Chapter 35 – Holidays Are Not For Romance

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The national holiday1 was also known as ‘the summer break in the midst of winter’. In addition to the summer and winter vacations, this was generally the longest holiday for the students. Different schools had different lengths of holidays. In Dong Chen, the holidays could last up to half a month.

So schools would often use this time to organize short-term school trips.

Students who participated in the study trip will get a certificate of study, and the certificate will act as a stepping stone for getting into high-end universities.

After learning that Lin Jiabao had given up on his school trip, the head teacher spoke with him earnestly and told him the importance of this matter.

“I know your family situation is hard, but if you were to give up the certificate of study, I could help you bring forward the scholarships and bursary funds.” 

In regards to good seedlings, Li laoshi2 took particularly good care of them. He expressed his opinion about Lin Jiabao’s study form personally to him, hoping he would reconsider.

“Thank you Li laoshi, but there’s really no need.” Lin Jiabao passed the study form back to the teacher. 

“It’s true that I can’t go due to something at home.” He couldn’t bear lying to the kind teacher so he hurriedly gave a shallow bow to Li laoshi. “Please don’t worry, I’ve already made plans for what to study during vacation. I’m grateful for your concern.” 

However, towards an orphan who was trying to find their own future path, Li laoshi had hundreds of worries, but he couldn’t refuse Lin Jiabao’s words directly. Instead, he took out a list he had prepared beforehand and passed it over to Lin Jiabao.

“Take this, there are some issues on the top. The place where you plan to study has to be filled up. Either your guardian or the person in charge has to give their signature and give me a call. Pass this to me tomorrow.” 

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This form was personally prepared by Li laoshi for Lin Jiabao. It was said to be for the student’s safety but the language used was very cautious.

Walking out of the staff room, Lin Jiabao went back to sit in his seat in a daze. Filling up his own information was easy but for the information of Ouyang Feng’s company, he only knew that it was a big, big, big company and that Ouyang Feng was the big, big, big, big boss. Other than the company name, Lin Jiabao didn’t have a clue. 

He bit the head of his pen, thinking hard but to no avail. If he could meet Ouyang Feng gege, he could fill it up for him.

Bai Youlian, who was sitting aside, roughly knew what the teacher had found Lin Jiabao to talk about, but Xiao3 Bao had said that he’d turned down the offer due to familial issues, and not due to his economic situation so it would be hard for the people around him to convince him to do otherwise. 

On the other hand, Ouyang Chen didn’t share many of the concerns that Bai Youlian had. Seeing that Lin Jiabao was firm in his decision, he had to go down the road of “abandoning” his crooked ways and pressed Lin Jiabao onto the table, torturing him to get him to speak4.

Lin Jiabao was like a turtle whose shell was being pressed on firmly and no matter how he struggled, he couldn’t flip back. 

Finally, in the friendly, yet violent atmosphere, Ouyang Chen asked, “So you found a place to practice, does it have anything to do with second Lin jie (Lin Lan)?”

Ouyang Feng and Lin Lan were old friends so she could be said to have something to do with it.

Seeing Lin Jiabao nod his head, Ouyang Chen released Xiao Bao before poking Lin Jiabao’s little head and pressing the whole person on the table. “This fellow, it’s better to find our Ou family instead of the Lin family. Maybe you will be spoiled by my brother by selling some meng and laozi won’t need to worry so much.”

Lin Jiabao pouted and hid his face in his hands, refusing to let Ouyang Chen poke him anymore. He meowed twice in his heart and hid the fact that he was going over to Ouyang Feng gege’s company. 

Sorry meow hehe… 

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Remembering that Murong Nanqiu was coming along, Ouyang Chen felt incredibly annoyed. In the past few days, Murong Nanqiu repeatedly showed herself in front of him, asking if he liked her. It irritated him so much that he wanted to flip the table.

Laozi was too perfect to get a reaction out of. 

Seeing Ouyang Chen seemingly going mad, Bai Youlian closed her book. She really didn’t understand the minds of the rich second generation. “You people have been spoiled to the heavens and don’t even get much work to do. What the hell does that girl’s family do? Do they own a mental hospital?”

“Hmph!” The level of Bai Youlian’s poisonous tongue increased by several levels but after thinking about her words carefully, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with what she said!!

“That family ah, they’re in the food industry.” Ouyang Chen replied carelessly, carrying back Lin Jiabao who wanted to slip away to Bai Youlian’s side to help reduce the flames of his anger. He continued, “But their ancestors were born as scum and their business’ foundation is not clean. They washed it off at the beginning of this year and relied on the ties they have with our family.”

Murong Nanqiu hid a lot of flaws. Any kind of mood of hers was valid and her feelings were thinner than paper. In the end, she still talked about ‘profit’. If they were to describe her, they would say that she has the princess syndrome5. She was unlike the four-eyed girl before them who would die if she didn’t get to complain.

Lin JIabao recalled the big words on the front of the newspaper mummy was reading and said, “Your circle is really messy…”

Bai Youlian adjusted her glasses and said, “One acts as a prince and the other is a fool who sells stupidity.”

Afterwards, her tone turned perfunctory and indifferent, “We’d like it even more if you two kissed.”

Lin Jiabao nodded in agreement after he heard this. He even raised his paws, right ah, the second generation Chen Chen was actually so cute inside!

Ouyang Chen used a fist to press Lin Jiabao onto the table, who pretended to be a dead body. He raised a finger, smiling, “Who did you say was a fool, Xiao Bao?”

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QAQ I didn’t say that, Lin Jiabao gazed tearily at Bai Youlian, who was pretending to read her book. In the end, he shot himself in his own foot.

Before school ended, Ouyang Chen slipped away early. Murong Nanqiu was taken aback but didn’t throw a huge ‘little miss’ tantrum at this, even letting off Bai Youlian and Lin Jiabao, who were reviewing homework in the classroom. Lin Jiabao didn’t notice this abnormal behaviour but Bai Youlian felt that something was amiss. 

No matter what, Lin Jiabao didn’t want this important second female lead to interrupt his own life. If people willingly let him off, he wouldn’t go out of his way to find trouble with them.

It was enough for her to be a topic of hot gossip among acquaintances and indulge in it once in a while.

She had left school smoothly, unlike the original plot where she seeked out the female lead to make trouble. The present greatly deviated from the original settings. 

Ouyang Feng came to the cafe daily and even brought small snacks for him. Compared to Murong Nanqiu’s disappearance, this was currently ranked number one on Lin Jiabao’s happiness list. 

“Blue mountain, Orange6 said that they were going to fall in love and will be able to be with you next time.” Lin Jiabao recited his order without the need for Ouyang Feng to say anything.

Not bad, there was a tacit understanding between them.

Ouyang Feng didn’t want to disturb Lin Jiabao’s job anymore and silently gave his family’s Baobao a ‘fighting’ pose. Upon successfully receiving a smile from Baobao, his own spirits turned warmer. 

He opened the instruction manual Lin Jiabao had just passed to him.

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“Address, name, guardian and person-in-charge should be filled in on your own, en? Still need to make a phone call?”  

hihi! sorry for not updating last week, i was pooped from a 10 hour shift at work. i’m slowly getting used to it so i should be able to get the updating schedule back on track.

thanks for reading! stay safe <3


庆假 probably refers to the vacation/break around October 1st for 国庆节 (National Day of the People’s Republic of China or National Day). It’s usually anywhere from 5 to 7 days, so it’s considered a pretty long break during fall/winter time. (credit to Mukyuu! Always saving my life)


laoshi 老师 = teacher


xiao 小 = small/ little; saying xiao [name] is a show of intimacy


严刑逼供 =  extract confession by torturing


Princess syndrome


Blue mountain =  drink, Orange = our favourite fatty cat

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