Monsieur Park

Chapter 2.3

Chapter 2 Part 3

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Because their chest and the back was touching each other, coincidently, Taeyoung’s lips were right next to Director Park’s ear area. Director Park frowned little bit and tried move away. His sensitive ear was helplessly getting hot from his breath.





“Hah, hah.”



Two people breathing got louder and higher. Taeyoung’s fingers didn’t leave even though the button was undone. Two people’s legs were tangled and sweats from one person was wetting their skin.


Because the pants were half way down, it was restricting his movement. And Taeyoung’s legs were digging deeply between those legs. He didn’t even realize what he was doing. (Uhhh.. rape?)



“Director. You have to take off the clothes to sleep more comfortably.”



Taeyoung whispered into his ear. Director Park moaned again. He was annoyed because of the heat. The alcohol was keep scratching his stomach and this hot breathe was breathing near his ear. He was breathing like a starved mad dog.



‘What is this….’



He wasn't conscious, but he was still thinking.



‘What’s going on?’



The conscious that was drowned in the water was slowly dragged up. His eyes were trying to open, but they were too heavy for him. He struggled to wake up from his sleep. The fingers that were pressing and rubbing on his sensitive spots made him irresistible. He felt like this was too real to be a dream.



“…rector….take……cock (clothes)…” (He actually said: Director, take off your clothes to sleep comfortably.)


‘What? My cock?’



He was surprised that he heard the word cock. This deep shaking voice clearly pronounced the word cock. He got scared, so he tried to open his eyes. But his eye lids were vibrating like a butterfly’s wings. The pants that was sagging on his leg were slowly coming off. Because he lied down face down, his butt was facing the ceiling. The finger slowly pulled down the band of the underwear.


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The breath that was bothering his ear got rougher. That was very hard, damp and very hot. He felt like his ear was going to be very moist. That’s how hot and rushed his breath was.



“My cock… what… my….cock?”



Director Park murmured. He was barely able to move his listless hand to his crotch. And calmly wrapped his penis with his fingers. This cute sized penis perfect got covered by his chubby hand. Few strand of his rough pubic hair was sticking out of his hand. Even though he’s conscious was in haze, it was the determine act of protecting his cock. But right after that, Director Park felt something got really hardly stiff.


After a while of silence, suddenly his dress shirt was ripped open.



“I’ll…take these off too.”





Director Park twisted his body due to the pain. He said with his very deep and low voice. He put his hand under the apron and put his fingers into the ripped shirt. He turned Director Park’s body to face up. Director Park started to have cold sweat. His instinct was telling him this wasn’t a dream.


Slowly his conscious was getting clear, and in this dark room he saw this blurred dark figure right on top of him. Director Park thought.



‘A Touch of Unseen? Is this the Touch of Unseen?’ (this means ghost)



His sense was getting dull and he reach out to that figure with his dull sense.



‘This must be the Touch of Unseen!’



Director Park sighed with relief. It is safer to meet a ghost in a dream than a reality about some unknown something –animal or human- saying something about cock. After thinking that this is the Touch of Unseen, he felt relieved.


A Touch of Unseen (귀접: 鬼接)

is meeting a ghost. It is having sex with a ghost in a dream. The special feature is that the whole body’s sensations get really sensitive that it feels so real that it feels like somebody is raping you.


Director Park slowly relaxed this body. If this was the Touch of Unseen, he decided to enjoy himself. It’s not even really touching his body or anything, so who cares. If he wakes up it’s probably like a wet dream, but who cares when this ghost or something will release his built in desire. She’s not gonna leave even if I resisted anyway.


He hesitantly removed his hand from his penis. He didn’t know what kind of female ghost she was, but he practically gave her his body, so she can do whatever she wants.



“A person like you….”


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Looking at that made Taeyoung upset. At first he had an expression of being afraid and that brought up Taeyoung’s sadistic feeling, but suddenly his expression changed back to his usual self. No it wasn’t even his usual expression. This shameless expression made him lose his sadistic feeling and brought up his violent feeling. (Not in a sexual way…)


His chin went up, smiled arrogantly, proudly opened his upper body, and his lower half was rising high.



“Your subordinate is just undressing you, and you get excited?”



Taeyoung felt his pure –thought it himself that it was pure- kindness turned it into this sexual predator –shitty- like action. He really felt like killing him. Director Park was proudly putting his thing up like do whatever you want. That look was like I’ll do it once since I feel bad for you. That looked so shitty that he was even thinking of taking pictures of him and spread them at the work place.



“If you want it that much. I have no choice so do it for you.”



There was a sound of his teeth grinding.



“You don’t care either men or women? A person like you is like a human garbage.”




“Aren’t you embarrassed that you are a divorced man, and you still flirt with women? And now just because I touched you a little, you put your thing up. Dogs probably have better chastity than you.”




“Why do you still have you thing up? ….Put it down! You’re already have your pre-cum…. No not this…. Director! Are you listening?”


“Hhh, too louud….”



Director Park said with an annoyed voice. He scratched his back with a tired face.



“If you are gonna do it, do it fast. You ghost.”



Suddenly there a sound of breaking in Taeyoung’s ear. And that was the sound of his thin rationality breaking.








“What a good morning. Do you want a cup of coffe?”

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“Yesterday you bought it, so I’ll buy this time.”



There were some complain morning greetings everywhere, but there was this one man sending off some gloomy aura. And right next to him, there was a man with a refresh face. Its better start a day with a bright face from the boss, but the face that people like to describe his face is more like a rotten smile than a fresh smile. Director Park looked different than usual.



“Oh, Miss Kim, Miss Lee, Miss Hwang, Miss Oh, Miss Ahn, Miss Song. Hellllo~?”



All the misses that were named greet him with strange faces.



“….Hello. Director.”


“Hahahaha, why are you guys so down? Good morning. Let’s start a healthy good morning.”


“….ye, yes.”



 Director Park looked so happy and the smile that he was sending in slo mo made other people feel dirty. His thick double eye lids was thicker than usual made him look tired, but his skin was glowing. His hair was down like he didn’t have time to brush it. That actually looked better. He looked younger than before. The female employees start typing on their chatting page.



[D.P. looks different today, right?]


[Yeah. Did something good happen last night?]


[Yesterday Kyungmee ssi and I saw him at the sushi place. And he stole a halibut right when it popped out of the fish tank.]


[…..You are joking righ?;;;;]


[No, I saw that too. D.P. was running right crazy holding a halibut preciously.]


[Crazy D.P. I never want to see that ;;;;;]



Fast typing sound was filling the office. Kyungmee said.



[But Ass. Manager Kim don’t look good today.]


[I know right. Did something bad happen last night?]



All the female employees were looking at Taeyoung. Just like Kyungmee said, he really didn’t look good. Compare to Director Park who looks like he’s going to spread flowers around, his face was like half rotten.

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[Something bad probably happened. What should we do?]



After Soonmi said that, Youngsung’s face turned vicious.



[There is nothing we can do. Just let him be.]


[Still we are his coworkers, I don’t think that’s right. I should get him a drink or something later.]



After Soonmi said that, Youngsun opened up another chatting page to Kyungmee.



[Look at that, she’s totally hitting on him.]



Kyungmee answered.



[Yeah kinda. She is totally telling us he’s off limit.]


[Who knows inside of her, everything is annoying seriously.]





The female employees typing was getting faster, but Taeyoung was too busy thinking about something else.







Without knowing, a deep sigh came out from inside. He thought about what happened last night.


‘I wasn’t trying to go that far.’




A deep regret was hitting inside of him. 



On the white monitor, he was seeing these chubby legs that were wrapped around him. Rough breath was coming out and a pink apron with carrot was blocking between them. The two fingers went inside of that gap and pinched and pulled Director Park’s nipple. Unlike me who was dressed completely, Director Park was only wearing an apron that really didn’t suit him and a pair of socks. The socks were long calf socks and the color was depressing dark grey. Even so Taeyoung was excited, he was pressing around that little brown pebble, slapping that lineless waist, and grabbing and shaking that chubby butt. The two chunk of fat was moving as he touch.

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