Chapter 30 – The Door Is Blocked!

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Bai Youlian adjusted her posture in her seat, feeling interested in the sender of the letter. “So, what kind of person is this Murong Nanqiu?”

Lin Jiabao nodded in agreement and curiously looked at Ouyang Chen. Although he had heard mummy mention this person before, hearing it from the person concerned was even more convincing. 

“This is an annoying psychopath.” Ouyang Chen’s expression was as if he had eaten expired food. 

Bai Youlian raised her brow. “Hearing you say this about someone is really interesting.”


Lin Jiabao moved away from Bai Youlian by a slight five centimeters. 

Ouyang Chen slumped on the table and took out his phone. There was no need to worry about this matter. He said, “Hmph, anyways, I’ll be leaving early today. Who wants to wait for her.”

Lin Jiabao looked at the letters in the garbage bin and shared a glance with Bai Youlian, saying softly, “…Probably.”

Having said that, when the class ended and the door was blocked, Lin Jiabao’s bad premonition was fulfilled. 

The classroom only had three of them left, the others had already left school. The only way out was blocked. 

Although it wasn’t like an anime villain scene, there seemed to be background music and effects. But the person in front of them had both her arms folded and was looking at them with her head inclined at 45 degrees, with an aura of having come to settle things. 

The girl blocking the door had light makeup on and was holding a small handbag. Her eyes looked lightly at the Lin Jiabao trio, causing Lin Jiabao who was packing his backpack to meow twice in confusion.

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“That’s Murong Nanqiu.” 

Due to a woman’s intuition, Bai Youlian didn’t even need to make a guess to know who the person in front of them was.

“Meow?” Lin Jiabao looked at Bai Youlian before turning to look at Murong Nanqiu, thinking deeply before saying, “I feel like she’s looking at you?”

Ouyang Chen didn’t bother looking at Murong Nanqiu and muttered to himself, “This crazy hag is really persistent.”

However, this scene ground on Murong Nanqiu’s nerves. At first glance, it seemed that Ouyang Chen only wanted to talk to Bai Youlian and didn’t care about her at all. She glared at them fiercely.

What, what, what to do?

Lin Jiabao looked between the two of them and his ‘small animal instinct’ made him blurt out, “Want, want me to stare… stare back, meow?” 

Yi, what am I saying?!!

Bai Youlian adjusted her glasses and seemed to have passed the biggest responsibility to Lin Jiabao by tapping his shoulder. “Go on.”

Lin Jiabao’s eyes widened and he turned to Ouyang Chen. Ouyang Chen only gave him a big thumbs-up and said, “What a man.”

Lin-fake-‘man’-actually-just-a-scared-cat-Bao sold himself. 

He took two deep breaths and with his back facing Murong Nanqiu, he tried his best to come up with a ‘fierce’ look. He puffed his cheeks out and tried his best to open his eyes as wide as possible before turning his head around suddenly!


Bai Youlian and Ouyang Chen’s expressions were a bit distorted, looking as if they wanted to laugh but at the same time, didn’t want to tease Lin Jiabao. In other words, it was a funny scene. 

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Murong Nanqiu looked at the pufferfish like Lin Jiabao, the corner of her lips twitching upwards.

What was this guy doing? Selling meng1 as a threat?

After about ten seconds of being a pufferfish, Lin Jiabao finally realised the expressions of the people around him weren’t right. His face turned red immediately and he sat down on the chair, burying his head in his hands, despite the words of the people around him.

They were a big crowd of big liars and had made Baobao worried, pricking the cat.

Black lines appeared on Murong Nanqiu’s face and with some impatience, walked into the classroom to stand in front of Ouyang Chen. “I knew you wouldn’t come tonight. That’s fine, I’m here.”

Ouyang Chen was trying to take Lin Jiabao’s head out from his arms and with a cold tone, he said, “My brother bringing you for a meal wasn’t enough. Looks like you pestered your father to get you into this school too.”

“I transferred over for you but you aren’t giving me face2 now!!”

Murong Nanqiu slammed a fist on the table and pointed at Bai Youlian. “Even playing around with other people during lunch?”

This action shocked Lin Jiabao into lifting his head up. He struggled for a while before weakly raising his hand. “That… there was only me during lunch.”

Murong Nanqiu heard this and turned to look at Lin Jiabao, sending him back into a state of pretending to be dead.

Ouyang Chen couldn’t listen anymore. He wasn’t someone with a good temper, plus he had always been uncomfortable with Murong Nanqiu. With a loud sound, he kicked a chair away and said coldly, “What do you want? What does it matter to you who I eat lunch with?!”

Lin Jiabao focused on listening to the argument, even wondering about the damage to public property. 

Murong Nanqiu bit down on her bottom lip; she wasn’t the kind to let go of things easily. Compared to Ouyang Chen, she was more ‘romantic’ and she found Bai Youlian – the ‘third wheel’ – to be even more annoying.

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Murong Nanqiu sighed and said sarcastically, “A shameless four-eyed regular civilian, youthful and full of tricks.” 

“Are you special…”

Bai Youlian stopped Ouyang Chen from finishing his sentence. She adjusted her glasses. Lin Jiabao stole a quick glance at her from the reflection of her lens. It was obvious that Bai Youlian was very angry.

“Miss, it looks like you’re a rich young lady. Why did you barge into our classroom like you would at a market, are you a big aunty?”

Without waiting for Murong Nanqiu’s reply, Bai Youlian smiled and continued, “Although you don’t wear glasses, you seem to be blind. You’re young yet your eyesight is poor. You seem to be an idiot who comes to disturb the peace?”

Hiss——fights between women were so frightening.

But it could be seen that they were cultured; they were using harsh words but they never raised a fist.

Bai Youlian and Murong Nanqiu argued back and forth, and no one was willing to back down. The spectators were totally silent. Lin Jiabao watched them wide-eyed. After waiting for a while, he suddenly remembered that he had work. He looked at the time, aiyo, it had dragged on for an hour. He had three missed phone calls; one from the shop manager and the other two from big brother Ouyang Feng.

He wanted to leave but the battle was still going on fiercely and he couldn’t remove himself from the situation. He wanted to make a phone call. He picked up his phone and shoved it into his bag; making a phone call in this situation wasn’t going to work out.

“Enough!!!” Ouyang Chen slammed his hands on the table. It was like taking a break during a competition and he succeeded in making the two girls pause in their fighting.

Ouyang Chen was irritated by the women’s fighting. His head was painful. He picked up his bag, wanting to leave the school but was grabbed by Murong Nanqiu who had a sharp glare and wouldn’t let go.

Murong Nanqiu’s nails were digging into the palm of his hand as she asked loudly, “Who on earth do you want?!”

“Are you sick?!” Ouyang Chen couldn’t be rough with Murong Nanqiu due to their families’ relationship. This woman was unmoving like the Orange river3, he looked between Bai Youlian and Lin Jiabao.

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He threw his bag down and grabbed Lin Jiabao who was pretending to be dead, pointing at him. “I’m GAY, I want him, alright?!”

Lin Jiabao: “Huh?”

Bai Youlian: “Huh?”

“Good, so it was you!” Murong Nanqiu threw her bag furiously on the floor, wanting to grab Lin Jiabao.

Lin Jiabao shook his head, frightened, “Wait, you’re mistaken…” 

Just as Murong Nanqiu was going to grab him, a stern voice froze the four in the classroom on the spot——

“What are you guys doing?”

The author has something to say:

Lin Jiabao: Why am I always the one who gets shot? Mummy, I want rubbies QAQ 

dreamy here! unfortunately, school has started for me again so updates *might* be delayed. thanks for understanding!


meng = cuteness


face = respect/dignity


黄河不死心 = not stopping until reaching one’s goal // basically stubborn

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