Monster Apartment

Chapter 2

Eastern Sea Gardens.

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It has been over three hundred years since the establishment of a hidden monster colony in human society.

This veteran monster colony, on this day, an unprecedented wave of human security forces, ushered in.

The security guard in the security booth at the entrance faced the policeman, who came over with sweat on his little electric *donkey with a dazed expression on his face. (T/N *the word used here is 驴 Lǘ, which means donkey, maybe the author refers to the police officers motorbike as a donkey)

“Hello, comrade! We have received an alarm.”

The police officer is quite young, and judging from his unskilled presentation of credentials, he is probably an intern.

“No.001, Shan Hai Street, Eastern Sea Gardens, the owner of Flat 666, called the police, saying that he had encountered a violent accident.”

Security Guard: …

Security Guard: ???

Isn’t it the new little demon that lives in Flat 666?

The young police officer was a bit anxious: “I have to go in!”

Security Guard: “…”

No, do you know who lives here?

Can you stop the violent accidents here?

While being stunned, the security guard thought and thought about it. In order to avoid this community from being noticed by ordinary humans, he ended up sitting on the police officer’s little electric donkey and rushed to Unit 6.

Gu Bai clutched his cell phone and squatted nervously at the entrance.

Mr Movie Emperor is still yelling, and Ms Huang is obviously furious. Listening to the movement, these two people are probably walking in a circle around the corridor on the sixth floor. The noise came out with a creaking sound, and once heard carefully, the picture that comes out of it is very bloody.

Intermittently mixed with the irritable curses and slamming doors of other neighbours in this building, the high-end western-style, quiet, and peaceful apartment building was noisy like a vegetable market for a while.

Gu Bai glanced down at his mobile phone contact record page. Above 110 was a private number calling in. It was the number of the police officer just now, he made a call and said that he had entered the community.

This let Gu Bai breathe a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t help shrinking his neck when he heard the howl of Mr Movie Emperor outside and squeezed his phone to give spiritual support to the actor who suffered violence outside.

Mr Zhai, hold on a little longer.

The police uncle is coming!

Be strong, Mr Zhai!

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Gu Bai encouraged Mr Movie Emperor in his heart.

Gu Bai has particularly trusted the police since he was a child.

When he was young and didn’t know anything, his father told him that he should call the police uncle if he had any problems.

Therefore, the police station in each jurisdiction is the one that Gu Bai has the most contact with.

From a burglary at home to not being able to do his homework, he would copy a soft milky voice, snapping away towards the landline to call the police at the district police station.

Finding the police when you encounter problems, is already a conditioned reflex for Gu Bai.

Just as Gu Bai was vigorously cheering for the actor who was beaten outside, there was another howl outside the door, accompanied by a “dangling” sound.

Gu Bai couldn’t help but hiss lightly and turned his head to face the door, hesitating to look at the battle through the cat’s eye again.

As he was lying on the door ready to look out, he heard the sound of the elevator doors opening.

Then there was an angry shout: “Police! Stop it!!”

The movement outside the house came to an abrupt halt.

It seems that time has paused, and everything is silent for a second.

Gu Bai feels great admiration and adoration for the deterrent power of the police.

If he didn’t really like painting, Gu Bai felt that he would definitely work hard to become a glorious people’s policeman!

Mr Zhai and Ms Huang, including the residents of the entire building, did not expect that they would one day face the human police.

And it was their tenants who called the police.

Out of what this silly kid tossed out from?

So when Gu Bai opened the door, he was met with a strong crowd of occupants from the entire apartment building who were still staying at home.

Gu Bai, who had just popped his head, instantly wimped back.

“What are you looking at!”. Huang Yining stepped on the softly carpeted corridor with her two bare white feet, holding the high heel she used as a murder weapon in one hand, knocking on the corridor railing, she raised her eyebrows up at the onlookers who poked their heads out: “What are you looking at! Go back to the nest and stay there! Or I’ll come for you tonight!”

As soon as she said this, the whole building became refreshed in the next second.

 The little police officer stared blankly at this domineering and naturally powerful faction, and was also taken aback.

Huang Yining is gentle and pleasant and belongs to the type that looks amazing at first glance and looks more beautiful with time. So even if her acting is like a puddle of mud, there are more face fans who pay her money for her face.

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In addition, Huang Yining has an elegant and intellectual image with a gentle taste and high emotional intelligence and has never been involved in big productions that require acting skills to support the scene. Therefore, her popularity in the circle is particularly good.

At least, no one has ever seen this fierce look of Huang Yining.

Gu Bai poked out half of his head carefully, looked around, and found that the other residents had retreated. He sighed in relief and ran out in his slippers.

He looked at the uniform of the little police officer and felt very cordial. He pulled his slippers and walked to his side. He pulled the hem of the police officer’s shirt, who was still in a daze: “Mr Policeman, I was the one who reported.”

“Violence…?” The little police officer asked.

Gu Bai pursed his lips and nodded.

According to the general handling process, mediation should be the main focus.

The little intern police officer felt short of breath facing the two entertainment industry leaders. He turned his head to look at the caller, whose bright eyes were filled with trust and intensely felt the responsibility of being a people’s police officer.

He took a deep breath and then, following the teachings of his predecessors, bit the bullet and gave some ideological education to these two bigwigs who obviously didn’t have him in their sights.

Whether or not these two bigshots heard him, the little officer did not know. But, he must educate this little cutie who called the police.

Gu Bai listened very seriously and even happily pulled his slippers to send the police officer who had completed his ideological education downstairs.

By the time he returned in the elevator, Ms Huang had cornered Mr Zhai again.

She was supporting the wall with one hand and held the sharp high heels in the other. She pointed to Mr Zhai’s third leg and said viciously: “If you dare to snatch a man from me again, I will get rid of this thing of yours!”

Mr Zhai, who was stuck in the corner, sighed and whimpered.

Ms Huang retracted her hand in satisfaction, went to pick up the other high-heeled shoe she had thrown aside, and then opened the door of Flat.665. Before entering, she glanced at Gu Bai, who was standing at the elevator entrance.

Gu Bai felt a chill in his lower body and took three steps back, watching Huang Yining enter the room with her head upright, like the goddess of victory, before walking tremblingly to Mr Zhai, who had become a ball in the hallway. 

Gu Bai has never seen a woman like Huang Yining since he was a child, probably because of his baby face that can particularly inspire female maternal love. The women Gu Bai meets are warm and gentle to him, just like a gentle spring breeze.

Treating an adult man in this way, not only pounding him but also forcing him to a corner and saying aggressively that she would take off his third leg. Gu Bai really saw it for the first time.

Gu Bai looked at the confused Mr Zhai and felt that it would be too pitiful to leave him here alone.

He had just been beaten and was threatened to have his third leg removed.

Although the reason is uh…grabbing men.

When Gu Bai thought of this reason, he immediately began to hesitate between going and not going.

Mr Zhai might feel very embarrassed now. He was exposed to his sexual orientation in front of him, a stranger, and was beaten by such a beautiful lady.

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He now has his head buried in the crook of his arm. Maybe he was beaten to the face and didn’t want to be seen?

Gu Bai thought for a while and decided to pretend to be considerate and ignorant and leave the scene quietly.

But at the moment he raised his foot, Mr Zhai grunted and raised his head, looking up at him, his eyes like a pitiful golden retriever abandoned by its owner.

Gu Bai heard Mr Zhai sigh and said to him: “I’m hungry.”

Gu Bai: …

Gu Bai:??

After being beaten up and threatened with the removal of a third leg, your reaction is to be hungry?

Zhai Liangjun stood up, and Gu Bai realized that he(GB) was only as tall as his(ZL) shoulders.

“What’s your name, little guy?” Zhai Liangjun asked while tidying up his clothes.

“Gu Bai.” Gu Bai replied obediently, “I know you, Mr Zhai.”

“Why did you call the police?” Zhai Liangjun held 12,000% patience with the little cub in front of him and gently warned him. “Everyone who lives here has a special identity. There are things that we coordinate internally, and there’s no need to alarm others.”

Gu Bai glanced at the actor in front of him, then glanced at the closed door of Flat 665, thinking of their status in the entertainment industry. He nodded in a daze.

Gu Bai realized that he had just called the police, which might cause trouble for these two.

“I’m Sorry, Mr Zhai.” Gu Bai pursed his lips, feeling very guilty.

Zhai Liangjun looked at the well-behaved little cub in front of him. He looked at him with his head tilted up very seriously. His(GB) eyes were clear, and his face was apologetic and sad as if he could cry in the next second.

Mr Zhai’s fingers moved slightly, stopped, and then moved again.

He finally still couldn’t control his haphazard hands and raised them to Gu Bai for some inhumane rubbing.

Ahhhhh who’s cub is this!

I haven’t seen such a cute, obedient little monster in 800 years!

Why is it so cute!

“Gu Bai ah!” Zhai Liangjun pinched Gu Bai’s soft face, his face full of smiles, “Can you cook?”

Gu Bai was hooked into a trance by this smile, a moment like falling into a dream, obediently replied, “I can.”

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“I want to eat chicken.” Zhai Liangjun said, turning Gu Bai around, facing the open door of room 666, a large and a small figure walked in together.

It wasn’t until Mr Zhai got drunk and crouched on the sofa, crying and howling drunkenly, that Gu Bai came back to his senses in a daze, staring blankly at the dishes and chopsticks in the sink.

He actually brought home a neighbour he met for the first time and even cooked for him!

Gu Bai swears that he could never do such a thing!

Gu Bai took out his cell phone in horror and pressed 110 three buttons with unparalleled skill

Before dialling out, Gu Bai remembered what Zhai Liangjun had said to him earlier, so he turned his head to look at Mr Movie Emperor on the sofa.

He(ZL) was sniffling. His long arms and legs were grouped together aggrievedly on the sofa.

Gu Bai’s hand stopped for a while. He finally put the phone aside, washed all the dishes in the sink in front of him, cleaned up the kitchen, and returned to the living room.

Mr Zhai was balled up in a daze on the sofa.

Gu Bai glanced at him twice, turned his head and reached out his paintings, ready to hang them in the large studio upstairs.

“Gu Bai ah!” Zhai Liangjun suddenly howled.

Gu Bai, who was holding the painting, was frightened by his voice.

“Why do you think Huang Yining still doesn’t like me?” Zhai Liangjun asked.

Gu Bai: ???


“Ugh”, Zhai Liangjun sighed heavily, holding the wine bottle, his face full of sadness causing people to feel pain.

Then, in the next second, he slapped his thigh, and he became happy again: “Fortunately, I am a vixen and can seduce people better than she can. Otherwise, I don’t even know which wild man she would have run away with!”

Gu Bai looked at this gentleman with a shocked face.

If you can’t catch up with someone, you grab their man and proudly call yourself a vixen.

With all due respect, Mr Zhai.

Are you a primary school student?

The author has something to say: 

Mr Zhai: No one can refuse this fox spirit’s request for a meal!

Ms Huang: This mother’s backhand is a high heel!

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