Monsieur Park

Chapter 2.2

Chapter 2 Part 2

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“You know. When I was young, I was reaaally popular among women. Sex? I did it viciously. Dating two girls at once was nothing. My max was five girls. Women are actually nothing. Reaally nothing. Once I really wanted to do it, so I took a taxi to five different girls’ house in one night. I was doing that for about a month, and one day I was coming out from one of my girlfriend’s house, and my nose started to bleed. And then I realized, this is wasting my life. I can’t live like this. So I went to the military.” (It’s mandatory for average Korean men to go to military for two years.)





Taeyoung was quietly listening to Director Park’s drunk words. This man was much weaker in drinking than he imagined. His eyes were already closing, but his chopstick was never stopping.



“Strange thing is the military, all Korean men avoid, suited me really well. I went to the navy. I was at Jinhae. All the seniors were nice people. They even put choco pie next to my head while I was sleeping. That place was unexpectedly full of kindness. Very kind and full of friendships. Even the freshmen were keep checking up on me if I was tired. They even gave me free massages. So I was even thinking of staying there forever. (You can actually become a real soldier if you chose to.) But there was no woman. So I came out.”





Taeyoung slightly frowned. He doesn’t know why, but whenever he talks with Director Park, there were some things that disturbs him little bit.



“So I became a civilian again, and one day I see this really nice and cute lady. So I ate her right away. (Not literally) And a woman who became my wife turns out to be in a French major, so she said she needed to go study abroad to France. So I had no choice to follow her. My wife had some money, so I went to college to learn French. As I told you before, that’s the place I met Eugène. We were there about a year. And right about when I started to open my ears little bit, this woman asked for a divorce. I lost my words and asked her. Do you have another man? And she said yes. While we both were busy, she had an affair with some white guy. I got so mad that I slapped her once. That country police was so fast. I got arrested right away and stayed in jail for a while. She said she didn’t do anything wrong, and I started to beat her for no reason. Since I was in jail in that foreign country, I was really afraid and scared, and I really wanted to go back to my country. It took only a second to cool down my thousand year love. Haha.”



Director Park drank again. Taeyoung was just quietly listening to his words.



“Huh? We already finished a bottle?”


“I didn’t drink it was only you.”


“Hehehe. Don’t worry. I have another bottle. Hear my story even if you don’t want to. I even let you eat this expensive sliced raw halibut.”

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Taeyoung really wanted to say ‘that expensive sliced raw halibut, you ate it everything.’ But he didn’t say a word. He was curious what happened next. Director Park took out another bottle from the refrigerator. And continued his story scratching back of his head.



“Where did I leave off? Ah, I told you up to my wife cheating right? So I divorced her as she wanted, and I came back to Korea and settled down. I did have my time with women and experienced divorce, so I decided to live as single. So I used all of my money that I got from my wife on drinking, singing, and dancing. There were no ladies from Jangan-dong that didn’t go through me. That was my golden time.”


‘You said you went to the military because you played with women too much. There is nothing changed.’



Taeyoung only said it in his mind. It seems like he was going to continue with his life story.



“So years passed and I was already in my mid 30s. Almost none of my friends were single anymore, and guys who got married fast were already parents. On mother/father’s day they had cards saying mom, dad I love you. And seeing that made me really envious. There was no one to greet me at home, and I did not have any saved money. Then I realized the importance of family.”



He sighed deeply. Bitter alcohol smell came along with it.



“So I went to blind dates and got introduced ladies from my friends, but strangely I wasn’t popular as before. Still I decided to look for a wife. A person who would make my bland life into a life with a soy sauce….”




“Giving birth to my child….and saving money together. I need that kind of kind and nice woman.”



After saying those words, I collapsed right away. One and a half bottle of soju. That was his limit. Taeyoung hold his face while he was collapsing. His face was pretty warm. And it felt like his hands were getting warm too. He murmured while he was holding Director Park’s head.



“Falling…asleep while somebody is here… Who’s gonna clean this up now?”


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Director Park sighed deeply. On his red face one single drop of tear fell. After hearing his story, Taeyoung realized why he has this kind of personality.


When he was young, he had this pretty face, so he was able get many women. But losing all of his money and spending long time with hostesses made him lose all of his respect to women and lose all of his thinking them as equal human.


After losing the marriage, he started to fear women and wanted to start a family, but he realized he’s not capable of having a family. So he became weird.



“But still…. That kind of attitude is problem of yours.”



Taeyoung sighed deeply. He drank his soju cup at once and finished the dish that only had one or two slices left. It kind of lost its texture because it was out for too long. Taeyoung dragged Director Park to his room. At first he was kind of nervous, so he didn’t realized how dirty this house was. The pants that was dragging on the floor was stained with dusts. It was hard for Taeyoung who likes clean and neat things.


Dragging this heavy body to his room was hard, and it was harder to put him on the bed. He dragged Director Park on a dirty blankets that he has no idea when he last washed them. It’s not funny when you carry a middle age drunk man. After a while wrestle with him, he was finally able to put him down.




“Seriously…. Tell me where you put your umbrella.”


Taeyoung murmured to this drunk Director Park. Outside was still loud from rain drops. No, actually it was getting worse. The thunder sound was getting louder and louder.



“I…I don’t have any other cho..choice then to sleep here!” (Hmmmm…really?)



Because of the awkwardness, he shouted at him, but only thing he get return was a slow breathing sound. He glared at Director Park who was sleeping soundly, and walked toward to the closet to take out blankets. But as soon as he opened the closet, only thing he smelled was old widower smell and old clothes and underwear.



“Ah, ahhhhh!”

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Taeyoung screamed like he was having a convulsion. He seriously got some goose bumps. He took a boxer off from his face. The closet was a total mess. Every blankets, clothes, suits, and underwear were all tangled together. He seriously could not use that blanket and sleep there even if he dies. The mattress and the blanket that Director Park was using was the cleanest thing in this household.






He seriously felt like he’s doing something wrong. He stiffly went next to Director Park’s side. He quietly turned off the light. A pale blue lightening came in through the window.



“I’m going to lie down next to you. Okay?”



He asked loudly lying next to Director Park, but still there was no reply. He stiffly lie down on the bed and suddenly there was this thick leg came right on top of him. He swallowed the pain. An adult’s leg coming down with some speed really gave him some damage.


While he was just lying down with Director Park’s leg on his chest, he felt some kind of strange cloth. He looked down and saw the apron that Director Park was wearing while he was cooking. Design with two carrots and pink polka dot apron. The thing really didn’t suit him…



‘Wait, he’ll be uncomfortable wearing this while he sleeps.’



After thinking that, he stood up. Somehow he felt thirsty. His heart was beating fast even though he wasn’t drunk. Strangely feeling thirsty and stuffy in his chest, he probably got hit somewhere wrong because of his leg.



“Director Park, I’m going to take off your clothes. Okay?”



Taeyoung lightly shook sleeping Director Park. But he didn’t have any reaction. He whispered to his ear.



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“Director Park, I’m going to take it off. Okay?”



Still there was no reaction, instead he got annoyed with him, so he turned away from Taeyoung.



“Okay. Then I’ll take them off.”



Nobody gave him the permission, but Taeyoung slowly took off his clothes. Because he was lying down on his stomach, he had to lean his chest on his back. Quietly trying not to wake him up, he put his right hand between his thighs. He felt something thick on his hand. Taeyoung licked his lips and swallowed his saliva.



“I need to take these pants off so….”



He pulled down the zipper, and the zipper went down. The sound of zipper filled the whole room. He never heard the zipper sound this loud. Probably it’s because his suit pants were cheap. Somehow he felt strange, so with his left hand he touched his ear. He felt his pulse pumping fast in his ear.



“Seriously…. Please wear something nicer.”




After he opened the zipper, he unbuckled Director Park's belt. Unlike the zipper that he only had to use his one hand, he had to use his both hands to open this belt. His hands hesitantly approached his groin. Now he completely looked like he was hugging him from the back. He felt something thick between his legs… and felt this hard button on the pants. Taeyoung was shaking his head. His pulse was getting faster and faster. He was also breathing faster. He tried to separate the button and the button hole. But besides making this rattling sound, the button did not get undone. His hands were keep slipping and ended up keep touching Director Park’s penis. 


Director Park probably felt hot because they were too close to each other. He moaned and tried to move away. The room temperature was pretty cool due to the rain outside, but Taeyoung was sweating a lot for some reason. All the sweat that he produced made Director Park’s clothes wet.





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