Chapter 28 – Underworld Fire Black Lotus

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With his Master climbing up his bed every day, Yue Wuhuan had to think up of all sorts of measures… 

First off, using various reasons, such as that the weather was cold and that he might develop a stomachache, he coaxed Song Qingshi to change back to wearing ordinary unlined garments, the kind that was wrapped tight. Secondly, when Song Qingshi turned over in his sleep, he stretched out his right arm first, letting his arm serve as a bolster or he would turn to his side so that his back was facing the other; this was to prevent large-scale contact. Finally, he worked with the Emotion Locking Gu to suppress his desire. In this way, he was barely able to reach normal conditions.

Although Yue Wuhuan slept badly, he never thought of driving Song Qingshi away or perhaps making an extra bed next to him. It was because he felt that the way Song Qingshi hugged him while sleeping closely resembled the way he did in his fantasy. It allowed him a happy illusion, it made him feel like that the other liked him and he would rather have this kind of bittersweet happiness.



Song Qingshi thought that between two men sleeping innocently, where was the trouble? When he was in primary school, he often slept with his cousins ​​during summer vacations. When he went abroad in junior high school, because they hadn’t been able to book a twin room, he slept in a double bed room with his senior brother. Although he had been inexplicably delivered a hit and expelled to sleep on the sofa the next day. He had abundant experience in sleeping with men. There had been no problems at all!

He will prove to Yue Wuhuan that a good man will never launch a night attack! He hoped the Yue Wuhuan can eliminate his distrust of men! 

Yue Wuhuan has already gotten used to him sleeping there. Only that, he has developed a habit of taking a bath every morning…


Song Qingshi sniffed himself and wondered if his body was not clean enough. He also took a few more baths and added perfume in the bath to make his body as fragrant as possible, lest he be shunned by his slightly mysophobic roommate’s sensitive nose.

Ten days later, Song Qingshi’s long-awaited messenger bird from Night Rain Pavilion finally arrived.

After reading the information on the jade slip, he pondered for a long time and then went to find Yue Wuhuan. Hesitantly, he said, “Night Rain Pavilion sent me a letter. I have to personally pick up something that I had I ordered before. I will have to be out for a few days. Can you take care of the mice for me at home? They are in their breeding period and I don’t feel at ease about handing them to the valley servants…”


“For Master to go out must meant that this is a necessary and important matter,” Yue Wuhuan immediately understood what he meant by saying these words, “I will take care of myself. I will use the Emotion Locking Gu to control my illness. I will take my medicine on time. I will make sure that Master won’t have anything that he needs to worry about here. If there are any problems, I will use the messenger bird to notify you in time.”

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Song Qingshi was a little relieved. He selected a few valley servants who were well-versed in their work and had reached the Foundation Building stage to look after Yue Wuhuan for him. He then turned on all poison formations in the Medicine King’s Valley to prevent any foreign enemies from invading. After being reminded by Yue Wuhuan, he made a life plate and left it with him. This would let Yue Wuhuan know the state of his safety at any time so that he wouldn’t go sleepless from worry.


Nanchuan, a mountain range covered in mists and clouds, filled with lonely peaks. 

Song Qingshi had the spirit beast land. He carefully took measure of the surroundings. He saw mountains covered in mist, gurgling streams, roaring waterfalls and a thick blanket of fog covering everything. It was certainly imbued with an ‘immortal’ air. However, there were no immortal towns stationed within thousands of miles, only a few small villages where mortals had gathered. This meant that there were no spiritual veins or secret realms here. There were also no high-value spiritual plants or beasts. It was an abandoned place in the immortal realm.

It truly was a one in a million place…

Song Qingshi’s heart was filled with even more anger and his expression grew colder.

Ye Lin informed him through the letter that Xie Que had hidden back in the sect he had established. This place called Yanshan Sect was also the place where Yue Wuhuan grew up. Since they were young, these mortal children were deceived to live in this discarded land, thinking all the while that it was a blessed place. Unable to communicate with outsiders, they practiced the lowest level techniques and learned completely erroneous knowledge. They listened to every word of Xie Que’s brainwashing. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

What ‘cultivators need to pay attention to their appearance’? What ‘cultivators need to pay attention to their posture’? What Yanshan Sect and the Way of Music? What ‘must maintain the condition of one’s hands’? And what ‘Shifu loves them the most, so he isn’t willing for them to suffer even the littlest bit of physical injury’!

Wlf Hef kjr remt jc fzqfga ja islcu jcv qgfafcvlcu atja la kjr qgjmalmjiis rfjwifrr.

Tef Qetejc bcmf tjv j mtjcmf ab mbwf ojmf ab ojmf klat atf bglulcji ybvs. Dea atf bglulcji ybvs tjvc’a obecv bea Wlf Hef’r agef mbibgr yjmx atfc. Lf tjv wlrrfv j ubivfc bqqbgaeclas.

Ciatbeut cb bcf kjr ab yijwf obg atlr, Vbcu Hlcurtl ofia jr atbeut fnfgsatlcu bo atf bglulcji ybvs’r kjr tlr ab yfjg, tf ofia cb vloofgfca jr lo tf tjv yffc atf bcf ab vb la tlwrfio. Snfgs alwf la kjr ygbeuta ab wlcv, tf kbeiv gfugfa la afgglyis. Pc tlr tfjga, tf jcuglis yfgjafv Ugbofrrbg Vsrafw obg cba agjcrwlugjalcu tlw veglcu atja alwf rb atja tf mbeiv ulnf atlr wfvlmlcf-gfolclcu lvlba j ubbv atgjrtlcu ab kjxf tlw eq; atf ‘yfja-ab-vfjat’ xlcv bo atgjrtlcu! 

Yue Wuhuan didn’t take it to heart at all. He said how could he possibly blame the kind Master who has detoxified him and saved him for things that even he hadn’t been able to see?

“Actually, there had been several opportunities for me to discover the truth”, Yue Wuhuan recalled the past and found it somewhat incomprehensible, “but every time I would inexplicably miss it. There were a lot of unbelievable coincidences, as if I was destined to suffer this catastrophe.”


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In short, this was Xie Que’s fault!

Song Qingshi waved his hand. He controlled his spiritual energy to dwell in dozens of dragonflies and butterflies. He attached his mental probe onto them and borrowed the insects’ eyes to find Xie Que’s whereabouts. 

This was a little trick he learned from An Long before. It could make his own mental probe much more difficult to detect. At that time, An Long was just a Foundation Building cultivator. He had wanted to use this technique to manipulate a snake to scare him in his bathroom. He caught it and got this self-made Gu technique. He improved it a bit and it was now quite easy to use.

As he walked along the way, he controlled countless butterflies and dragonflies to fly towards the Yanshan Sect.

A panoramic view of Yanshan Sect was brought to appear before his eyes. There were more than ten courtyards with blue tiles and white walls. There were many flowers and trees outside the courtyard and there were some chickens, ducks and geese being taken care of by mortal servants. There was also a seemingly cute puppy in the yard, lying lazily under the tree basking in the sun. This dog looked ordinary but it was actually a spirit dog. It was best at tracking down people; no doubt used to prevent slaves from escaping.

Song Qingshi hid all traces of his aura and sat under a flowering tree outside the courtyard. Through the eyes of the countless flying insects, he observed the situation in each room. Yanshan Sect was raising about twenty children, ranging in age from six to seventeen or eighteen. They were all dressed in neat cyan Yuelan clothes, similar to what other ordinary immortal disciples wore. Each one of them had impressive looks, glowing with health and vigor, with superb complexion. 

The relationship between the disciples was very good. The elder disciples led the younger disciples to do their homework. On the martial arts field, there was a cheerful sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy who was helping a newly-admitted child to do his stretches, telling him the importance of physical flexibility in training his body. Under the flowering tree, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl was helping another endearingly-silly girl of about the same age to recite their lessons. The two seemed to be friends. The silly girl just couldn’t memorize it and the girl, hating iron for not becoming steel, rapped lightly against her head.  The silly girl grumbled that it would only make her even more stupid, lowering her grade in their exams. How was Shifu going to fall for her now? The silly girl, with tears in her eyes, immediately began acting spoiled.  She was a pear blossom bathed in the rain. Her friend’s anger instantly dissipated… In the kitchen, a beautiful eight or nine-year-old boy was playing a prank, trying to steal the steamed buns.

Everyone was happy, as if they were in a paradise without any suffering.

They were waiting, free from all anxiety for the gates of hell to open.

Song Qingshi was somewhat lost in thought… 

Finally, Xie Que appeared. He came over and caught the boy who stole the food and brought him back to the study for lessons.

Song Qingshi immediately had a butterfly cling to the study window.

In the study, there was a delicate girl copying a book, stroke by stroke, her handwriting like green pine and bamboo. She had the graceful bearing of famous artist. Xie Que brought in the boy who stole the food and handed him over to the girl, who he asked to oversee the boy’s punishment of copying lines. The girl meekly agreed and personally supervised the boy to practice his calligraphy.

Xie Que heaved a sigh, “You little monkey who can’t sit still, can’t you learn from your Wuhuan Shixiong? When your Wuhuan Shixiong was your age, he already had such good calligraphy skills and he had already memorized all the books.” 

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“Every day, you tell me to learn from Wuhuan Shixiong. You praise Wuhuan Shixiong every day.” The boy was very stubborn and immediately retorted, “Well, Wuhuan Shixiong has gone to cultivate at a famous sect for so many years already and I’ve never seen him come back even once to visit Shifu! He’s ungrateful!”

Song Qingshi was stunned and when he looked closely at the boy’s appearance, he found that his looks were quite gorgeous. His appearance was actually similar to Yue Wuhuan, except that his eyes were not phoenix eyes but large almond eyes. The temperament was also unlike Yue Wuhuan’s graceful demeanor. With bared teeth and brandished claws, he looked more like a wild and untamable cat.

The girl knocked him on the head and reprimanded, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Yes, yes, yes. It’s Shifu’s fault. I forgot that you are different from Wuhuan.” Xie Que looked at him carefully for a while. Not taking his actions as being disobedient, he laughed, “My family’s Ming Hong is the most conscientious. A truly promising disciple.” 

The boy named Ming Hong lowered his head, embarrassedly, “Hong’er was a little beggar. It was only thanks to Shifu picking me up and taking good care of me that I am here today. Hong’er likes Shifu the most. I won’t let you down.”

Xie Que touched his head and praised, “Then Shifu will be waiting.”


The teacher was kind and the disciple was filial. Their relationship was harmonious and happy.

Song Qingshi really couldn’t bear it. He didn’t want to involve other people and so he directly took out his Life Artifact. The two lotus flowers composed of the Red Lotus Fire and the Underworld Ghost Fire blossomed in his palm. He raised his palm and the Red Lotus Fire shot up and rapidly expanded, enveloping the entire study, forming a flame barrier that no one could enter or leave. Then Song Qingshi stepped into the study with the black lotus in his hands.

Xie Que was terribly frightened when he saw this scene. He kept repeatedly falling back. When he saw Song Qingshi come in, he gave a quivering laugh and said, “Medicine King Xianzun honors us with your presence… It has been ten years since we’ve bade good-bye to the Medicine King’s Valley. Xie Que bears in mind his gratitude for the detoxification. I don’t know what important matter could have brought Xianzun here today but as long as it is with in my capabilities, I will never refuse…”

Seeing that the situation was far good, the girl hurriedly dragged Ming Hong and retreated behind their shifu. 

The black lotus made from ghost fire burst forth and lashes of poisonous fires wrap around Xie Que’s face. Amidst the blood-curling screams, it quickly corroded skin and flesh, until the white bone underneath could be seen.

Song Qingshi said coldly, “You don’t need this face.”

Xie Que was rolling on the ground in pain. He’d been hiding away here to avoid being hunted down by the Songhe Sect. He hadn’t left his house for a long time. Only recently did he reach an agreement with the Songhe Sect. It was said that Jin Feiren developed true affection for Bai Zihao. Elder He has always been loose. This was but one of his illegitimate children. Golden Phoenix Manor gave the Songhe Sect a large amount of compensation and promised to treat Bai Zihao kindly and not regard him as a slave. This managed to appease the Songhe Sect’s fury. Xie Que also returned the money from his sale of Bai Zihao and sent a beautiful slave to Elder He to make amends and settle this matter.

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He had been so busy bustling about, he hadn’t had time to pay attention to any other matters. 

Although Yue Wuhuan had been his most expensive item, that had also been ten years ago. Now he was just a slave worn out from having been played with too much. He wasn’t worthy of attention. Although he had heard that Yue Wuhuan was seriously injured and taken in by the Medicine King’s Valley to become a test subject, he hadn’t thought much about it. He only felt a little regretful. He had raised so many new beauties but he was never able to raise another like Yue Wuhuan.

The Medicine King Xianzun bearing down so menacingly probably meant that he’s been swayed by Yue Wuhuan’s sweet words; coaxed to come here and claim his due.

That kid had always been smart and over-concerned. Xie Que had expended a lot of effort to prevent that boy from knowing the truth and now, unexpectedly…

Xie Que was baring his teeth in pain. He crawled on the ground, pretending to surrender, all the while thinking frantically how to worm his way out. 

“Bad guy! Don’t hurt my Shifu!” Ming Hong saw that his Shifu was seriously injured and couldn’t bear it. He pushed aside the girl who was holding him back and rushed in, crying. He threw himself at Song Qingshi’s leg, opened his mouth and bit down. But he couldn’t even tear his robes. He let out sorrowful wails like a puppy protecting its owner.

Song Qingshi lowered his head, carefully looking at the child biting on his leg and those furious pair of eyes.

The girl screamed in fear, “Ming Hong! Come back!”

Xie Que retreated back step by step. With an appeasing smile on his face, he said, “Xianzun misunderstood. I also couldn’t bear to let go of Yue Wuhuan. Back then…Yes, it was Golden Phoenix Manor who took a fancy to that child and forced me to do it…” 

Ming Hong’s eyes were red. He couldn’t hear anything around him, desperately kicking and biting, trying, with what little power he had, to deal with the person in front of him and let his Shifu escape.

This similar face gradually overlapped with the face in his memory…


【Hong’er likes Shifu the most. I won’t let you down. 】

[Wuhuan likes Shifu the most, I don’t want to cause shame to Shifu. 】 

Song Qingshi slowly raised his head and whispered, “Back then, Wuhuan was also like this…”

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