Chapter 36 – Sprinkle Sugar

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Lin Jiabao rushed back to Ouyang Feng’s side to tell him what was required, completely unaware of the other stealthily kissing his hair. 

“Right, is your sweater okay?” Ouyang Feng raised his eyebrow, heart racing upon noticing that Baobao was wearing the clothes he had given him.

Lin Jiabao’s smile lit up his eyes. “It’s super comfy, thank you gege.”

“If you like it, I can get a few more made for you.”

“How can that be hehe, I’ll just continue work la.”

Despite Lin Jiabao’s words, Ouyang Feng’s mind was filled with adorable clothes designed by masters from all over the world, calmly imagining them on his body. He then turned his attention to the watch on his wrist.  

Ouyang Feng naturally filled up the form before giving Lin Jiabao’s laoshi a call, discussing with Li laoshi the importance of self-study. 

This successfully made the teacher label Ouyang Feng as a liar, who was even running a pyramid scheme.

The tricks of scammers had become increasingly unreasonable these past few years. Even daring to pretend to be financial giants, how could Lin Xiao Bao be so naive!

This was the first time Ouyang Feng had been mistaken as a liar so he had to call the principal again. After the principal explained the situation to Li laoshi, the misunderstanding was cleared.

Nowadays, being a child was also very hard. Ouyang Feng pressed the key into the shop’s door and watched Lin Jiabao getting busy with it. He wanted to take the initiative to help him but was pushed away.

Not long after entering the door, Lin Lan tossed the keys to him as she prepared to go pack her luggage for her vacation, perfunctorily asking him to look after the store.

Ouyang Feng caught the keys, and looked at Lin Lan frostily. “You’re so impolite.”

“Where, where, I just saw that you1 were free lately, coming to our little shop every day.”

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Ouyang Feng placed the coffee in his hand down, smiling coldly. “I’m just saying that you’re not young anymore, even going on vacation during the school holidays. Are you not ashamed?”

This was basically saying that she was an ‘Oba-san’2.

Lin Lan used her fingers to press down the wrinkles that were showing up on her forehead, flashing a smile that was not a smile. “If you’re so familiar, then I’ll leave the store in your hands.”

Not long after Lin Lan and Song Jie left, Ouyang Feng sent her a text—

“I have already asked your ge for a reward for looking after the store.”

Tsk, this greedy, stingy cock3!

When Lin Jiabao asked the jiejies what cold drinks they would like, a kitten suddenly climbed onto Lin Jiabao’s head. The kitten mirrored Lin Jiabao’s expression and asked the customers what they wanted to drink.

The big one and small one were synchronized, which successfully captured the jiejies’ hearts.

However, just when the female college students wanted to “handle” Lin Jiabao, a sudden burst of cold air made them freeze up, allowing Lin Jiabao to escape their grasps.

When they looked back, they saw a handsome man reading his book seriously, looking perfectly normal.

So this was the acting potency of the vinegar king4.

Ouyang Feng finally opened Lin Jiabao’s textbook and gained an understanding of his fascination and dedication towards studying. Mentally, he made a study plan for Lin Jiabao.

He swept his gaze over to where Lin Jiabao was. Seeing that he was still preparing drinks, Ouyang Feng placed his book down and walked towards him, a hidden smile in his eyes.

When the shop had Lin Jiabao alone, the cats were more relaxed. When he was busy, he would suddenly see them playing Jenga with one another, stacking one on top of the other to get to the cat food hidden in the second shelf. He was so frightened that he hurriedly put his work down and rushed to separate them.

With a face of bitterness, Lin Jiabao would beg them in a quiet voice not to make trouble, and that he would call mummy over if they continued. 

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1028 was known as a killing machine and was fierce to all the cats. The cats protested a few times before selling meng again, making Lin Jiabao want to chase his own tail after he saw this. 

Although this specific behaviour didn’t have much meaning behind it, cats never got tired of chasing their own tails.

“I’ll help you serve these drinks ba.”

Ouyang Feng’s words cut Lin Jiabao’s messy thoughts off. Ouyang Feng put on a clean apron, implying that refusing wasn’t an option. “Either follow me home and rest earlier or pass the drinks over to me.”

Regardless of the ‘be gentle’ policy, sometimes one had to exert extreme means to get what they wanted.

He had not seen such a fierce Ouyang Feng in a while, leaving Lin Jiabao momentarily stupefied. He obediently made the drinks, only realizing that Ouyang Feng wasn’t actually mad when the other pinched him. 

Lin Jiabao’s heart made a small jump.

This gaze, was it called ‘pampering’?

Although he was only temporarily helping to serve customers, his superior aura couldn’t be concealed. This caused the female students to almost answer him as they took the drinks over from, like they would when being ordered around by a superior. When Ouyang Feng left, they finally heaved a sigh of relief and started gushing over how the waiter was very handsome and how nice his voice was with red faces.

This scene made Lin Jiabao feel a little regretful for getting Ouyang Feng to help, especially when the girls started to push each other around, wanting Ouyang Feng’s contact information. His heart was being twisted into knots. Lin Jiabao was wiping a table nonstop and only when they started to surround Ouyang Feng did he get up and decisively walk towards them. 

He coughed lightly but no one heard or paid attention to him.

He thought in his heart, ‘Lin Jiabao, you’re a big cat now, no need to be frightened, fighting!’

He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “Trouble—Troubling you guys to not disturb others, okay?”

He still was ignored. Just when Lin Jiabao wanted to raise the volume of his voice, Ouyang Feng seemed to have achieved his goal and pushed the girls’ hands away before taking Baobao into his embrace.

“Sorry, what you guys are doing is putting me in a hard position and making my Baobao5 unhappy.”

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Feeling the warmth, hearing the magnetic voice along with the bystanders’ faces of shock, Lin Jiabao’s face started smoking.

Reporting to mummy, this person was always teasing cats, what should I do about this cat-nip shaped person?!

His polite attitude towards them was completely different. When the girls saw Ouyang Feng’s gentle expression, they felt that they couldn’t budge in. Nevermind the contact information, they even had to eat dog food.

Their hearts hurt!

“Little manager, you’re so fortunate, having such a handsome boyfriend~!”

Wait… you guys are mistaken!

Lin Jiabao stuck out his hand like Erkang6 but got mistaken as saying goodbye. He could only turn to Ouyang Feng, hoping the other wasn’t upset.

Oddly enough, Ouyang Feng wasn’t mad at all and even smoothly played along. “Yeah, I’m Baobao’s boyfriend. Is Baobao happy?”

No more playing around!

If he played around any more, his rapid heartbeat was going to send him into cardiac arrest!

Lin Jiabao shrank back at the counter again, blushing and looking at Ouyang Feng quietly. The other cats found Lin Jiabao’s actions to be rather interesting and slowly gathered around him. They hid behind the counter and looked towards Ouyang Feng, ears twitching in interest.

This left Ouyang Feng not knowing whether to smile or cry. He pulled the other over. 

When will Baobao return to normal?

After sending Baobao home, Ouyang Feng continued his plan of chasing someone. On the other hand, Lin Jiabao had showered and was preparing to sleep.

Lin Jiabao laid in bed. His face suddenly reddened out of shame and he buried his head into the pillow, meowing and smiling incessantly. 1028 wondered what was wrong with him. 

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‘Sleep early, stop meowing. Tomorrow is the last day.’

“Okay, mummy.”

Hehehe, meow.

The author has something to say:

Ouyang Chen: Big double standards!!

Ouyang Feng: Scram, I didn’t hear you.


The you (您) used here is the respectful one


欧巴桑 ōu bā sāng, which basically reads as grandma in Japanese


Cock as in male chicken lol


Vinegar is usually used to describe the emotion ‘jealousy’


The Baobao (宝宝) here might mean two things, either Lin Jiabao’s nickname or baby ;> Take it as you like!


Erkang hand – It’s like getting someone to stop to listen to what you have to say

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