn your head back or put it on the table.”

Could it be that he was thinking too much, but he always got a feeling of a tall ‘flag’ being nearby.

The rest of the morning passed by smoothly, save for some of the gazes thrown Ouyang Chen’s way by some teachers but everything was as per usual. The only surprise was that Ouyang Chen, who was leaning against the backrest, didn’t eat outside like he usually did.

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Lin Jiabao, who was going to follow Bai Youlian to go to the canteen once again, also curiously stopped to watch Ouyang Chen.

“Chen Chen, you’re not going out to eat?”

Ouyang Chen, whose card was frozen by Ouyang Feng: “…I don’t want to go out today. I’ll go to the canteen for a change.”

Lin Jiabao didn’t notice Ouyang Chen’s twitching expression and invited him, “Then let’s go and eat together, the aunty in the canteen makes delicious food~”

Eating regular people’s food was foreign to Ouyang Chen. He didn’t have much appetite; he could just take this as a life experience. 

“Let’s go.”

The canteen was the same as usual, selling different home-cooked food. Although the decoration was completely different from the high-class restaurants, it was still clean and there were many people eating during this hour. The seats under the sun were very warm and Bai Youlian chose this spot early. She had already told Lin Jiabao what she wanted to eat, based on their past experiences.

Bai Youlian propped her head up with her hand and looked up to see someone she didn’t expect to. “Yo, you’re eating here today?”

“Don’t feel honoured just because this young master is eating here.”

Lin Jiabao brought Ouyang Chen to their seats. Like a little master, he told them not to quarrel and that he would bring their food over.

As they had an extra large addition to their group today, Lin Jiabao specially ordered three dishes and one soup, including the pork Bai Youlian loved to eat and his personal favourite, crispy fish.

Ouyang Chen picked up a piece of pork and tasted it. “The taste isn’t too bad.”

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He squinted his eyes and glanced suspiciously at Bai Youlian and Lin Jiabao. He really couldn’t tell; those two were so skinny and didn’t seem like the meat-eating type. 

“I love this, meow.” Lin Jiabao pushed the crispy fish towards him while gnawing on some fish. 

Although it was a meal, it was a pleasure to eat this way. Snatching food from them was also very appetizing.

Of course, people on this side were very happy to eat, but the ones on the other side were very unhappy watching. On the upper floor directly opposite their window, a girl held her knife tightly and glared at them. She clenched her teeth with a noticeable amount of force.

Kobe steak was just served by the waiter but she wiped her mouth and spat, “What kind of taste is this, it’s unpalatable, I don’t want to eat it anymore.”

This scene was not noticed by Lin Jiabao. Ouyang Chen and Bai Youlian were still fighting over the last piece of pork, a matter so serious that it affected the dignity of all foodies. Lin Jiabao was unable to persuade them and could only take three glasses of juice. In the middle of their fight, he called for a break for them to refuel themselves with juice.

Afterwards, they joined forces to pinch Lin Jiabao’s face, how painful for his heart meow!

After getting to the classroom, Lin Jiabao opened his book, holding his face and reading it slowly. The pitiful sight made Bai Youlian glare at Ouyang Chen.

“His face is pinched all red! Your hand really doesn’t understand the value of things!”

“F*ck, it was obvious that you had something to do with it too! You dare to say that you didn’t do anything to little Bao?”

Lin Jiabao rubbed his face. The two of them were almost the same but still dared to say those kinds of things.

“Ai?” Lin Jiabao looked over and noticed another black envelope peeking out from Ouyang Chen’s desk drawer.

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He took the letter out and pulled on the corner of Ouyang Chen’s clothes. “That Murong Nanqiu wrote another letter for you.”

“En? What’s this thing?” Ouyang Chen took it over with furrowed brows.

Bai Youlian saw the sketchy letter and it gave her an unpleasant feeling. “Open it and see. After being warned by the school director, the sender is certainly no ordinary person.” 

“tsk.” Ouyang Chen ripped the envelope open and the letter inside only had one sentence written——

“Tonight at seven thirty, the Great Flower Garden, won’t leave till I see you.” 

“I won’t go, who stays at school till the middle of the night? Is this person really so sick?

Lin Jiabao hurried to pick up the letter from the floor and threw it into the dustbin. “Don’t litter.”

Should he tell big brother Ouyang Feng? 

Thinking of the letter’s weird content, Lin Jiabao shuddered. He felt the ending of today’s events won’t be so simple.

The author has something to say:

About to write about half of the story, I really want to ask if there is anybody with criticism hehe (?) 


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