Chapter 34 – Making Trouble

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Did he perhaps get the wrong feeling?

The attitude of the person beside him seemed to have changed a little. He used to dote on him a lot but lately, he seemed to be more touchy. 

If he was still a cat, this behaviour would be known as ‘scratching cats’. However, looking at it now, it seemed rather roguish? 

Lin Jiabao covered his ears, his face reddening from embarrassment. He turned to gaze at Ouyang Feng with a serious look, dumbfounded for half a day and saw that Ouyang Feng wanted to kiss him again. 

This baby was so endearing.

“Don’t know, maybe since I had nothing to do at home, I helped to look after the shop instead?”

The shop manager never cared much about shop profits so she often went on vacation with Song Jie. Lin Jiabao would reject Lin Lan’s invitation and wouldn’t accept no matter what she said. She could only ask Lin Jiabao to look after the store’s cats. It didn’t matter to her whether the store was open or not. 

Ouyang Feng stroked Lin Jiabao’s ahoge which was standing and asked, “Don’t you have a school trip to go to? If you want to go, I can help you get the necessary documents.”

“No, there’s no need la.” Lin Jiabao really didn’t have any intentions to travel. Furthermore, he wasn’t a dog and didn’t need to go on walks. 

Ouyang Feng silently crossed out the visiting foreign headquarters, and instead placed Ouyang Chen’s study on the agenda.

“The study trip is actually to look at the humanities and customs of the country, but more importantly, it’s for the students to experience the ways of top companies.” Ouyang Feng was especially careful in teaching Lin Jiabao. “Although your school has many wealthy students, they chose to attend Dong Chen instead of getting a private tutor because of its connections. They want to expand their interpersonal relationships, right from business to military, including political relations.” 

“Missing this chance would be very pitiful.”

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It seemed very important but if he went, it would be very troublesome. Lin Jiabao mulled over this matter, rubbing his hands on his apron. 

“If you really don’t want to go, you can come to my company to learn. You can get a certificate, I can also teach you.”

Finally, Ouyang Chen’s big wolf tail appeared and was waving in Lin Jiabao’s direction. 

“Can I?” 

However, this little kitty felt extremely grateful to Ouyang Feng. If 1028 hadn’t told him beforehand to discuss important matters with it, he would have agreed to Ouyang Feng’s word immediately. 

Of course it has to be ‘can’!

Although when he finally sent Lin Jiabao, Baobao said that he still needed to think about it, Ouyang Feng felt his chances were still stable. With a face that showed he was thinking about the other and a smooth tongue, he started to plan how to arrange the vacation period. 

“Oh right, it’s getting colder. Don’t forget to wear a jacket, don’t catch a cold.” Ouyang Feng placed emphasis on wearing a jacket, deliberately lowering his voice. 

His tricks were dirty and ran deep. 

Lin Jiabao – who didn’t feel Ouyang Feng’s rather sinister intentions – only felt that Gege was a warm person. The original plot that said he was strict and scary was truly too much. 

(Original plot: …)

After bidding goodbye to Lin Jiabao, Ouyang Feng didn’t drive off immediately. He only drove off when Lin Jiabao’s retreating back was out of sight. 

Seeing that Lin Jiabao trusted him so much, Ouyang Feng had a feeling that there wouldn’t be a problem if he wanted to eat Baobao.

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However, he couldn’t take Lin Jiabao’s trust for granted. If Baobao couldn’t be enlightened, then there wouldn’t really be a happy relationship and he would just be an old, perverted hooligan. 

He pressed his temples, smiling. He never would’ve thought that he would one day have a baby in his heart and that he would think about how to make this baby happy, to make this baby belong to him.

The moment Lin Jiabao got home, he immediately told the matters regarding the school trip to 1028.

1028 didn’t insist on Lin Jiabao standing out. It only wanted Lin Jiabao to earn enough points to become a real person and live out his days peacefully afterwards.

So it returned Lin Jiabao his own question.

‘Do you want to go on this trip?’

“I’m, I’m fine, I don’t especially want to go.” 

Regarding laying foundations for the future, Lin Jiabao didn’t really understand. But if somebody asked why he studied so hard, he also wouldn’t say that it was to achieve a dream or to earn a bright future. 

He simply liked having knowledge. The things he was experiencing now were fresh things he never could have had when he was still a milk kitten.

Going abroad to study for the time being was still okay but going over to learn from Ouyang Feng instead troubled 1028. In terms of instinct, Ouyang Feng often gave it a sense of danger, as if he was a predator on a hunt. 

But the moment Lin Jiabao mentioned Ouyang Feng, his whole being seemed to brighten as he broke into a smile, even his dreams being pure and good. 1028 wondered if its prejudice against the male lead was due to the influence of the original plot. 

So when it saw Lin Jiabao’s begging face, 1028 swatted it with its tail. 

‘There are three rules; you must be home on time, you can’t spend the night there and you’ll keep the GPS on your phone turned on for 24 hours.’

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The moment Lin Jiabao heard 1028’s words, he picked up his mummy and rolled around on the couch, even giving it a big kiss!

1028 jumped out of Lin Jiabao’s embrace. Seeing the silly smile on Baobao’s face, it sighed, wondering who the child resembled. 

Lin Jiabao carried 1028 on his back, editing his message for half a day. He deleted and redid it countless times, before silently sending Ouyang Feng a short message — “I can go =w=!”

Ouyang Feng, who was reading a report, smiled upon seeing the message. How did this little thing seem like he was set free from his parent’s supervision and was soaring in happiness. 

“That’s great news, sleep earlier, goodnight.” — from Ouyang Feng. 


“How troublesome, it’s gonna be vacation soon.”

The vacation period drew nearer and nearer but the majority of the students didn’t feel much different as their vacation was usually filled with tuition. Of course, there was Ouyang Chen who would usually go on vacation. However, this time, he was sent to study. 

He really didn’t know what madness his ge was up to now; he wanted to supervise Ouyang Chen’s studying with force and when he protested, he was silenced with an iron fist.

Bai Youlian kept everyone’s study form and looked silently at Ouyang Chen and Lin Jiabao as if they handed in the wrong study form. 

“…This time I will be forced to go with these two?”

“F*ck, even your glasses can’t hide the disdain in your eyes!! I haven’t even complained and you’re already glaring at me?!”

“Ai…” If he wasn’t around, would the fights of those two ever stop? Lin Jiabao felt uneasy in his heart but there was a sense of fortune in there too.

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He can finally stop being cannon fodder and sprinkle catnip around!

Bai Youlian handed in the forms before returning to her seat to see an Ouyang Chen who was deep in thought. She adjusted her glasses, finding joy in his suffering. “By the way, I’ll tell you this, the person who likes you saw your schedule.” 


Came out from the mouth of Ouyang Chen, whose brain had been influenced by Lin Jiabao.

Speaking of Murong Nanqiu, the original plot had been set back into motion these few days. She brought a few xiao di’s2 to wildly give Ouyang Chen pictures of drag queens in thick layers of makeup and even got them to watch Ouyang Chen’s every move. During lunch time especially, every time the three of them went to the cafeteria, Murong Nanqiu would ‘coincidentally’ run into them, causing Ouyang Chen to get so upset, he beat all of them up and only then did the situation ease up a little. 

However, as Bai Youlian and Ouyang Chen weren’t in a romantic relationship, Lin Jiabao also became one of Murong Nanqiu’s targets.

She looked at Lin Jiabao’s study form and touched her phone, thoughtful.  

Look, this child was a top student, obedient and well-behaved. Didn’t Yang Chen want to have a gay relationship with you?

Then… have it all you want! 

the proofread version will be posted when it’s ready~


he said 他喵的 (meow???)  instead of 他妈的 (f*ck) so i just put it together


弟 = younger brother

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