Chapter 41 – Ouyang Chen: Laozi Is Going To Give Ge A Big, Big Surprise!

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Considering that they could only play around for a few days, Ouyang Feng chose to stay at Prada snow mountain, where he had a few private villas. As Prada snow mountain wasn’t in Dong Chen, it would take some time to get there. Flying there would take around half an hour, but driving was more interesting. 

Having just started, Lin Jiabao was looking out of the window with a face full of excitement. He looked and looked until he was tired, eventually falling asleep in the passenger seat.

Ouyang Feng glanced over at the person next to him who had fallen asleep. He turned off the music and increased the temperature of the air conditioner before covering him with a thin blanket.

How warm. 

Lin Jiabao hugged the blanket, feeling much more comfortable.

When he woke up, the sky had already darkened.

Sensing movement from the passenger seat, Ouyang Feng turned and saw that Lin Jiabao was stretching under the blanket. Amused, he asked, “You’re awake?”

Lin Jiabao rubbed his eyes, completely unresponsive to where he was. Only then did he recall that he had fallen asleep in the car—had this thin blanket been placed on him by Ouyang Feng?

He was a little embarrassed. He lightly said ‘en’ before looking left and right. “Where are we right now?”

“We’re almost there.” Ouyang Feng made a turn onto an empty road. 

It was the holiday season and scenic areas were usually full of tourists. But the road they’d turned onto was oddly quiet, as if there were no other visitors here but them. However, looking out of the window, the snowy mountain seemed to be getting nearer to them.

Seeing Lin Jiabao’s curiosity, Ouyang Feng took the initiative to explain, “This road is part of a private property, most people can’t come here.”

How amazing ya.

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Lin Jiabao’s thoughts scattered; he thought of the overcrowded roads he’d seen on television and felt that he was very lucky.

They weren’t on the road for long before they saw a mansion not far off. Although it was a regular stopover for Ouyang Feng, to Lin Jiabao, it was the biggest house he had ever seen.

Ouyang Feng stopped the car outside the mansion’s gates, which opened by itself, amazing Lin Jiabao. He drove the car up to the mansion; a steward came up to them after halting.

“How pretty.” Lin Jiabao took in the surroundings with sparkling eyes. The mansion’s location was good, and the mountain wasn’t too far away.

Ouyang Feng had the steward carry the luggage in and wanted to bring Lin Jiabao inside. 1028 leapt onto Lin Jiabao’s shoulder so Ouyang Feng could only retreat and take Lin Jiabao’s hand. “The scenery on the second floor is better, let’s go there first.”

“Okay \(^o^)/~”

According to Ouyang Feng’s plan, although he’d prepared two bedrooms for Lin Jiabao and himself, the rooms would be side by side. They would go skiing in the day and watch a movie or play games at night. If Lin Jiabao got tired, it would be most logical to let Xiao Bao sleep on his bed.

This plan was seemingly perfect, save for that rather hateful cat.




Ouyang Feng gazed indifferently at the Ou Doudou1 running towards them, wanting nothing more than to punch the other into the snowy mountain.

Lin Jiabao’s eyes widened in shock before he smiled happily. “Chen Chen! You’re here too?!”

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Ouyang Chen put on a cool look and waved at Lin Jiabao.

“We two brothers really are tied together by the string of fate.” Ouyang Chen looked at Lin Jiabao with mischief in his eyes, but upon seeing the black smoke exuding from his brother, he hurriedly added, “Bai Youlian wanted to come and I remembered that we have a house here, so I just took a plane with her!”

Bai Youlian walked out from behind Ouyang Chen, pinching his waist harshly. Originally, this was his idea, yet she ended up being blamed. 

“Hello Ou da ge2, sorry for disturbing you guys.”

Ouyang Feng sighed, this was really regretful. He said, “It’s fine, it’s more fun when there are more people. Baobao and I just got here.” He smoothly pulled Lin Jiabao a little nearer to himself.

“Lianlian, you also came to ski la.” Lin Jiabao, on the other hand, was very happy; it was a coincidence that his friends had come too.

Bai Youlian waved at him. She suddenly noticed how close Lin Jiabao and Ouyang Feng were standing, even holding hands. She found the atmosphere between them to be a little off. 

Ouyang Feng got everyone to go in and talk on the sofa.


The living room of this family villa was very empty, it was enough for Lin Jiabao to roll infinitely. The floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the scenery of the snow-capped mountains, leaving Lin Jiabao unable to help himself from pressing 1028’s face to the window.

Ouyang Feng brought them hot cocoa and took special care to put it in Lin Jiabao’s hand before asking the rest, “Have you guys eaten dinner?”

Ouyang Chen leaned back lazily. “Haven’t, we were waiting for ge and the rest, who would’ve thought that you would be so slow.”

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Ouyang Feng heard this and raised his eyebrow. “Oh?”

Bai Youlian silently turned her head to look out of the window, sipping on her hot cocoa and acting stupid. 

“I didn’t know that you cared so much about our journey, xiao di3.”

He heard the word ‘xiao di’, and he knew that he was done for. Ouyang Chen realised he had misspoken and quickly backtracked. “I heard this from your secretary, I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose.”

Very good, there were no silvers here4.


But at this moment, Lin Jiabao suddenly ran up to them from the window. He heard that it was almost time to eat and asked excitedly, “What are we eating later?”

“Hot pot ba, eating it when the weather is cold is the best.”

This opinion was unanimously agreed upon by everyone. As the ingredients were of extremely high quality, Lin Jiabao—who had been craving hot pot—found the meal to be especially satisfying.

The trip had a surprise addition of another two guests so the room next to Ouyang Feng’s master bedroom that originally belonged to Lin Jiabao was now taken over by Ouyang Chen. Lin Jiabao’s room just so happened to face Bai Youlian’s. 

Ouyang Feng suppressed his unhappiness. He looked over at Lin Jiabao, who was rubbing his tummy and could no longer resist leaning over to press a hand to it. Lin Jiabao burst into giggles, trying his best to push Ouyang Feng away. “Itchy, don’t touch.”

Hiss, this scene made people excited.

Ouyang Feng took a deep breath through his nose and asked Xiao Bao, “You’ve been in the car the whole day, do you want to rest now?”

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However, Lin Jiabao had actually slept well during the day and wasn’t tired at all. He shook his head and was about to reply when Ouyang Chen suddenly appeared behind Lin Jiabao, pressing his hands on the latter’s head. Ouyang Chen happily said, “Then let’s have a late-night chat. Let me tell you the number of misfortunes I encountered these past few days, Bai Youlian that fool did so many stupid things…”

Seeing how Ouyang Chen wasn’t aware of his ge’s dark appearance, 1028 and Bai Youlian suddenly found Ouyang Chen to be a little pitiful and silently mourned for him.

Lin Jiabao appeared resolute in his decision, and Ouyang Feng didn’t say any more, instead saying to Ouyang Chen, “Remember to rest early, we still have to go skiing tomorrow.”

So scary!!

Da ge’s gaze seemed to be peeling his skin off!

He hadn’t even done anything, wei!!!

wahhh i’ve been so busy lately with assignment after assignment. coupled with unhelpful lecturers and you’ve got me in a veryyyyy difficult position  for now, updates will be every two weeks until mid January since my last submission is around there. thanks for sticking around and i hope you’ll continue to read meow!!!


I’m guessing this is a nickname.


大哥 da ge = big brother


小弟 xiao di = little brother


A clumsy lie

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