Chapter 27 – In-room patient care

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Yue Wuhuan’s swordsmanship was becoming more sophisticated. 

Cultivation has never been difficult for him. He can understand the secret manuals about cultivation with a single glance. The flow of spiritual power through his body was as natural as breathing. He was an innate practitioner but he was trapped by the weak meridians and Dantian of mortals. It was difficult to rely on ordinary cultivation methods to break through his confinement. Thus, he chose to use the Way of the Sword to ascend the summit.

The things in the fantasy remained so vivid in his mind.



After calming down, he suddenly realized that the sword technique in his fantasy had already become a part of his body as if he had practiced it countless times. He looked at his sword as he did a sideways stab. This simple sword technique could break three kinds of commonly used protective magic weapons in the immortal realm. It could then go on downwards to pierce through the heart… He obviously hadn’t used a sword to kill anyone but why did he understand everything as if he had experienced it himself?

The Fantasy Gu couldn’t possibly have such an effect, otherwise it would be the world’s strangest Gu; it wouldn’t be a toy. 

Yue Wuhuan stared at his hand that was holding the sword. He wanted to continue pondering this mystery but his head was suddenly overwhelmed with pain. There seemed to be some power from the depths of obscurity trying to suppress, binding the answer to this question in layer upon layer of chains. It refused to give him this answer and it banished the answer from his mind. It forcefully altered his thoughts until it finally made him come to a conclusion that barely passed logic.


Various fortuitous meetings circulated in the immortal realm. The Fantasy Gu might just be his ‘fortuitous meeting’.

Song Qingshi stuck his head out from the depths of the corridor. Who knew how long he’s been looking on from where.

Yue Wuhuan quickly retracted his sword. He saw him walking over with a notebook and a homemade charcoal pencil in his hand. He motioned for him to sit down on the stone bench next to him. Song Qingshi looked at him and after struggling for a long time, finally opened the notebook. On the first blank page, he wrote in bold, large words “Interests and Hobbies List”.


Yue Wuhuan was at a loss. “What is this?”

Song Qingshi resisted the shame. This was what junior high-school girls did when they stan-ed celebrities. He didn’t want to do this either. But Yue Wuhuan hid himself too well and his EQ was terrible. He couldn’t even venture a guess as to what the other party was thinking.

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He was also a person who didn’t like to hide things in his heart. After thinking about it, he simply made a list and inquired directly. He’ll fill in the information one by one to make a file like a medical record to prevent any more mistakes.

“You are not allowed to lie, you must answer the questions honestly.” Song Qingshi tried his hardest to display the dignity of a doctor. He then picked up the charcoal pencil and asked seriously, “Wuhuan, what do you like to eat?” 

Yue Wuhuan forced himself not to smile and replied jokingly, “I love sweets.”

Song Qingshi looked at him helplessly and quietly grumbled, “Be serious, don’t say what I like to eat.” When he was in Lecheng, he also thought that Yue Wuhuan liked to eat cake. After he bought it and brought it back, he found that he was just eating it himself. The same went for the ice cream.

“I don’t have anything I particularly like to eat,” Yue Wuhuan thought for a while and answered seriously, “Before… there were a lot of things that I couldn’t eat, so it ruined my stomach and now, I don’t feel like eating anything anymore. Now, I like taking the fasting pills, it saves a lot of time.”

Song Qingshi directly noted down, “Stomach Medicine” and then continued to ask, “What do you like?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tef Qetejc rajsfv vewyobecvfv obg j ibcu alwf. Ktf rwlif lc tlr fsfr yfmjwf yglutafg, “P ilxf Zjrafg. Zjrafg agfjar wf yfra.”

Vbcu Hlcurtl kjr fwyjggjrrfv ja yflcu qgjlrfv. “P wfjca atlcur.”

Tef Qetejc ijeutfv jcv rjlv, “P vbc’a tjnf jcsatlcu P qjgalmeijgis kjca yfmjerf Zjrafg tjr ulnfc wf fnfgsatlcu.” Lf jigfjvs tjr cb ygluta ufwr jcv tf vbfrc’a cffv la jcswbgf. Ktf wjrafg tjr rqfca j iba bo wbcfs bc tlw jigfjvs, atfgf kjr cb cffv ab agbeyif tlw.

“What color do you like?” “White.” “What things do you like doing?” “Sword practice, medicine, reading, studying.” 

Yue Wuhuan answered very smoothly. You wouldn’t be able to pick any flaw.

Song Qingshi finally asked, “When is your birthday?”


Yue Wuhuan replied, “February 14.”

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When Song Qingshi heard this special date, the pen in his hand suddenly stopped. 

Yue Wuhuan was puzzled. “Is there anything strange about this day?”

Song Qingshi refrained from laughing and shook his head. There was no Valentine’s Day in this world. He just suddenly remembered that in his original world, every Valentine’s Day, he would be on duty at the lab in place of his seniors who were all out on dates. He would receive roses and gifts from suitors for his senior sister and he’d order candle-lit dinner and opera tickets for his parents. After that, he would accompany the white mice in the lab while eating instant noodles. Everyone said that his future lover must surely be a white mouse spirit. He thought it was so funny.

Yue Wuhuan watched him snicker and became even more confused. He had no idea what the master was so happy about.

Song Qingshi happily closed the notebook. He had collected a lot of information. Next month will be Yue Wuhuan’s birthday. He has sent a dozen follow-up letters to Night Rain Pavilion. The Quintessence of All Souls has already arrived. They had a lead to Xie Que’s whereabouts. When the time comes, he’ll be able to create a big surprise for Yue Wuhuan. It might make Yue Wuhuan feel a whole lot better and forget all about that problematic fantasy. 

Of course, that is on the premise that he has to make sure that Yue Wuhuan was no longer sick.

Most of the wounds on Yue Wuhuan’s face had already healed. The strange thing was that the mole that had been gouged out had regrown in its original place. Song Qingshi suspected that he hadn’t been able to scoop it out cleanly at the time. Afraid that he would find it so displeasing and that Yue Wuhuan would hurt his own face once again, Song Qingshi personally performed a mole removal surgery on him. However, after changing the dressing this morning, the tear-shaped mole tenaciously grew back; moreover, it was now even more dazzlingly red, even more beautiful than before.

Song Qingshi had never seen such a situation before. He felt it was strange but after studying it for a long time, he couldn’t find what was special about this mole.

There were many things in the immortal realm that were unscientific. Maybe it’s a natural mark that can’t be eliminated? 

Seeing that he was worried, Yue Wuhuan repeatedly swore that he would give up messing with this mole. He ensured that under the control of the Emotion Locking Gu, he would not fall ill. Song Qingshi resolutely did not believe it. And even though a Nascent Soul Cultivator’s mental probe was strong, he could not release it over long-distance for 24 hours a day. He could only use it for supplementary investigation. Moreover, he was the kind of person who couldn’t do two tasks at once. He forgets about the mental probe once he thinks about something else.

So these days he kept a very close watch on Yue Wuhuan. He can’t even sleep and so he just directly made his bed on the floor next to him. He was a family member looking after a hospitalized loved one! Although it was very embarrassing, it was better than him being sound asleep in his bedroom and not noticing any movement and inexplicably failing this course.

Yue Wuhuan woke up in the middle of the night and was shocked when he found Song Qingshi on the floor.

He never dreamt that his master would do such a stupid thing for him! He seriously thought about whether to pretend not to have seen it or to call out to his master. In the end, he found that both options were extremely embarrassing! After thinking about it, he toughened his scalp and woke Song Qingshi up. He tried to provide him with a way out of this embarrassment, “Master must have been too tired, so you fell asleep right here. Please be careful. The floor is cold.” 

Turned out, from the very start, Song Qingshi had no intention of leaving this embarrassing situation. He stayed lying on the floor. “No can do. I’ll stay here.”

Yue Wuhuan knew that it was his fault. Completely helpless, he said, “Then, Master should sleep on the bed and…” He originally wanted to say that he would be the one to sleep on the floor.

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Unexpectedly, before he could finish his statement, Song Qingshi’s eyes brightened and he climbed up on the bed using the bedpost as support. He has always been spoiled and pampered. After having slept on the floor for a few nights, his whole body was already aching. Now that the little angel invited him to the bed, he was very happy! This proved that the little angel was totally unguarded towards him. Appropriate physical contact will help his mental recovery!

He was a gentleman and the little angel was the protagonist shou. It was perfectly fine for the two of them to sleep together. 

The beds in the immortal realm were very big, more than enough to sleep two or three people.

Song Qingshi was touched and climbed up with the quilt, which he then spread out. The two of them slept far away. He promised, “Don’t worry, I’m very well-behaved when I sleep. I don’t move at all. How I sleep at night is how I get up in the morning. I absolutely won’t take advantage of you.”


Yue Wuhuan didn’t know what to say…

Song Qingshi hadn’t slept well for a few nights. He was extremely sleepy. He quickly clutched up the quilt and fell into unguarded sleep. His messy hair covered the bed and the ice silk pajamas lifted halfway up, revealing a soft waist and a pale belly… … 

Yue Wuhuan squeezed the Emotion Locking Gu several times before he was able to bring his desires under control. After covering Song Qingshi properly with the quilt, he lay back down helplessly. But he couldn’t fall asleep no matter what. He knew that he has a lot of black history, coupled with this deceptively beautiful face, no one could see his inherent desire to invade buried deep in his bones. There’s also no one who knew now much he detested being made a ‘receiver‘.

The truth was, he liked men because he liked to conquer; he liked to control; he liked to seize the entire person, to cover the other from head to toe in his scent. Only in this way can he get endless happiness…

The master’s mind was simple and uncomplicated. He doesn’t understand these messy things at all. Song Qingshi purely trusted and cared about him.

He simply couldn’t have these filthy thoughts. 

If they were going to sleep, they were going to just sleep. He can’t think about other things. He can’t just touch at random, let alone do any bad things.

Yue Wuhuan lay beside the one he liked, feeling extremely pained from holding back…

His body temperature was higher than most people’s in the first place and his desire made it even higher.

In order to lock the two fires in his body, Song Qingshi practiced the Cold Jade Technique. His body temperature was usually on the low side. He felt like there was a large warm stove emitting heat next to him. In a daze, he shifted over and reached into the quilt next to him. He hugged the heat source and nuzzled against it in satisfaction. 

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The pleasant medicinal scent came from Yue Wuhuan’s bosom. Warm and moist breath brushed against his neck. The pale pink lips were slightly raised, as though inviting people to have a taste. Arms wrapped tightly around him, from his chest to his waist. Immediately afterwards, legs were also added in. Song Qingshi was like an octopus entangled around a satisfied prey. He refused to loosen even a fraction of an inch.

The ice silk pajamas were too loose. As he moved around, it rode up higher and opened wider. His collarbone was exposed and a captivating view could vaguely be seen. Aside from that vicious dog’s bite mark on his neck that was being an eyesore, it truly was a feast for the senses. That scene from his fantasy of joyfully eating a great feast seemed to appear before Yue Wuhuan’s very eyes. He could no longer control the dirty thoughts in his mind. The reaction of his body became unbearable. He wanted to hide but was mindlessly being held down by the other’s legs.

“Master, don’t touch. It’s dirty…”

Yue Wuhuan was afraid of being found out and so he didn’t dare push him forcefully away. He could only implore softly. He felt that he was about to be tortured to death; unable to get any release. In the end, he could only close his eyes and rely on the Emotion Locking Gu to endure through it… 

After finally holding on til dawn, he saw Song Qingshi’s hands and feet slowly retract. He then rolled back into his own quilt and fell sound asleep again, posture the exact same as when he first fell asleep.

The corners of Wuhuan’s eyes twitched. He was quite sure that Song Qingshi had not woken up from beginning to end of that natural and spontaneous sequence of actions. He now understood where his confidence in his sleeping posture came from…

About half an hour later, the sky was completely bright.

Song Qingshi opened his eyes. After confirming that he was still sleeping in his original position, he said happily, “Look, I’m a very well-behaved sleeper, right?” 

Yue Wuhuan looked at him, completely exhausted. He thought for a long time, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, “Yes!”

Master must be right. Even if Master was wrong, he must be right!


Song Qingshi happily asked, “I will sleep here tomorrow too, alright?” He felt that since Yue Wuhuan could accept it, he can continue to try to help him overcome his fear of physical contact. He’ll let him realize that even if a man sleeps next to him, it was still safe too! Because there were still many good men like him who have no dirty thoughts!

Yue Wuhuan took a deep breath and continued gritting his teeth. “Alright.” 

His road to cultivation might possibly require a test of willpower.

First, he’ll go to the bathroom and take a cold bath.

The author has something to say: Yue Wuhuan: Help! What to do if Master climbs into my bed every day?

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