Chapter 40 – Go On Holdiay Together

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The afternoon’s weather was nice and breezy. After getting off work, Lin Jiabao sat in the car and watched the people on the pavements walk back. For a moment, the car was completely silent.

He had learnt a lot from working at the company for the past week, even how to carry himself properly in the real world. He looked at the time. The ‘study holiday’1 at Dong Chen High should be ending soon, he didn’t know how Chen Chen and the rest were doing.

As for whether he liked Ouyang Feng gege or not, he was still confused. Even if he had the courage to borrow a computer, he lacked the courage to actually search for the answer online.

During weekend nights, he would curl himself into a ball and count the strands of fur on his tail, which would pop out.

Likes me, likes me not, likes me, likes me not…

The ‘study holiday’ was coming to an end, and Ouyang Feng was contemplating not letting Baobao go. However, thinking of how the other was still a child, he found it would be going overboard if he didn’t let him rest during his holidays and could only hide his desire in his heart.

Although his treatment towards Lin Jiabao was quite gentle, his treatment towards his subordinates was the opposite. More often than not, when Lin Jiabao took a sneaky peek at Ouyang Feng, the latter’s face was as blank as a piece of paper.

This frightened his fur into standing up. He feared that his mood had affected Ouyang Feng and caused him to get upset. He was even more fearful that Ouyang Feng disliked him.

Although, it seemed silly to do so! OTZ

So before the last day of their ‘study holiday’, the two found themselves sharing reluctance to part and suggested meeting tomorrow during their breaks…

Wait, break?

Ouyang Feng pondered for a while. It was now time to call the office and give himself some vacation.

Who said that a company couldn’t function without its president, how would the president manage their business then?

Did anyone write about how a president ran their business?

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Lin Jiabao was getting ready to get off the car when Ouyang Feng suddenly called out to him. He immediately got back inside and turned to Ouyang Feng, a serious look on his face.

“Do you have any plans tomorrow? It’s too early to leave now.”

Lin Jiabao heaved a sigh of relief when Ouyang Feng asked him this but he had no idea what to do. He thought for a while before saying, “I’m not sure, I might need to go down to the shop to look after the cats?”

“The shop already has someone looking after the cats, why don’t you and I go to a snow mountain for a holiday?”


This was simply like hooking onto a big fish. Lin Jiabao pinched his thigh, it hurt, so he mustn’t be dreaming, right?!

Ouyang Feng saw Lin Jiabao’s stunned appearance and poked his face, redirecting his attention to himself. “You can bring your cat along with you, we can go for walks to breathe in the fresh air.”

Meow! Mum! Can! Go! Too!

Lin Jiabao was really excited about this parent-child trip, he had never done it before!

“I, I, I…” He really wanted to agree but he had some uncertainties that he wanted to go back and clarify with mummy at home. “May, may I go home and think about this some more?”

“Of course you can, but it would be best to let me know by the end of today, okay?”

“Yes, meow!”

Lin Jiabao ran home with his short little legs as fast as he could. Before 1028 could welcome him home and before the door could be locked, the bear child had tackled it to the sofa.

‘Lin Xiao Bao! What’s the matter with you today?’

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“Meow, meow, meow, meow!! Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!!”

‘Wait, let me get up first and lock the door.’ 1028 pushed Lin Jiabao to one side, happening to see that the child hadn’t even taken off his shoes. ‘Still haven’t taken off your shoes, hurry and take it off!’

Lin Jiabao saw that mummy’s gaze was not one of playfulness and hurriedly got up to close the door. He took off his shoes and placed them on the shoe rack.

He finally sat down properly and looked eagerly at mummy.

‘So the male lead abandoned his work and asked you to go on a holiday with him?’

Lin Jiabao hugged 1028 and said, “And you too mummy, I really want to go on a trip with mummy to play.”


The number of times the two of them had ever travelled together was rare, almost zero. They either wanted to travel and had no money or pets weren’t allowed on the trip. This was a great regret for Lin Jiabao.

‘Okay, going together is fine too.’ 1028 finally agreed but its cat eyes narrowed into slits as it looked suspiciously at Lin Jiabao, who was over the moon with joy. ‘You’re so happy, is it really because you want to go on a trip with me?’

Lin Jiabao froze up instantly, and his back broke into cold sweat, feeling like a child who had been caught in a puppy love by their parents. He was so guilty he couldn’t even turn his head.

1028 inspected Lin Jiabao’s face and said, ‘Your face is so red, how suspicious ah.’

“I, I, I, I’ll go pack our suitcases!!!”

Lin Jiabao hurried into the bedroom and took his old phone, shakingly (due to his guilty conscience) sending a message to inform Ouyang Feng that he could travel. He got a reply almost instantly, as if the other was waiting for him.

“Okay, bringing a few pieces of clothing will do. Let’s meet at the usual place tomorrow. I’ll fetch you at 9 am.”

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Hehe, really happy, cough cough.

Because he could go on a parent-child trip with mummy.

As for what else he was happy for, only Lin Jiabao needed to know.

Early in the morning, before his alarm clock even rang, Lin Jiabao had gotten up.

He looked at the time. Aiyo, it was only 6 am. Lin Jiabao meowed quietly and switched off his alarm. He got up silently, fearful of waking mummy up before walking into the bathroom.

He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and gargled his mouth.

He looked into the mirror, this cat had a good complexion.

Okay, Lin Jiabao, pull yourself together and check your luggage one more time.

However, after happily checking his things countless times, 1028 finally woke up from its charging state. Looking at the kitty in front of it who was tirelessly looking through the suitcase, 1028 chased him away and got him to prepare breakfast.

After eating breakfast, they watched the news together. Time flew by and it was finally the moment Lin Jiabao was waiting eagerly for.

1028 laid itself on the suitcase, as if it were a blanket. Lin Jiabao used two hands to push the suitcase out.

After waiting for a while, an SUV made its way towards them. Only when the person got down from the car did Lin Jiabao realise that Ouyang Feng drove a different car today.

He helped Lin Jiabao put his luggage into the boot before helping him into the car.

What a magnificent car. Lin Jiabao touched the seat’s cushion, this was simply the feelings of a man (and a male cat)!

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“Wear your seatbelt properly, we’re going off now.” Ouyang Feng rubbed Lin Jiabao’s head. Two lonely men going on a trip, no matter how one thought of it, it was romantic.

Ouyang Feng was about to start the engine of the car and unintentionally made eye contact with the cat in Lin Jiabao’s embrace.

He found the cat’s gaze to be a little off, it seemed to be sizing him up.

On one side, Ouyang Feng and his group had just set off, and on the other, a furious Ouyang Chen burst into the former’s office.

Ouyang Chen complained as he was opening the door, “Boss, why didn’t you pick up the phone when I called you. You have no idea how those crazy girls from the Murong family came to me this time, I…”

“Where are you?!!!”

Ouyang Chen looked around everywhere, but he couldn’t even find a shadow of Ouyang Feng. The butler from the house was nowhere to be seen, nor were his phone calls answered. He wasn’t on a business trip either so where was he?!

Ouyang Chen left the office and pulled a busy secretary Wen to one side; only after asking him did he know that while he himself was suffering, his da ge was on the way with Lin Jiabao to a snow mountain!!

Damn it!!

Ouyang Chen clenched his fists and dialed Bai Youlian’s phone number, having decided that he wanted to make trouble for his da ge.

However, if he went by himself, he would definitely be chased away. But if he went with Bai Youlian, his ge would show a little more face, hehehe!

“Wei, girl, you wanna go to a snow mountain? My ge is paying.”

I’m so sorry for the delay! Stuff happened 


Not the whole holiday but the ‘work shadowing’ part

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