Chapter 32 – Lunch Event

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Helping the boss with personal matters was not within the secretary’s job scope but he still ran about to help out, wanting to know which fairy had managed to capture the boss’ heart.

Although he couldn’t dig out the truth right now, as long as he could be the boss’ love advisor, there was no gossip he wouldn’t know. 

However, the bookstore had closed early due to some reasons. As a result, the secretary had to go elsewhere to get the book and when he sent it to the apartment, Ouyang Feng had already returned. 

Seeing that his boss’ mood was good, secretary Wen gathered his courage and asked, “Boss, do you plan to chase someone?”

“No, don’t ask so much, hurry up and leave.”

After using secretary Wen, Ouyang Feng tossed him away and this made his heart sour. 

Ouyang Feng looked at “Thirty-six stories of love” and “Hooking his and her heart (boys’ version)”. As the titles of the stories made people feel vulgar, he hesitated to open the books.

Although he was doing all this, he indeed was not planning to chase anyone. Lin Jiabao was too young. He wanted to at least wait until he was of age but he didn’t just want to take him. He wanted to fill this little guy with good feelings and come to him on his own. 

Can, this is very exciting! 

Some of these books were automatically filtered out. In the end, Ouyang Feng found it troublesome and summarized it into one sentence——

Catering to his own wants!

‘Strange?’ 1028 stopped watching the news and looked through the real-time data. ‘Why are the points increasing so quickly?’

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1028 refreshed the database and verified the points that were stagnant for a long time had suddenly increased sharply. 

“Mummy, I want to watch the online fluffy round bunny’s interview today.” Lin Jiabao came out of the kitchen holding two cups of hot milk. Seeing that mummy ignored him, he placed the milk on the table and started to pester 1028 like a baby. 

‘Don’t be noisy, the remote control is on the sofa. You can change the channel yourself.’

Lin Jiabao happily picked up the remote and changed to his favourite channel, drinking milk as he watched the fat and round rabbit sell meng on the screen.

1028 compared the data’s numbers and asked his family’s silly son, ‘Did anything happen recently and cause the points to increase so much?’

“Is there anything?’ Lin Jiabao thought for a while. “It seems that Murong Nanqiu blocked our way out in the classroom but nothing else happened?”

Except for Chen Chen exposing himself as a gay. 

As for the word GAY, Ouyang Chen and Bai Youlian had already explained it to him. Bai Youlian had stared at Ouyang Chen as if he had sullied a field of flowers.

However, Murong Nanqiu had not shown her face for a while. According to Chen Chen, due to Ouyang Feng’s warning, she was reprimanded by her parents for doing this kind of an embarrassing thing.

It was also counted as a happy thing. 

But similarly, ever since that incident, Chen Chen’s black card1 was frozen for a longer period of time and went to eat with them all the time at the canteen. It was a really happy thing…

After watching television, Lin Jiabao wasn’t in a rush to sleep. He prepared the next day’s ingredients first. 

The canteen’s foods all had simple flavours so upon hearing that Lin Jiabao could cook well, they decided that they would bring their own food tomorrow. Ouyang Chen just needed to be in charge of drinks and refreshments <-_<-

1028 saw that Lin Jiabao was very busy, finding that Lin Jiabao meeting more people from the plot was better as he was getting more and more happy. The points were also going up. Although it always felt that the male lead didn’t have good intentions, his careful treatment of Lin Jiabao lessened his resistance. 

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In this way, even if the mission was successful, the points were full anyways and it could rest assured.

Lin Jiabao set his alarm and covered himself with the blanket. He said ‘goodnight’ to his mummy before falling asleep quickly.

1028 saw Lin Jiabao’s sleeping appearance and jumped down from the pillow, switching on the forgotten alarm. It helplessly said,

‘Good night, my silly son.’


As usual, Lin Jiabao had a magical duet with the rainbow cat ringtone!

1028 used a paw to beat Lin Jiabao and another to turn the alarm off. 

Finally, the sleepy Bao Bao got out of bed to put on his uniform and brush his teeth. 

Early in the morning, he had to get the dishes right. To make it convenient to bring out, he deep-fried the soy fish and paper-wrapped tofu, specially adding vinegar and cabbage to the meat. 

He packed the dishes into lunch boxes and prepared another insulated one.

Just as he was about to reach the classroom’s doors, he saw a lady standing at the door. He got nearer, didn’t she look like Murong Nanqiu whom he had not seen for a while?

What did she want to do?

Lin Jiabao dug through his memories. According to the original plot, Murong Nanqiu – who was jealous of Bai Youlian – instructed other students to scribble all over her desk early in the morning. Her table would be full of the words ‘poor person’, ‘garbage’ or ‘damn rat’. Afterwards, Murong Nanqiu would walk by Bai Youlian as if nothing happened and laugh about her ‘poor’ smell.

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It couldn’t be?

Were they so angry until they did it themselves?

Of course, after Ouyang Feng’s warning, Murong Nanqiu didn’t dare to play a fool anymore no matter how upset she was. Although she didn’t know the relationship between Lin Jiabao and the two brothers, just based on the current situation, she couldn’t make any moves lightly. 

But threatening was something she had to do!

Murong Nanqiu saw that Lin Jiabao was walking towards her, she put on arrogant airs and looked at him as one would when looking at insects, waiting for him to get closer. 

However, Lin Jiabao didn’t plan to play according to the rules.

He found that Murong Nanqiu didn’t seem to fancy him and stood far, far away to give her a silly smile before turning around and running into the reading room next door. 

Thank the school daddy for not locking the door!

Murong Nanqiu watched him change directions deliberately, even smiling foolishly at her. What was he smiling for!

Murong Nanqiu took two deep breaths and followed Lin Jiabao into the reading room. She looked around before finding Lin Jiabao in the corner, walking towards her.


“Shh——” Lin Jiabao’s heart raced when she walked nearer. However when he heard her raise her voice, he hurriedly motioned for her to lower her volume before saying softly, “One should keep quiet in the reading room.”

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There were only the two of them, what was there to keep quiet for?!

Murong Nanqiu took a few deep breaths, suppressing her anger before smiling at Lin Jiabao, “What relationship do you have with my Yang Chen?”

“Friends… Ah, no.” Seeing Murong Nanqiu’s gaze that seemed to want to eat someone, Lin Jiabao chose another way of speaking. “We’re just table partners!”

“Hehe, looks like you don’t have any intentions towards Yang Chen, right?”

Lin Jiabao nodded vigorously. In other senses, he had several intentions towards the male lead. 

“Then that’s good, even if he was gay, I have a method of fixing that.” Murong Nanqiu squinted, there seemed to be a deeper meaning behind her words. “As long as you don’t make trouble.” 

I won’t fix you…

How scary! 

Seeing Murong Nanqiu’s retreating back, Lin Jiabao hugged himself and had 3-seconds of silence for Chen Chen.

He didn’t know whether Murong Nanqiu would swallow him alive for making lunch for Ouyang Chen.

Thinking about it made his head hurt…

hi everyone, thanks for the well wishes. my hammy is no longer in pain and has gone off to a better place. i hope he’s happier up there <3

thank you for always sticking around even though the update schedule is not fixed, i know it’s super annoying. i’m doing whatever i can to sort my life out but it feels a little empty without my hamster as i used to plan my day around spending quality time with him and/or bringing him to routine vet visits.

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