The Gu that An Long took out was called the “Emotion Locking Gu”. 

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This breed that Song Qing had never even heard of before was one of An Long’s hidden Gu’s.

The Emotion Locking Gu was a treatment-type Gu. It looked like a miniature silkworm. It was white, soft, without mouthparts or sharp claws. It didn’t have any kind of attack power. It looked quite cute. It relied on absorbing human desires and emotions to live. Similar to a valve, the user can control the emotional threshold at will, letting it absorb the excess, keeping the emotions in a stable range.



It provided a better degree of control than drugs. It was much better than the Medicine King’s Valley’s sedative regimen.

An Long swore upon his ancestors that there was no harm in using the Emotion Locking Gu. The Emotion Locking Gu was an inert Gu and won’t accept any instructions aside absorbing the emotions from its host. He couldn’t control this Gu to do anything bad. 

Song Qingshi tried it and found that it was as he had said. The Emotion Locking Gu was actually a Gu developed for psychotherapy. In his heart, he was quite surprised because the design of this Gu was completely inconsistent with An Long’s style. An Long’s interest lay in slaughter-type Gu. The more brutal the better. Though they were accompanied by some auxiliary Gu’s, Gu’s that were used for investigation, for interrogation by torture or control-type Gu’s were given first priority. For treatment, he relied on body-refining skills, poison skills and the ready-made healing Gu’s from the Myriad Gu Sect. He also had the pills specially provided by the Medicine King’s Valley and very thick skin. There was no need for him to specially develop this kind of Gu.


And yet, the design of the Emotion Locking Gu was very complicated and it was extremely difficult to cultivate. It was obviously the handiwork of this once in a lifetime genius of the Myriad Gu Sect.

What did An Long mean by developing this Gu that he had absolutely no use for?

Song Qingshi directly raised this question.


An Long looked at him for a while, then smiled. “In order to be your friend.”

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The original body had persistently tolerated An Long’s propensity to cause trouble and tear his house apart. He had been willing to be  good friends with him because he was very insightful when it came to medicine. He knew a lot of devious ways to use poisons and was a genius in the Way of Gu. The original body had also cleaned up many messes for him, treated many of his injuries and researched many drugs for cultivating Gu’s, so… this was probably a gift?

Song Qingshi’s suspicion instantly dissipated.

He went to find Yue Wuhuan with the Emotion Locking Gu. 

Yue Wuhuan has already woken up from the effect of the sedative. Loops of gauze was tied around his face. The wound wasn’t a big problem despite having made it quite deep when he gouged the mole out. The wood-type spiritual root was extremely strong in terms of recovery ability. He has suffered countless injuries but no scars have ever remained on his body. Even the serious injury he had gotten from being bitten by the demon tiger, after a few months, left no trace at all.

This was his fortune and also the source of his misfortune.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yatfgklrf, tf kbeiv tjnf gelcfv tlr ojmf jcv ybvs ja Xbivfc Utbfclz Zjcbg j ibcu alwf jub.

Tef Qetejc tjvc’a yffc gertlcu ab vlroluegf tlr ojmf ktfc tf tjv yffc gfwbnlcu atf afjg-rtjqfv wbif. Ktfgf tjv ralii yffc j tlca bo mijglas lc tlr wlcv jcv rb, tf tjv delmxis rbyfgfv eq. Lf tjv jirb gfjilhfv atja tf tjv vbcf rbwfatlcu kgbcu jcv mjerfv rfglber agbeyif obg Vbcu Hlcurtl. Mffilcu ecfjrs, tf jqbibulhfv mbecaifrr alwfr jcv rjlv atja tf kbeiv byfvlfcais ajxf tlr wfvlmlcf jcv atja tf klii cfnfg ojii rlmx jujlc. 

When he said these words, not only was he unable to face Song Qingshi, his hands also trembled from time to time, as though he was holding back some great pain.

Song Qingshi’s senior sister had once said, ‘A man’s mouth is a deceitful mouth’.

Song Qingshi resolutely didn’t believe him… It would be better to believe in the Emotion Locking Gu.

Yue Wuhuan listened to the effects of the Emotion Locking Gu and thought about it. Knowing that his body had no other choice, he accepted this treatment plan. After about half an hour since the Emotion Locking Gu entered his body, his mood visibly improved. The slight tremor of his body disappeared and his entire person felt a lot more relaxed. He touched his heart, urging the Gu to swallow all the desire that he shouldn’t have. His gaze when he looked at Song Qingshi appeared more natural and his entire being came to life. 

Song Qingshi took this opportunity to explain the matter regarding the Fantasy Gu. He asked him about the things he’d seen in the fantasy, “If you’re unwilling, I will respect your wishes.”

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Yue Wuhuan said without hesitation, “I want to keep it secret.”


Song Qingshi took out the Fantasy Gu contained in the sealed Gu box. He wanted to return it to him.

Yue Wuhuan thought for a while and pushed it back to him. “Master should keep it. I am a mortal after all and I will leave sooner or later. At that time, Master can open this box and check the contents.” He decided to abandon his shameful desires. He only hoped that this person would know of his feelings after his death. 

“Okay,” Song Qingshi never shied away from discussions of life and death, let alone discussions of wills and testaments. He placed the Fantasy Gu into his mustard seed bag and changed the subject, “I have refused our partnership with the Myriad Gu Sect. Thinking about it now, this decision had been too hasty. An Long will definitely take this opportunity to constantly come find me. When the time comes, public and private matters will mix together. With his propensity for stirring up trouble, who know what kind of chaos he’ll create. I’m thinking of handing over the sales distribution to Night Rain Pavilion. Although Ye Lin has an insatiable desire for profit, he does have a wide network of contacts and he keeps his promises. We will lose twenty percent but we’ll have peace and quiet in exchange.”

He was really has been messed with pretty badly by the Alaskan Malamute. He was now afraid that he might come dropping in every day to bother him.

Although it will take time to increase their production and the Medicine King’s Valley will have to remain poor for a while longer, right now all his thoughts were on accompanying Yue Wuhuan. He didn’t want to do anything else. Except for raising the white mice, all other research can be stopped. They’ll find some unused artifacts in the treasure house and sell them off. They’ll pool enough money to set up the production line. Everyone will have to tighten their belts for a while but this stress will eventually pass. Maybe during the period, there will be another one like the elder from the Five Mountain Sect who had more money than sense, suffering from a strange disease and seeking medical attention?

Yue Wuhuan nodded. “I will listen to Master.” 

Song Qingshi went to the collection room and took out a bottle of Purple Flower Dew, one of his prized collection. The Purple Flower Dew was extremely beneficial to An Long’s body-refining techniques. The raw materials for it have long since disappeared and its value was definitely no less than the Emotion Locking Gu. However, both Song Qingshi and the original body both regarded this collection of one of a kind medicines as more important than life itself. An Long tried every means possible to coax him into giving it over for a very long time, all to no avail. Now that he has accepted the Emotion Locking Gu, though it pained him to do so, he must pay off the favor.

Song Qingshi reluctantly gave the Purple Flower Dew to An Long.

An Long understood instantly, and asked, “Are you already going to drive me away again?”

Song Qingshi resisted his distress and said earnestly, “I want to focus on Wuhuan’s illness so I don’t have time to play with you.” 

An Long looked at him for a long time and suddenly laughed. He raised the Purple Flower Dew in his hand. “Since you’ve even taken out your treasure to give to me, then I shall accept it as a sign of your sincerity.”

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When the Luminous Dragon discovered that something was wrong, he crazily wrapped around Song Qingshi’s hands and feet. He absolutely refused to leave!

An Long took the opportunity to bend over to his ear and seemingly very aggrieved, asked, “I wasted so many days and wasn’t able to negotiate a partnership. Shouldn’t you compensate me a bit?”

Song Qingshi was a bit at a loss. The Medicine King’s Valley was still in a state of financial ruin, what kind of compensation could he give? 

An Long violently pulled him into his arms and locked him in tightly. He bit his prey on the neck like a beast venting his anger.

The spiritual defenses around Song Qingshi’s body could not match the steel and iron teeth of this body-refining beast of prey. His skin was torn open and An Long bit a welt on his neck.

Song Qingshi was in so much pain, his hair was beginning to stand on end. He quickly wielded the Red Lotus Fire to resist.

An Long felt a scorching hotness on his lips and so he reluctantly removed his mouth from his neck. He licked the traces of blood from his lips and said with satisfaction, “The taste is as good as I thought.” 

This Alaskan Malamute was unworthy of any tenderhearted feelings!

Song Qingshi decisively kicked him out the main door!


Looking back, Song Qingshi saw that the Luminous Dragon was still wrapped around his waist. Shaking its head, it triumphantly bid farewell to its master. When it found Song Qingshi directing a dirty look at it, it quickly slid down to hide in the bushes. It was going to hang on, it refused to clear out! How could Song Qingshi possibly let it off? He grabbed its tail, pulled it out and threw it out the door. Fuming, he went to disinfect the wound on his neck.

The gate of Medicine King’s Valley closed instantly. The poisonous fog array dispersed, revealing the way out. 

The Luminous Dragon was so aggrieved. It rolled about on the ground and refused to leave. Its eyes were filled with accusation against the heartless.

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“You still haven’t learned.” An Long pulled it along and taught the stupid snake as he walked. “So what if Little Qingshi saved you back then? Even if he was gentle and considerate to you, even if he took care of you so lovingly, so what? Once you’re all better, you should leave. Even if you roll around and act shamelessly, it’s useless. He doesn’t want you anymore. Don’t you understand after being rejected so many times?”

The Luminous Dragon aggrievedly climbed onto its master’s shoulders. It curled up into a ball and stopped moving.

When it had met Song Qingshi, it had been a useless little snake in the secret realm. Every day, it had been bullied to death by the big demon beasts. Song Qingshi rescued it when it had been badly burned by poisonous fire. Song Qingshi hadn’t avoided it because of its hideous appearance . He had changed its dressing every day and kept it warm by his heart. In order to protect it, he had even given up the precious elixir he had gone into the secret realm for. In his eyes and in his heart, there had only been it…… 

The snake thought it was special and wanted to be Song Qingshi’s spiritual pet. It never expected it’d be given over to An Long after it got better. It thought that it wasn’t strong enough to be worthy of that person, so he practiced desperately and became an illustrious ferocious beast. Afterwards, nodding its head and wagging its tail, it gave up its dignity and persistently begged for mercy. And still, it didn’t get the opportunity to remain by Song Qingshi’s side.

“You’re not special,” An Long gave light pats on the Luminous Dragon’s body. He spoke comforting words but he didn’t know who he was trying to mollify. “No one can be special. How gentle he is when he’s healing you is how cruel he once you’re healed. No one can ever stay by his side forever.”

This seemingly compassionate person has the most ruthless heart in the world.

Five hundred years ago, he knew what heart-piercing, bone-deep despair was, what absolutely hopeless darkness was. 

An Long couldn’t help laughing. The laughter was filled with self-mockery. He looked back at the Medicine King’s Valley gradually disappearing behind the poisonous fog and said to himself:

“Little Qingshi is becoming more and more adorable. But it’s a pity…”

“I wonder what the beauty will look like when he discovers the truth.”

“The look on his face must surely be very beautiful, right?” 

He gave a couple forceful pats on the Luminous Dragon’s head. He restored his ferocious appearance.

“Little brother, don’t be sad. Let’s do something amusing.”

“It suddenly occurred to me that there’s someone I have to deal with it.”

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