Modern Cinderella

Chapter 99

Because I love you [1]

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Hao Jun You watched as Moya hadn’t said anything…

“Aish~ You young people only care about being romantic not about these poor instruments ah.” The nurse secretly observed them…

“Okay. Let’s quickly clean up and leave them in their two people world.” The doctor carried the instruments and pulled the nurse out, smiling.

In the ward filled with the smell of medicine, the atmosphere became strange…

“Apple ah! Brother Jun You, for you.” Moya raised her hand and delivered the sliced up apple over to Hao Jun You.

Hao Jun You took the apple over…”Moya, are you happy?” His voice was light. “When you’re with me, are you happy?”

“Happy ah!” Moya happily exclaimed. “Is there a need to ask this ah!”

“But…” Hao Jun You stared at Moya’s eyes. “I’m not happy…”

“What?!” Moya was stunned!

“Because….you’re not actually happy…”

“Hehe…How could that be!” Moya supported Hao Jun You. “How come brother Jun You had asked this all of a sudden? How can you not be happy with your family? Go, lay down on the **!”  She forcefully pressed Hao Jun You on the **…

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Hao Jun You was quiet…He closed his eyes…

“Brother Jun You….you listen…” Moya softly said in Hao Jun You’s ears. “-When I’m with you, I feel at ease. Really, I am very happy…”

Hao Jun You kept his eyes closed as usual and there were no movements…

“How come you didn’t say anything? Did you fall asleep?” Moya softly pushed Hao Jun You. “How come you had really fallen asleep?!”

She helplessly sat on the sofa…She was also tired. She should rest for a while…

In the villa, Jin Ming Xian slowly woke up. He slowly fluttered his eyes open…But, there was not the person he wanted to see in front of him…

“All the birthday fairy tales are all lies….” His eyes which were like the thousand years glaciers were desperate…”This…stupid person…” He originally thought that Moya would have been regretful, originally thought that she would’ve come to find him here! Originally thought…But, he was wrong. He seemed to have overestimated himself…

“Young master.” The old housekeeper placed the fresh tea to Jin Ming Xian’s side.

“Prepare the car.” Jin Ming Xian stood up and walked towards the garage…

At this time the old housekeeper had come to Jin Shan Hua’s door…

“Lord.” The old housekeeper softly knocked on the door.

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“Come in.” Jin Shan Hua’s voice was filled with tiredness.

The old housekeeper stared at Jin Shan Hua. He sat on the long chair. Without a doubt, his heart had received the same amount of torture…

“I know, I know I am just a housekeeper in this house. There are a lot of things that I want to say but can’t. But, I will say everything that I want to say today.”

Jin Shan Hua still sat quietly there.

“In the past…it was an incorrect decision for you and your wife to leave. Lord, you always took care of things based on what you thought. You thought that it was the best protection for the young master for you and your wife to leave. But, what you guys did had caused the young master to be hurt deeply. Now you had believed that young miss Moya and young master Hao Jun You actually love each other. Do you really think that your opinion is correct?”

“You are too presumptuous!” Jin Shan Hua lowered his voice. Without a doubt, he was trying to calm down his emotions.

“Lord.” At this time Li Hao walked in from the door. She kneeled by Jin Shan Hua’s legs and softly pounded his leg. “Just let these young people figure out their situation.”

“…” Jin Shan Hua raised his hand to caress Li Hao’s hair but didn’t respond…

Jin Ming Xian sat in his sports car. The slightly cool wind had blown by his handsome face…

Since she won’t come to see him, then he will go find her…

Jin Ming Xian increased the car speed…In short, he must! Must see her!

In the hospital, Hao Jun You opened his eyes…He stared at Moya who fell asleep on the sofa…quietly…

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Then Hao Jun You got off the bed. He placed a quilt on Moya’s body. After all, the day was chilly…

At this time the door was softly pushed open…It was Jin Ming Xian who had came in…

He stood at the door and watched the scene in front of him…

Jin Ming Xian softly smiled…”Changed so quickly.” His tone was filled with mockery…

“Ming Xian!” Hao Jun You’s eyebrows were wrinkled. “Don’t say this about Xiao Ya.”

Jin Ming Xian hadn’t responded. He walked in and sat on the sofa which was across…

“Congratulations.” Jin Ming Xian shot Hao Jun You a soft smile. “Fate had looked after you.” His eyes were full of disdain.

“What did you say?!” Hao Jun You was slightly angry.

Jin Ming Xian stared at Hao Jun You. His friend in the past…He had no idea why he had said this…Maybe it was the way Hao Jun You had looked at Moya…Maybe it was because he had placed the quilt on her…

“You are here to look at Xiao Ya.” Hao Jun You quickly calmed down his emotions.  He smiled and asked.

“…..” Jin Ming Xian hadn’t answered.

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“She just fell asleep.” Hao Jun You looked at Moya with pampering eyes. “Ming Xian, want to drink tea? Xiao Ya had brought a lot of tea leaves.”

“You…” Jin Ming Xian looked at Hao Jun You. “-don’t look at her.”

“What?” Hao Jun You hadn’t understood Jin Ming Xian’s meaning.

“Please….not in front of me. Don’t look at her like that.” Jin Ming Xian’s eyes contained faint pain.

Hao Jun You hadn’t responded. He sat by Jin Ming Xian’s side…

“Haven’t talked to Ming Xian in such a long time like this.” Hao Jun You’s voice was at ease.

“…..” Jin Ming Xian stared at Moya who fell asleep and hadn’t said anything.

“Ming Xian loves Xiao Ya a lot?” Hao Jun You stared at Jin Ming Xian’s eyes. That pair of eyes only contained the sleeping Moya. “I always thought in the past that you were retaliating Moya or maybe it was a joke…” Hao Jun You lowered his head. “But…now…I believe…you…”

“Enough.” Jin Ming Xian interrupted Hao Jun You’s words. “So what!” After he heard Hao Jun You say this, he was angry instead! “What stopped me wasn’t you. It’s this stupid fate! Why?! Why is she my sister! How come she showed up in my life like that!”

Hao Jun You lowered his head and hadn’t responded…No one had seen his expression clearly…

Moya’s eyelashes had moved. She seemed to have heard yelling…Moya slowly opened her eyes and saw Jin Ming Xian! Moya blinked her eyes hard! This wasn’t a dream! That young man with a beautiful face was actually Jin Ming Xian! (Looking at the smelly expression, you can tell). The first reaction, Moya closed her eyes tightly…

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