Chapter 31 – Change Of Original Intention

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Taking advantage of everyone’s stunned state, Lin Jiabao shrunk into himself and hurriedly moved away from Murong Nanqiu and Ouyang Chen, especially the latter. He hurried to hide behind a few tables and stared fearfully at the people in front of him.

1028 didn’t plant the idea of this type of love in his little brain.

His expression was one of horror for a period of time. Turns out there could be things like this!

It was simply shocking!

Ouyang Chen picked up his bag and patted it clean before slinging it over his shoulder, asking suspiciously, “Big brother, why did you come?”

Seeing that Ouyang Feng had walked into the classroom, Murong Nanqiu stopped her actions of wanting to grab someone and straightened out her hair before smiling at him. It really couldn’t be seen that she had just quarrelled with Bai Youlian. “Yi, brother Ouyang Feng is here, did you come to find Yang Chen1?”

This way of calling sickened Ouyang Chen.

Ouyang Feng glanced unhappily at Murong Nanqiu and Ouyang Chen before walking towards them. He used one arm to grab Lin Jiabao and the other to grab his bag. “Suit yourself.”

He turned around and left.

This action made Ouyang Chen and Bai Youlian exchange glances with tacit understanding before rushing out of the classroom before Murong Nanqiu could react.

Murong Nanqiu couldn’t stop them and was left alone in her original position stomping!

Lin Jiabao was still in a ‘play dead’ state when he left the classroom and only reacted when he was in Ouyang Feng’s grasp. 

Although Ouyang Feng looked slim, it was due to his clothes. Underneath his clothes were muscles. Lin Jiabao found himself struggling not to hinder Ouyang Feng’s movements. He meowed in his heart a few times before poking Ouyang Feng’s muscles.

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It was hard?!

He poked his own arm.

It was soft…

So, where was he being brought to?

Seeing Ouyang Feng’s icy expression, Lin Jiabao made a smart choice——it was better to not say anything.

In the school’s underground car park, there was a lot reserved specially for Ouyang Feng. Although the school prohibited any vehicles from entering, due to Ouyang Feng’s generous donations, they made an exception for him. He wordlessly brought Lin Jiabao down to the car park. 

The dark car park combined with Ouyang Feng’s gloomy expression made Lin Jiabao think of bad things.

But his mind still continued to wander; every time Lianlian and Chen Chen were together, it seemed that he was constantly being shot at.

Speaking truthfully, if their relationship got better, maybe his bad luck would turn good.

Although Ouyang Feng’s action of opening the door seemed as if he was very upset, he still placed Lin Jiabao gently. Seeing that Lin Jiabao seemed as if he was still frightened and nervous, he reached out to squeeze his hand. He spoke as warmly as he usually did, “You weren’t at the store even until late. Lin Lan was really worried but couldn’t leave so I came to find you.”

So it was like this.

Lin Jiabao hurriedly apologised, wanting to take out his phone to call Lin Lan but was stopped by Ouyang Feng.

“I already spoke to Lin Lan.”

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Lin Jiabao raised his head to look dumbly at Ouyang Feng and found that for some inexplicable reason, Ouyang Feng’s gaze was complicated, as if he had mixed emotions. 

Ouyang Feng didn’t speak anymore and went to the driver’s side. When he opened the door, he met Lin Jiabao’s gaze and recalled the previous scene. No wonder he always felt that Bao Bao was always trying his best with Ouyang Chen’s matters, even tolerating his violent temper and speaking out for him.

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth. “You and Ouyang Chen…?”

Me and Chen Chen?

Lin Jiabao cocked his head suspiciously. Usually, Ouyang Feng would find this action adorable, but at the moment, he was filled with troubled emotions.

Ouyang Feng sighed, he should just ask directly. “Are you and Ouyang Chen dating?”

Meow meow meow…

The little cats in Lin Jiabao’s heart started to meow in unison, this question was too shocking?!

Did big brother Ouyang Feng mistake what happened just now?!

“Wait, I…”

“You’re still young, puppy love isn’t good for you.”

“No, no you’ve mistaken…”

“Also, feelings aren’t stable at this time, you might walk on the wrong path.”

“Please listen to me…” Let me speak ma.

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“I don’t think Lin Lan will agree with your puppy love.”

“Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!!”

This misunderstanding of Ouyang Feng was too great, Lin Jiabao couldn’t find a chance to explain at all. In a moment of panic, he grabbed Ouyang Feng’s collar and directly used meow-nese2!

This interrupted Ouyang Feng’s ramblings. Seeing that Lin Jiabao was staring him dead in the eye and holding his collar, Ouyang Feng shut his mouth. Lin Jiabao could finally speak. “Big brother, you’re mistaken, meow!” 


“I don’t know anything, Chen Chen suddenly grabbed me and said that. I really don’t know anything.” These words calmed the confused emotions in Ouyang Feng’s heart.

Ouyang Feng didn’t notice his tightly furrowed brows relaxed. He grabbed Lin Jiabao’s hand and said, “So, Ouyang Chen the brat used you as a scapegoat?”

These words didn’t seem wrong but he felt that Chen Chen would die a painful death _(:3_|)_

But Ouyang Feng understood Bao Bao’s gaze and suddenly smiled, saying in a low voice, “What on Earth am I doing?”

This question made Lin Jiabao wonder confusedly whether Ouyang Feng was broken anywhere. He shook Ouyang Feng’s hands about and drew his attention back. 

Ouyang Feng rubbed Lin Jiabao’s head. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine =w= ~!” Lin Jiabao’s smile would forever be imprinted in Ouyang Feng’s heart.

Ouyang Feng seemed to know what he wanted but felt that the timing wasn’t right. He let go of Lin Jiabao’s hands and helped him wear his seatbelt.

“Let’s go back to the shop ba.”

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“En, en.” Seeing that Ouyang Feng was back to normal, Lin Jiabao finally calmed down. When he remembered that big brother Ouyang Feng wasn’t mistaken anymore, he heaved a sigh of relief.

In the car, the two were in a curious silence. Ouyang Feng seemed to be deep in thought and Lin Jiabao didn’t want to disturb him, choosing to daydream while facing him. When Ouyang Feng suddenly turned to him with a smile, his ears got red and hot and he hurriedly turned to face the road ahead.

This reaction made the corners of Ouyang Feng’s lips perk up even higher.

He brought Lin Jiabao back to the shop’s door and ordered his usual Blue Mountain.

Lin Lan pulled Lin Jiabao to one side and interrogated him. She asked why he came back so late and why he didn’t pick up the phone. Only after Lin Jiabao reassured her that it was because the teacher detained him after class did Lin Lan let him go. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe his words, it was actually because Ouyang Feng said everything was fine that she let him off so easily. 

Seeing Bao Bao, like a little spinning top, busying about the store non-stop, Ouyang Feng sent a message to his secretary.

“Get someone to send me a few books on how to chase someone and have it sent to my apartment.”

The author has something to say:

Ouyang Feng this time almost completely forgot and nearly taught Lin Jiabao matters that didn’t concern puppy love.

Ouyang Feng: Big double standards!! 


Ouyang Chen/Feng’s real surname is Ou so their actual name is Ou Yang Chen/Feng but it looks weird to me so I put the ‘Yang’ with the Ou. I won’t be putting this in the footnotes next time so please take note!


Cat language

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