Chapter 33 – Upcoming Holidays

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Important note: I have decided to stop using big brother/big sister and use Gege/Jiejie instead. I read a novel where the protagonist had a gege k*nk and I have attained enlightenment, I will see if I can change the previous chapters but no guarantees! 

It was rare for Ouyang Chen to come to school so often; he wasn’t late, he didn’t leave the school early and he didn’t skip any lessons. Ouyang Chen saw Lin Jiabao’s hesitant expression. If he had not seen the lunchbox he was holding, he would have thought that Lin Jiabao was looking forward to this day.

The food prepared by Bai Youlian was also very rich, with pork marinated with various types of sauces and pork belly that filled the whole lunchbox.

Lin Jiabao had also prepared some vegetables. She had avoided making vegetables and instead prepared all meat dishes.

The three of them went to the roof to eat. The autumn breeze was refreshing and the clouds were stacked one on top of the other, it seemed to have wings from a distance. There hadn’t been such a peaceful day for some time, even the constant bickering between Ouyang Chen and Bai Youlian had stopped.

Oh, except when it comes to snatching food.

“What is this, it’s so good!” Bai Youlian used her chopsticks to pick up a piece of paper-wrapped tofu and took a bite, exclaiming in surprise. “It’s even a little sweet. The outside is crispy and the inside is fragrant, Little Bao, you’re pretty good at this!”

“Heheh, Lianlian, the food you made is pretty good too =w= !”

“It’s fine.” Ouyang Chen stuffed three fried fishes directly into his mouth, chewing carefully. “You seem to really like eating fish, you’re eating it in every meal.”

Lin Jiabao sent Ouyang Chen a guilty smile.

After eating their fill, they laid on the roof for a while. Bai Youlian suddenly opened her mouth to ask, “Why do I feel like your lover hasn’t been active for a while?”

Ouyang Chen rolled his eyes at Bai Youlian. “What lover?” 

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“I’ve always found it a little weird. It seems that that girl shouldn’t be this quiet. I originally hated her quite a fair bit.” As time went on, the fire in Bai Youlian’s heart was gradually extinguished. 

“Are you still expecting people to come and make trouble for you?”

“Of course not, but in terms of appearance, if she ran to you it would be more pleasing to the eye.”

There were some words that really couldn’t be said. If one said them, they might come true.

The three of them silently looked at Murong Nanqiu, who was sitting in Ouyang Chen’s seat, and his expressions turned dark again. Lin Jiabao and Ouyang Chen turned to Bai Youlian at the same time, who slapped her hand over her mouth to show that she shouldn’t be such a crow.

Ouyang Chen touched Lin Jiabao, smiling. “Why don’t you try glaring at her, it might drive this crazy hag away.”


Lin Jiabao scratched Ouyang Chen lightly, showing his displeasure. 

Of course, Ouyang Chen was just joking. Lin Jiabao wasn’t his gege and if Lin Jiabao could scare someone off with his glare, it’d be too weird.

No matter how wide he opened his eyes, it couldn’t be summarised in one word——

It looked powerful but the results were rather unsatisfactory. 

There was only a dramatic effect and there wasn’t any significance. 

However, they wouldn’t be like Lin Jiabao in the morning and escape into the self-study room just because of Murong Nanqiu. The two blocked Lin Jiabao’s escape route and returned to their seats together. When Bai Youlian got closer to Murong Nanqiu, the latter shot daggers at her with her eyes and there seemed to be electric shocks between them.

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In the end, Murong Nanqiu was the first to look away, admitting defeat. 

Murong Nanqiu got up from the chair gracefully and as if she was a girlfriend who had a fight with her boyfriend, she said, “I went to the poor people cafeteria today but you actually weren’t there. Yang Chen, you’re so mean.”

Today when she saw that Ouyang Chen hadn’t gone to the cafeteria, Murong Nanqiu had a huge fit.

“If you’re sick, take medication. If you’re not, get lost.”

Murong Nanqiu looked at the two people by Ouyang Chen’s side and the more she looked at them, the less pleasing she found them. If it weren’t for them, Yang Chen wouldn’t be this cold to her. If they could just disappear, how great would that be? However, she was being stared at now and couldn’t do anything. She looked closely at Lin Jiabao, her thoughts unclear. 

“Then I’ll be off first. Don’t miss me, Yang Chen.”

Seeing Murong Nanqiu’s retreating figure, Bai Youlian couldn’t help but sigh. “This person is really a dog skin plaster1, you can’t get rid of her.” 

“It should be like this.” Ouyang Chen had caught sight of how the woman Murong Nanqiu had looked at Lin Jiabao and Bai Youlian—in an unkind manner. He reminded them, “You guys remember this, that woman is dark inside. Don’t ever be alone with her.” 

Lin Jiabao had seen Ouyang Chen in awe of his gege but he had never seen him dread a woman before. He had repeatedly reminded them that she was a poisonous spider with sharp teeth claws, lying in wait for a prey to fall into her web before giving them a fatal blow. 

“This… What the fuck is this!!” Ouyang Chen angrily pulled out a large photo album of drag queens with heavy makeup from his drawer.  

Was this Murong Nanqiu’s way of ‘straightening’ Ouyang Chen?!

Lin Jiabao stayed a few tables away from Ouyang Chen, feeling that danger was always nearby. 

Sure enough, Ouyang Chen distributed these photo albums to the other male classmates. Under his threatening expression, they accepted it with smiles and thanks.

During afternoon class, the head teacher suddenly walked into the classroom and passed notices of the upcoming vacation to a few students. This time’s vacation was to Pudusalan (made up by the author) for further studies, which was said to be the center of financial politics. Dong Chen freshmen basically had to study and live there for a while. The headquarters of Ouyang Feng’s company was also in Pudusalan and his company was a big part of the country’s economy.  

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However, this time, it seemed to have nothing to do with Lin Jiabao. His bank account didn’t allow it and he didn’t apply for a passport either. 

He simply pushed the matter to the back of his mind and happily finished his work, jogging all the way to the shop to help out.

Yesterday, Ouyang Feng gege had said that he would come at night. Lin Jiabao replied immediately and told him that he would bring some self-made snacks and accidentally exposed Ouyang Chen’s absence from class. 

He apologised with his two paws put together…

“So the three of us went to eat lunch on the rooftop today. Chen Chen’s appetite was too good and he finished most of the food, but luckily I packed gege’s portion into a separate container =w=.”

“Is that so, how great.” The fortune of that stinky brat, Ouyang Chen, was something to be envious of!

Seeing his family’s Baobao’s face with such a wide smile, Ouyang Feng reached over and pinched it. There was even an urge to kiss his dimples, which he resisted but his finger still lingered on a dimple. 

Ouyang Feng ate the fish cakes Lin Jiabao had made while listening to his daily activities at school. He had even put some fish cake into Lin Jiabao’s mouth. This way it became ‘a bite for you and a bite for me’, they ate very happily, force-feeding the people around them with dog food2.

The two girls at the neighbouring table, “So meng3won’t be putting this in any future notes so take note~! So meng until my heart and liver can’t take it.”

Lin Jiabao?? What meng?

Ouyang Feng pulled the resting Lin Jiabao to his side to sit down, making the little kitty’s body feel a little stiff. Ouyang Feng blew into Lin Jiabao’s ear and got the sight he liked to see the most——Lin Jiabao’s ear turned red and trembled slightly. He said to Baobao, “Aren’t you guys going to be on vacation soon, what plans do you have?” 


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At the same time, in a room filled with pictures of people she had once liked, Murong Nanqiu turned on the lights after she got in. 

She hugged the bone-like bolster4, it was once her favourite but she simply tossed it out to have the maids keep it for her.

Murong Nanqiu took out her phone and dialed a familiar number. She heard a familiar voice from the other side, “Hello.” 

“Jie, it’s me.”

“You ran into trouble again? Say it, what is it?”

“I’m not here for money, I have a little something to tell you, it has something to do with the stinky brat next to Ouyang Feng…”

hihi dreamy here~ i have an upcoming submission this sunday so i hope all goes well! this is one of the last submissions i have this semester before my sem break!!! yahoo!!!!

thanks for reading and see you next week!


Dog skin plasters were originally used for dogs but they’re used on cloth now, they’re very hard to remove.


This neologism refers to the self-pity of single people (humorously dubbed “single dogs“) triggered by the public displays of affection by couples online or offline. Credits to Haha China wordpress, read more about Chinese internet slangs on their website~


Meng = cuteness! I don’t remember if I said this before but I won’t be putting this in any future notes so take note~


Bolster! Can’t sleep without mine, which is shaped like a fat shiba inu

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