Modern Cinderella

Chapter 100

Because I love you [2]

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“If…the ending will be like this… then I hope she will never appear in my life…” Jing Ming Xian closed his eyes and said this sentence gently…but he was wrong…He knows that he is lying. If there was no Moya in his life then how could it be considered as life?! “Leaving.” Jin Ming Xian stood up from his seat. He had come here to see her. Now, he should leave…He was afraid he couldn’t control himself. He might take her away forcibly! If she needed to bear the contempt of the world…then is he too selfish?

“It turns out that … love can change a person like this…” Hao Jun you stood up and smiled while he brought Jin Ming Xian out. Hao Jun You didn’t mean just Jin Ming Xian but also himself. How ridiculous is he ah…He knew that Jin Ming Xian and Moya weren’t siblings yet he hadn’t come out and clarified this….”Hao Jun You…you think that by doing this…you aren’t committing a crime?”

Hao Jun You turned around and he was stunned! It should be said that his heartbeat had stopped! The heart was in so much pain that it almost lost its senses…

“Xiao Ya!” He ran over to Moya’s side.

The tears flowed down Moya’s eyes…Moya tightly shut the eyes…

“If…the ending will be like this… then I hope she will never appear in my life…”

Jin Ming Xian’s words repeatedly sounded in Moya’s ears…Finally, tears had betrayed her. It had gone beyond her control…It presumptuously flowed out…

“Brother Jun You…” Moya softly opened her eyes, tears still flowed out nonstop. “I just made a scary dream.” Moya turned around and held onto Hao Jun You’s neck. “Starting from when…I had become a girl who loves to cry…”

Hao Jun You brought Moya into his arms. He tightly closed the beautiful eyes…

“Xiao Ya, I had gotten my mother’s phone call.” Hao Jun You explained faintly and held a seemingly trembling voice.

“Mother had called you?” Moya wiped her tears…

“No, the mother that is in America.” Hao Jun You’s chin leaned against Moya’s head. “She hopes that I can return to America.”

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“What?!” Moya pushed Hao Jun You. “No! I had just finally gotten with brother Jun You!”

“Xiao Ya.” Hao Jun You held onto Moya’s shoulders. “Mother hopes that I can return back there for treatment. Plus I had heard that she will bring the brother back. So I need to help father…”

“Enough!” Moya cut off Hao Jun You’s words. “How come so sudden! Is it not good here? You can’t receive the treatment here?! Why?! How come they had just left you here in the past! They had already promised mom and dad that they will take care of you but they had just left you here! Because they need you right now so they want you back?! I don’t agree! I don’t agree!” Moya sobbed. The tears fell down once again…It dripped onto Hao Jun You’s hand…

Hao Jun You’s lips were slightly pursed. He softly patted Moya’s slightly trembling back…”Sorry, Xiao Ya.”

Maybe at this moment…Hao Jun You’s heart was in more pain…But he couldn’t let himself do what he wanted to do. He couldn’t casually display this type of feeling out because he still needed to comfort Xiao Ya who cried very hard…

“I don’t agree…” Moya’s voice shook…

“Xiao Ya….at the other side of the ocean…I will miss you even more…” Hao Jun You kept a faint smile on…

“Hm…” Moya continued to sniffle. “Sorry, brother Jun You…But, I…really don’t want you to leave…”

“Remember?” Hao Jun You’s hand softly caressed Moya’s hair. “I had said it before that love to some people meant possessing and to others, letting go.” Hao Jun You’s floated past as though the wind…

Because he loves her, because of love…

In the Qingtan school….all the classmates were bored…

“How come Ming Xian hadn’t come to class yet?”

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“Yes ah. Even Hao Jun You who shows up the most times had disappeared.”

“Aish~~!” Everyone helplessly sighed…

In the corner, You Mei took out her phone…

“Hello, I am Moya.”

“It’s me, You Mei.”


“Can we meet?”

“I can’t meet lately. I need to stay with Senior Jun You.”

“Please ah. It has to do with Ming Xian.”

“….Sorry. I really don’t have time. ”

“That chain wasn’t given to me by Jin Ming Xian!”

“This…to me, isn’t important anymore.”

“Please, please Moya! You want to see me die?”

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You Mei hanged up on the call with shaking hands. She closed her eyes and bravely walked towards the appointed place…

It was the clear cafe in the pedestrian street again…

Moya quickly found the spot You Mei had sat in last time. “You are really single-minded.” Moya jokingly exclaimed…

“Sorry.” Who knew that You Mei had suddenly stood up and made a 90-degree bow at Moya.

“You Mei, what happened to you? Are you possessed? Don’t scare me ah!” Moya hurriedly stood up from her seat as a result of You Mei’s actions and moved back to a certain distance.

“I….” You Mei’s voice trembled….”If I say it, will you forgive me?”

Looking at You Mei’s expression, Moya had become serious too…

“Say it.” She sat across from You Mei.


Without the noisy Moya, the ward seemed so quiet that it was lonely…

Hao Jun You placed the book by the headboard. Now that he thought about it, it was humorous. Up to now, he still hadn’t finished the book.

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Hao Jun You picked up the phone by the table…

“Shi Lin? I am Hao Jun You.”

“Jun You?! You…”

“Can you please come over?”

“Okay, okay.”

Hao Jun You softly hanged up on the call. His hand rubbed against the blue crystal bottle…

By his pillow contained a letter and MP4…

Moya’s eyes widened bigger and bigger…She stared at You Mei, her face filled with surprise!

“Really sorry!” You Mei buried her head lowly.

“If you’re done saying then I will go now.” Moya’s feelings were very complicated right now. She knew that Jin Ming Xian had loved her that much so shouldn’t she be happy? But…the person in front of her, the friend that she had trusted so much…actually…

“Moya!” You Mei stood up. Her eyes were filled with tears. “Will you forgive me? I will be leaving and I don’t know when I will be back.”

“Yes.” Moya announced without hesitance. “But not now.” She hadn’t turned around. “In the future, I will.” She needed time, a very long time.

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