Monster Apartment

Chapter 1

It’s mid-summer.

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Gu Bai was under the scorching sun of S City, carrying his drawing board, dragging his small suitcase, holding his mobile phone, standing under the shade of the trees on the roadside, and adjusting his direction along with the navigation of the mobile phone.

He was holding a piece of paper in his sweaty palm. The handwriting on it was a little smudged, but he could still clearly recognize the address written on it.

Flat 666, Eastern Sea Gardens, No. 001, Shan Hai Street, Wu Cang District, S City.

This address came from a courier sent by Gu Bai’s father two days ago.

There was a card, two keys, and a crumpled paper with a string of addresses fastened to the keychain.

Gu Bai grew up without a mother and hadn’t seen his father for a long time. During his college years, he lived on scholarships and earned his own money for tuition.

Now that he is about to graduate, he doesn’t have a dime in his pocket and hasn’t found a job yet. When he was in distress, his father, who was always out of contact, suddenly threw a package over, and there was no reason for Gu Bai not to accept it.

Gu Bai stayed in S City for four years, and he hadn’t been to Wu Cang District, a famous high-consumption area.

He stood at the entrance of the Eastern Sea Gardens apartment complex and stared at the luxuriously decorated gate for a while.

Someone poked his head out of the security booth, topped with a hat. He looks refined and quite handsome.

“Are you looking for someone?” he asked.

Gu Bai came back to his senses, somewhat nervously holding the handle of his suitcase tighter, slightly pursing his lips, silent for a while before whispering, “No, I’m here to stay.”

Gu Bai’s voice was small, but this security guard heard it clearly.

He smiled and looked at this introverted young man with “don’t talk to me” written all over his body and flipped through his records: “New tenant in Flat 666… ​​Gu Bai, right?”

Gu Bai was stunned and nodded quickly.

The guard sized up Gu Bai and asked him, “Where’s the access card?”

Gu Bai touched his pocket subconsciously and took out the card that his dad had delivered.

The security guard glanced at the card, then stood up, and pointed to the place where the card was swiped: “Come in, I’ll take you there.”

“…” Gu Bai looked at the uniformed security guard, and he was so embarrassed.

He is introverted, not very good at communicating with strangers, and is not very welcomed in his school, and all he wants to do now is say no to the security guard.

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“I…I’ll just go by myself.” Gu Bai said, his voice still small.

The young man who was just about to leave the security booth didn’t say much when he heard this and fished out a map from the drawer and handed it to Gu Bai.

“Flat 666 is the 6th flat on the 6th floor of 6th Block,” he reminded.

Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his head as he took the map to flash a smile at the man standing in the security booth, “Thank you!”

This smile is particularly sweet, and his eyes curve into cute crescents.

Gu Bai has a fluffy and soft head of dark brown hair and a babyface. He is dressed in a simple white T-shirt and jeans, a pair of unidentifiable branded sneakers. A small man with a big smile and a soft, squishy look.

The security guard watched the new resident’s back as he dragged his suitcase away and clutched his heart.

It’s terrible.

What kind of demon is that? Why is it so cute?

Gu Bai walked along the main road, not knowing if it was because the trees in this neighbourhood were growing particularly luxuriantly. Gu Bai felt that the temperature became much cooler once he entered the community.

He walked slowly, looking down at the map in his hand.

This apartment complex covers a large area with many recreational areas. There is a man-made lake in the middle, a gym in operation, and a large swimming pool behind it.

There are nine blocks in the community. Each block has nine floors, and each floor has nine houses. The area of ​​the house is not small.

The division of the nine blocks is irregular, and Gu Bai can’t see any reason for such distribution, but the overlook looks pretty good.

Getting to know the route, Gu Bai slowly followed the map to find block 6, holding the map and swiping in.

A soft carpet covered the floor, and there was slight ‘caving in’ sensation when stepping on it. Gu Bai sighed feeling, it was too extravagant, and while carrying his small suitcase, he went straight to the elevator and pressed the floor.

Every inch of land in Wu Cang District is gold. The house price hanging outside has exceeded 200,000 yuan per square meter, but the poor Gu Bai did not wonder how his dad would have such an outstanding house for him to live in.

The reason for this is probably because Gu Bai grew up thinking that his dad must be a superhero who saves the world.

Why else would he have no wife and disappear for three days at a time? When asked, he’s not sure about what to say.

Gu Bai even remembered those reasons one, two, three that his dad had snubbed him for.

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Usual examples: Dad is busy at work, Dad is going on a business trip.

For example, dad is actually an immortal who has come down to earth for an apocalypse, or dad is going to stop the eruption of the doomsday volcano and save the world.

Little Gu Bai thought about it and eventually chose to accept the setting where his dad was a superhero busy saving the world.

It’s no surprise that superheroes do what they need to.

Although Gu Bai’s personality is soft, introverted, and wimpy, his particularly enormous advantage is his high adaptability acceptance capability.

He could accept the fact when his dad bluntly said he did not have a mother, and he could also accept his dad’s disappearance every now and then, he could cook his own noodles at six, and after that, Gu Bai adapted quickly to live alone.

Parents are not a necessary presence for Gu Bai, who has been responsible for himself since the age of six.

However, Gu Bai would happily accept the occasional lending hand of his dad to help him out.

Especially this kind of heavenly gift from a suspected conscience of his dad.

Gu Bai walked out of the elevator and looked around.

The floor plan is a square with a brightly lit open skylight in the centre that looks down from the roof directly into the ground floor lobby, a lift to the west, and three security doors to the east, north, and south, each with a gleaming golden house number hanging on the door.

Today is a working day, all doors on the floor are closed at this moment, and there is no sound.

Gu Bai walked to the door of Flat 666 on the right side of the elevator, took out the key, and opened the door.

The foyer was already prepared with shoes. Gu Bai put the suitcase and drawing board in the foyer, changed into slippers, and walked in.

The house is a very large duplex. It has completely surpassed the concept of an apartment and is over three times larger than the two-bedroom and one-living house in Gu Bai’s hometown.

Gu Bai looked around on the first floor, three bedrooms, two halls, one kitchen, and one bathroom. The bedding and kitchen utensils were all prepared. The decoration style was very warm, a proper move-in-with-bags property.

Gu Bai stood on the ground floor in a daze for a while before turning his head and going up to the first floor.

Unexpectedly, there are no rooms on the second floor, just a spacious hall with one entire wall of translucent floor-to-ceiling windows that provides excellent light. Easel and some painting tools are by the window.

There were a few cabinets in the dark corners. Gu Bai had good eyesight, and at a glance, he recognized the old Dutch oil paint set on the top of the cabinet.

Gu Bai walked over and looked at an entire cabinet of various brands of paints for a long time and couldn’t help but slightly purse his lips and smile.

“Isn’t this because he cares about his son?” Gu Bai looked at the cabinet, and his mood suddenly became exceptionally good.

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He pulled his slippers and shuffled back downstairs, bringing in the small suitcase sent a message of thanks to his dad, who he hadn’t been able to contact all year round.

Gu Bai rubbed his belly, looked at the time on his phone, and found that it was time for lunch. He ran to the kitchen, rummaged around, and found the rice in the kitchen cabinet. He turned his head and glanced at the refrigerator. After thinking about it, he opened the refrigerator door.

The refrigerator is full of ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, and meat.

Is Dad such a considerate person?

Gu Bai looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator and asked himself.

Obviously not!

Gu Bai wondered if his dad had found him a stepmother.

Gu Bai hesitantly touched two eggs, took out two more tomatoes, ready to make tomato scrambled eggs for a meal.

He had just finished washing the tomatoes when the “ding-dong” doorbell rang in the house.

Gu Bai was stunned. He put the tomato down, wiped his hands dry, leaned over the cat’s eye and looked at it, and then slightly opened a gap.

The person outside seemed to pause and then stood in front of the gap.

Gu Bai looked up at the person outside the door, struggling for a full two seconds between opening the door completely and talking like this, and then resolutely chose the latter.

Facing the crack of the door, he whispered: “Hello…?”

“Hello.” The male voice outside the door was magnetic and sounded very gentle. “I’m from Flat 667 next door…”

“Ah.” Gu Bai gave a curt response, and after realizing that it was just an ordinary neighbour’s visit, he opened the door a little, “Hello, hello, I…”

Gu Bai was halfway through his words when he was abruptly frightened back.

The face of the person standing outside the door was very familiar to Gu Bai. He saw this person’s giant advertisement on the way here.

It is a powerful veteran actor who has been sweeping major national and international awards with an unstoppable force since his debut, Zhai Liangjun.

Supposedly, throwing a brick in China, half of the people hit were Zhai Liangjun’s girl fans.

The Nation’s husband smiled unconsciously and greeted the new neighbour: “Hello little guy, I am the fox of the Zhai family… Aw!”

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Before the handsome Mr. Movie star’s words fell, someone viciously hit his golden head with a high heel.

He seemed to be in so much pain that he squatted down, and his whole body curled up into a ball.

After he squatted down, Gu Bai saw the owner of the high heels.

A beautiful lady was standing at the opposite elevator entrance, not caring that she had one foot bare, glaring viciously at Zhai Liangjun, who was squatting on the ground, and yelled: “Stupid bastard Zhai! You fucking steal a man from me again! Go to hell!”

Gu Bai also knew the lady who accurately hit the head of Mr. Movie Emperor through a long distance, like a skylight.

Huang Yining, the famous “Big Flower”, is known as the queen of headlines.

Gu Bai “snapped” the door shut.

What’s happening?!

Gu Bai felt crazy.

What’s happening in this apartment?!

Gu Bai stood in the foyer, thinking about what he had just heard, feeling that he might be killed and silenced.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Gu Bai felt crazier when he heard the cries of the Mr. Movie emperor outside the door and the angry roar of Ms. Big Flower.

He fished out his phone from his pocket, leaning on his back. Accompanied by the noise outside the door of “Don’t slap me in the face” and “You’re not done grabbing my men all day long”, he called his dad.

Of course, it can’t get through.

His dad’s cell phone doesn’t have to be turned on once a year, and Gu Bai is not surprised if he can’t get through at this moment.

He retracted his phone, took a deep breath, glanced through the cat’s eyes at the scene of the actor’s tragedy. He ran to the living room and flipped out the map. After searching for it for a long time, he couldn’t find the property manager’s number on it.

In the end, when he heard, “I might die if I fight again, is there anyone who can help me?” Gu Bai was silent for two seconds before pressing 110 calmly.

The author has something to say:

Gu Bai: Of course I need to find the police uncle if there’s a problem, ah!

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