Monsieur Park

Chapter 2.1

Chapter 2

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2. Sized doesn't matter




"I should just go on a blind date."



Said Jo Youngsun from sales department. She stopped fixing her lipstick and sighed deeply.



"Why? Don't you have a boyfriend?"



Youngsun glared at Soonmi who asked innocently.



"He's too young and he's not capable. A man gets stable when they are at least 30. And my future is pretty unstable. And my mom is keep pressuring me to get marry."


"Mmm. I thought you guys really liked each other."


"You can't really do anything only with your feeling.... I'm nearly 30.... And there is a saying that when the poverty comes through the front gate, love goes out of the back gate." (I have no idea what this means...)



Lee Soonmi who is a beginner in social life didn't want to admit it. She wanted to say something, but she didn't want to get hated by the seniors. She just decided to leave early.



"Then I'll leave first. See you tomorrow. Youngsun ssi, Kyungmee ssi."


"See you tomorrow."



Soonmi left with light footsteps. Youngsun and Kyungmee continued there chatting.



"By the way....."



Kyungmee opened her mouth.



"How old is Soonmi ssi?"


"I think she just became 20 this year."


"Then why is she not saying our last name when she calls us?"



Kyungmee's tone became sharp.



"She's the youngest and why is she calling just by our names. Does she think it's everything when she just add 'ssi' at the end?" (I guess Soonmi needs to call them like Kim Kyungmee ssi....)


"Ah, stress. Stress."



Youngsun sighed while she was putting some more powder on her face.



"Someday I will say something. That stupid Monsieur Park was giving us stress, and I can't stand this youngster looking down on me."


"Everything is sick. Really."



Kyungmee sighed deeply. They are 28 years old. And since few years ago, they've been hearing their friends getting married and beginning of this year that number just multiplied. Friends who already got married are keeping telling her to get married. They were saying if you get older, your worthy goes down.


They both knew they were not a successful career woman. They are single and independent from their parents, and after they graduated from college, they never asked their parents for money. But they were not a successful career woman.


Neither they went to 4 year university nor were they employed in a big company. They were just aging without doing anything, and now their concern is worrying about their future if they can stay at this company longer.



"This man I'm going to see during the blind date is a very religious Catholic."


"Oh no. Isn't your family Buddhist?"


"I know. That's what's holding me back. If I change my religion, my grandma will get so mad. And there is long way to go until I get married to my boyfriend. And blind date conditions are too picky. And I'm getting old and I barely have $20,000 in my saving. And all of my colleagues are getting married."



They were chatting and Younsun's phone rang suddenly.





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She fixed her voice little bit. It was her boyfriend. For a while she just said sure, sure, and her face got darker.



"Really? You have a lot of work? Okay.... There is no choice then... Let's postponed it. See you next time."



Youngsun hung up the phone with a long face. Kyungmee asked right next to her.



"Did your plan get cancelled?"




"It's happening pretty often these days."





Kyungmee pulled depressed Youngsun's arm and said.



"Today is too gloomy. Should we go out and grab a drink?"


"Should we?"





Thanks to bright Kyungmee's voice Youngsun started to smile too. When they were on the street to look for a good place to drink, they saw a familiar back.


Youngsun said,


"Isn't that.... D.P.?" (Director Park)


"You're right."



Kyungmee was looking at that back too. Both of them were squinting their eyes. The back was just like what they saw it in the company earlier, he was still wearing a suit with laundry mark, and he was squatting in the dark ally. He was so focused on something that he didn't know these two pairs of eyes were staring at him.






When she was trying to call him, suddenly he stood up and started to run. It was first time they saw him that fast. Youngsun froze while her hand was still reaching out to him. The thing that Director Park was aiming for was sushi restaurant fish tank. This one glowing halibut came up from the water. He didn't miss this chance and snatched away the halibut. It happened less than one second. He was like an agile tiger.



"That son of a bitch again!"



Hearing the owner of sushi restaurant scream, Director Park looked back and gave him the smile of victory. And he started to run like a speed of light. Because he was so focused on his halibut, he did not see these two women while he was passing by them.


Two women just froze and could not moved. Somewhere there was a wind blowing their hair.



"Just now....."



After a while Youngsun opened her mouth.



"Did we just see D.P. snatching away a fish and ran off?"


"I think so...."



Kyungmee answered. They both looked at the sushi restaurant. That place was an expensive place where they only sell wild growth sea food. Inside the fish tank, it was full of healthy strong fish swimming around the tank. Because they are too healthy and strong, sometimes they go out of fish tank by jumping too high.



"We should....."





Kyungmee said with stuffed look.



".......go drink."





They turned and walked wobbly to street full of bars. It was already dark future for those unmarried women in Korean, but their boss's action made it even darker.


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Taeyoung worked overtime to finish his work. He got out of the office with a headache.


I think I was staring at the monitor for too long. This pain isn't going away. Thinking of buying a pain killer, he went to a different side of street to go to the pharmacy. He should stop by at the pharmacy first and go to the subway station.


Just as he came out of the pharmacy, he saw a familiar shadow of a person walking rocking his body. He stopped putting his medicine bag inside of his bag and frowned. As the shadow came closer to the street light, he noticed not only that person was familiar, it was a person who he sees every day. That person was Director Park.



'.....Something seems off.'



Taeyoung frowned. A man who was bouncing on his way had a smile on his face holding something flapping. It was very hard thing to see at 10:30 PM in the middle of the city. That was an alive fish.



"What the...."



Taeyoung dropped his medicine bag. As Director Park run faster, the fish was flapping faster like it's asking for oxygen. It was something scarily suited well with him and at the same time was very creepy.



"Di...Director Park?"


"Huh? Were you still here?"


"You are the one who told me to stay and finish....! No never mind. What is that?"



He tried his best to keep his calm and pointed at the fish that he was holding.



"You definitely left work as soon as the clock hit 6 o'clock."


"Ah, I did."


"It's not 'Ah, I did.'!"



Taeyoung seriously wanted to choke him. But that 'breathing healthy fish' was creeping him out. Director Park had a sad expression.



"It took me four and a half hour to catch this wild halibut to eat it raw."


"Then you spent this whole hours looking for that wild halibut in the city?"



Taeyoung calmed himself down and thought that Director Park might be an epicurean.



"Even so, what are you gonna do with a living thing?"


"Ahhh, no. I didn't go buy this."



He said it with his finger swinging.



"I ambushed near the sushi restaurant and waited until this guy popped out. The wild ones are pretty strong, so sometimes they pop out of the tank."




"What I'm saying is."



Director Park said it bravery



"When you wait for like four hours, if you are lucky these guys pop out of the tank. Today was my lucky day. There are days when I can't get anything."


"A person like you....."



Taeyoung suddenly felt light headed. This guy was satisfied for getting a free 50 dollar worth wild halibut. The halibut started lose strength and Director Park hurried his pace.



"Oh no, you can't die. I should get going."


" nearby?"


"Yeah, it's only one block away from the company. I purposely got that place."



There was a sound of thunder, and drop of water started fall down from sky. Suddenly a beam of light appeared in the sky and the place got really dark fast.


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"Oh no, I should get going. Then see you Assistant Manager Kim."



He started to run carrying his halibut preciously. The halibut was breathing in Director Park's embrace. If it could talk, it probably said I don't want to get eaten by this kind of a guy. Taeyoung was just blankly started at Director Park's back and suddenly he called him.



"Wait Director Park!"





He stopped and turned back. Taeyoung awkwardly asked him.



"Can you... let me borrow an umbrella?"




"You said you live nearby.... I'll give it back to you tomorrow at work."


"....You are not aiming for my sliced raw fish right?"


".....No I'm not."



Taeyoung just glared at him by saying I'm not going to that kind of shit. Director Park was thinking for a while and allowed him with very annoyed face.



"Then follow me."



Park Changsup's house was a very normal apartment. Taeyoung was drying his drenched hair and the drops of water was falling on the floor. Director Park was busy looking for his keys in his bag.



"Did I left it at work..."


"You don't have your keys?"


"My halibut please keep your breath."



He was worrying more about his dying halibut than losing his keys. He was thinking for a second and tried to turn his door knob. The door just opened without any resistant. He shouted like he found a new achievement.



"Good. I didn't lock my door!"


"....It's not supposed to be good!"


"We can go in anyway."


"What if a thief left it open?"


"Ah don't worry about that."



Taeyoung said it with a suspicious voice, but Director Park proudly opened the door. Taeyoung just awkwardly went inside. Director Park was looking for the switch in the dark. The switch was probably right next to the door and because he was holding the halibut in one hand, he couldn't find the switch well. He was leaning forward to find his switch, and Taeyoung was right behind him. His butt was sticking out too much that it was touching Taeyoung's groin area. That surprised him.



"Wha..what are you doing?"


"Huh? What?"


"Are….are you seducing me right now?"



Taeyoung's voice was very shaky. Soon after the light turned on. Because of the sudden light, he felt like his eyes were burning. He frowned. And Director Park just went inside without any hesitant, he quickly went through the living room and went straight to the kitchen. He turned the water on and collected in the sink.



"What are you doing? Come in."



Taeyoung's face got really red. The mirror that was hanging right front of the door reflected exactly how he looked. He thought he purposely didn't turn on the light and secretly pressed on him. He didn't want to show his blushed face, so he quickly took off his shoes and followed Director Park.



"Sit first. Look at that lightening. I don't think it's gonna stop anytime soon. Then there is no choice. I'll give you change of clothes wait until the rain stops."





He said with an annoyed face, but it seemed like even Director Park didn't want to stay by himself in this gloomy night. He was busy preparing to cut the fish, taking out some liquor cups, and going through his refrigerator.


Because Taeyoung was just standing dripping water on the floor, Director Park gave him his clothes carelessly. The clothes were too short and too tight on him, but he didn't complain at all.


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"Then, shall I start."


Director Park was cracking his fingers and neck to get ready. It was a professional world. He was holding a very sharp kitchen knife and was wearing this cute pink apron. The halibut had his gill wide open and breathing his last breathe. Looking at the halibut’s blurring eyes, Director Park had this evil smile on him. Bang- there was a sound and the halibut’s head and the body get completely separated. He said it with seriousness.



“Your death is…. worthy.”



He took a position like a cutter. Taeyoung was standing behind him almost collapse while he was changing.


After that it was a world of an amazing cutting skill. The knife separated the body with the fast speed. He roughly peeled off the skin and cut the body into half. Ripping out the intestine with a laugh was like a scene of Chuckey’s madness in the movie.


There were drops of blood on the floor and sound of flesh getting sliced. Silently watching that scene somehow gave him a chill. The determine face of Director Park saying ‘I’ll definitely eat you’ was too obvious. He was like a person who starved for three days.



“I’m done!”



He stick his knife through his cutter board after he did the cutter pose again. He smiled and brought out a plate, and split the wooden chopstick. Taeyoung just stared at the floor. This house didn’t even have a table or something. He was hosting a guest by just putting some pickled radish, liquor cup, and some alcohol on the floor. The only thing that looked expensive was the plate full of pinkish sliced raw fish.



“….It looks good.”


“Don’t eat too much. I’m specially giving you this just because it’s raining. This is really expensive because it’s a wild one. If you go to a professional place, they’ll ask like $100 to $150.”


“….I’ll get sick by eating this.”


“Here, your cup.”



Director Park gave him the cup. It was a very cheap looking paper cup compare to the dish. He poured some soju in the empty cup and gave him the cup to pour it for him too. Taeyoung poured soju in his cup without saying anything.


Director Park drank soju and putted a piece of slices into his mouth at the same time. His face was full of happiness. His drenched wet hair was weighing it down, so he was like a high school boy with a bang. He looked younger than before. The look of tasting the fish by closing his eyes looked like a child enjoying his sweet candy. He looked very happy and innocent.



“Drink with free sliced raw fish is much better than a sumptuous feast.”



He took another piece and looked unfortunate that the piece disappeared fast in his mouth.



“Only if there was a woman pouring drinks for me.”



Taeyoung was quietly drinking and his expression got harden little bit. He quietly put down his cup and asked.



“Do you…. like women that much?”


“Of course. It’s better when they are young and pretty. What kind of men don’t like women?”


“….That’s true. But I think you are little overboard.”


“Me? How?”



He lean his head to one side of his shoulder like he didn’t understand what Taeyoung was saying. His tall but short nose made wrinkles and approached Taeyoung. Taeyoung blankly stared at him and woke up. Somehow he felt very stuffy.



‘Am I getting drunk…’



He was getting hot for no reason. He was fanning with his hand. Outside was pouring so there was no reason to get hot.



“You….don’t really have a good reputation among the female employees. How about controlling yourself a little bit. Like talking to them…., touching their hands…, or asking them to go to a business trip with you….”





It seemed like he wasn’t listening at all, and he just poured his drink again. He seems like he’s a light weight. His face was already getting red.



“Dose wamen atully rike it.” (Those women actually like it.)


“Everybody knows they don’t.”


“I’m tilling youuuu. Dhey rike it.” (I’m telling you. They like it.)




He was blinking his big eyes. His usual buttery eyes were slightly loose, and now it looked like a child’s eyes. It made him look innocent.

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