Chapter 39 – Gradually Enlightened

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Lin Jiabao put the book back into its original place. Thankfully, no one had come in at this time or the cat would have definitely been scared to death.

However, after reading the book and recalling his own behaviour, Lin Jiabao felt that he himself was in estrus.

Every time the hormone-rich Ouyang Feng came near, his heart would start to pound, leaving him unable to act like himself anymore. 

He couldn’t have possibly fallen for the male lead ba?

This assumption shocked Lin Jiabao. He opened the door quietly and through the crack, he peeked at the still-working Ouyang Feng. Ouyang Feng had an aura of sobriety around him, and his temperament was totally different. 

Ah meow, should he go home and use the computer to search Baidu1?

The adolescent young meow resolutely concealed his mood. If only Chen Chen hadn’t left, as he was a professional. 

Someone suddenly knocked on the door. When Ouyang Feng said ‘come in’, an unknown lady walked in with a box. Lin Jiabao didn’t even get a chance to get a good look at it before Ouyang Feng told the lady to leave.

Lin Jiabao looked at Ouyang Feng, who was looking at the box.

The atmosphere was similar to that of one in poems. I’m looking at you yet you’re looking elsewhere. It’s giving me a stomach ache but——

The atmosphere wasn’t sad at all ah! He always felt that he was doing something bad in secret!

As Lin Jiabao saw that Ouyang Feng was getting ready to get up, his thoughts screeched to a halt. He dived into the blanket on the couch and before he could even close his eyes, Ouyang Feng opened the door lightly and came in.

Strange, wasn’t the door locked?

Ouyang Feng glanced at the door without paying much attention, then looked at the big, round pair of eyes peeking through the blanket. 

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Ai, how was he so cute.

However, Lin Jiabao wasn’t actually sleeping. Ouyang Feng didn’t intend to interrupt his rest as he was happy looking at him this way.

Lin Jiabao, who wanted to feign sleep but had no time to close his eyes, watched Ouyang Feng walking closer to him. Suddenly thinking of the ‘little yellow book’ he’d read just now, he started to feel a little warm.

“Baobao, I have something to give you.” Ouyang Feng placed the box on the table and moved closer, touching Lin Jiabao’s forehead. “Did you catch a cold? Why is your face so red?”

“No, no, no, not red.” Lin Jiabao reflexively wanted to retreat but found that doing so would be too obvious, so he controlled himself.

“I, I, I…”

“En, what’s the matter?”

Crap, he forgot his words, what should he say now?

Lin Jiabao racked through his brain and suddenly recalled something the shop manager had said. He blurted out, “I have thin skin!2”

Wait, he wasn’t a mosquito, why did he say that he had thin skin?

Ouyang Feng couldn’t stop the corner of his lips from twitching up when he heard Lin Jiabao seemingly praise his thin skin. But seeing Lin Jiabao’s regretful face that came immediately afterwards, he held himself back as much as he could.

“Right, you take this.”

Ouyang Feng handed the box over to Lin Jiabao, helping him off the embarrassing stage. Lin Jiabao willed the redness on his face away and took the box. Wu, it wasn’t light but neither was it heavy, he didn’t know what it was.

The square-shaped box also didn’t have any words written on it. Ouyang Feng let him open it. He suspiciously peeled the lid open, and saw pamphlets on the top. 

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Yi, a smartphone manual?

He took the pamphlets away——

Ai, ai, ai, why was there a phone?!

Lin Jiabao lifted his head to look at Ouyang Feng, silently asking as to why Ouyang Feng gave him one.

Ouyang Feng explained, “It’s an employee benefit. This is something an employee needs.”

“But I’m not an employee, I’m just here to learn. I can’t take it ba.”

Lin Jiabao was torn while holding the box, afraid that he would drop it. Although what he had and what he was holding were both mobile phones, they couldn’t be any more different, especially in terms of price.

How could he accept such an expensive phone?

What was more, he was vaguely aware that Ouyang Feng was actually treating him like a special case. No matter what he was eating or when he was working, it was like he was being spoiled, and he didn’t know anything.

The job was supposed to be like working at a coffee shop—it was meant to be joyful but also stressful at the same time. 

Lin Jiabao passed the phone back resolutely, making the final decision of not accepting it. This made the corners of Ouyang Feng’s mouth quirk up. Not only did it make his heart itch, but he found it funny as well.

“Wu, don’t worry, this isn’t meant for you, this is meant for you to use during your internship.”

Ouyang Feng gave up in the end and said, “In our company, we need our employees to have a special app on their phones to receive announcements and important messages. If you don’t have the app, it will be troublesome for the ones around you.” 

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As for the tracker and safety feature on the phone, Ouyang Feng kept quiet about it. 

So it was like this; he wasn’t getting a new phone, he was being lent one!

Lin Jiabao took the phone over. Looking at the pretty smartphone, he felt reluctant to touch it and handle it roughly, afraid it would be damaged.

Seeing Lin Jiabao’s careful handling, Ouyang Feng pushed the box into his embrace. “Alright, after work, let’s go to the cafe. I’ll teach you how to use it.” 

“En, en.” Lin Jiabao nodded his head hurriedly.

He was originally a cat, so he had only ever seen others use it but never used it himself.

Two words, very happy!


It was said that the internet celebrity rabbit played a fruit-cutting game and gained a huge number of fans. When he returned to his human form, he proceeded to become an internet star!

Only if mommy didn’t beat him.

As he had received a good thing in the afternoon, Lin Jiabao’s state had been rather frozen throughout the day. He almost filed the documents wrongly, causing his face to pale in fright. He finally slapped his own face to wake himself up before focusing on doing his job. 

It was just that he’d used a little too much strength and the area he’d hit was stinging.

Ouyang Feng saw this and his heart hurt. This silly child, why did he have to hit himself.

He really was a Bao with thin skin.

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When it was finally time to get off work, they first went to the cafe to see how the cats were being looked after. There was someone to feed them in the mornings, so they didn’t need to worry in the evening.

As the owners weren’t there, the cat lords weren’t listless…

Yes, they weren’t listless at all!

Everyone was reluctant to think about it. They were more than capable of stealing more food to eat. Plus, they didn’t need to let customers play with them.

All the fur on the cats shook. They were on break, they didn’t mind if their owners came back a little later!

The faces of the cats lit up and turned greasy as they gathered around Lin Jiabao. Ouyang Feng fell silent as he saw this. He felt as if he was abusing his family’s Baobao.

So when it came to teaching Lin Jiabao how to use the phone, Ouyang Feng tried to be as warm and attentive as possible, making Lin Jiabao’s little heart race.

But he was confused at the same time, was gege upset about something?

Somewhere else, someone was indeed feeling upset. Her little sister’s ‘kind’ information was pinned under Murong Zi’s high heels as she lit it on fire. She looked at the papers burning silently and told the butler to prepare a flight ticket to China. However, she wasn’t going to return now, it wasn’t time.

But since her adorable little sister was so nervous about ‘marriage’, she would stay in the country.

hi everyone! it has been a while. once again, i’m so sorry for disappearing like that, life just hasn’t been too good to me lately and i’m still learning how to cope. thank you for sticking around and i hope to see you guys soon, once i finally submit my assignments tomorrow :>


Baidu is China’s version of Google


Thin skin = a high tendency to get upset or offended by little issues; in a literal sense, it just means you get cold quickly

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