Monster Apartment

Chapter 4

The first thing Gu Bai did when he returned to the apartment was to run up to the first floor and take out the paints and drawing tools of the brands he was accustomed to out of the cabinet.

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Gu Bai is also very excited about the expensive top paint brands. But oil paints have different ingredients in different brands. As far as the design draft is concerned, you must first use the painting tools you are familiar with.

It is only when the final product is finished that Gu Bai will consider using those deadly expensive and seductive premium paints.

When it comes to the theme of inheritance, generally speaking, the expression of art is mostly a link between the previous and the next, or one can reflect this theme by passing it on. (T/N no idea what this last sentence mean, I’m a science student)

Gu Bai has no special thoughts about this term. He knows that his strengths are the storytelling and color expression ability of the pictures. He also knows that his shortcomings lie in his lack of experience.

Passing on such a strong theme was a little too difficult for Gu Bai.

Especially if the work is to be exhibited in a major exhibition, it must be outstanding.

Gu Bai brought a sofa cushion from upstairs, pulled up the screen under the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, avoiding the direct sunlight. He sat cross-legged on the soft pillow with his back to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking up at the easel in awe.

The blurred sunlight has become a lot gentler, the sound of the cooling air conditioning is not noisy. The paintings that have been carefully spread and clamped on the steel wire sway gently under the air-conditioned breeze. The buildings in the community are far away from the road and are quiet and peaceful. When you tilt your head, you can see the fuzzy blue sky covered by a layer of window screens.

There are no clouds.

Gu Bai awakened due to the doorbell.

By now, the sun was already slanting in the west.

He got up from the sofa cushion in a daze, without even realizing that he had just slept, and went downstairs blankly.

Zhai Liangjun looked at Gu Bai with his head full of messy hair and sleep marks on his face. He glanced at his dazed look and waved in front of his eyes.

Gu Bai recovered, and then Mr. Zhai stuffed another small packet of snacks.

“Compensation” Mr. Zhai said.

Gu Bai took the small snack and watched as Mr. Zhai entered, changed his shoes, and then said, “I’ve come to dine!”


Mr. Zhai began to order, “I’d like to have diced chicken with chili!”

Gu Bai froze and shook his head, “There are no more chickens.”

There was only one disassembled chicken in the fridge, and it had already been eaten by Mr Zhai at lunchtime.

He doesn’t know where this tall, skinny-looking actor got the stomach to eat a whole chicken, but he did.

“How can there be no more?” Zhai Liangjun shook his head and gently pushed Gu Bai to the kitchen, pulling open the door to the freezer level of the fridge, “Look, it’s there, isn’t it!”

“…” Gu Bai stared roundly. After a glance, “I didn’t buy it!”

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“Why do you want to buy it? It will be added automatically.” Mr Zhai said naturally, “The welfare in this apartment is very good.”

Gu Bai opened the fresh-keeping layer and found that the two tomatoes and two eggs he took at noon had also been completely replenished. They are large and juicy. Even the green peppers that have been replenished are also green and lush. The quality is particularly good at first glance.

When did this happen!

Gu Bai’s scalp was numb, and he showed extreme resistance to the fact that someone quietly came in and gave him food when he was not aware of it.

He turned his head to look at Zhai Liangjun and asked, “When will it be delivered? Who will deliver it? Is it safe?”

“The rabbit family grows it on their own and it is exclusively for us here. I don’t know who and when they will deliver it.” Zhai Liangjun He replied, “They won’t let us find out.”

The territorial consciousness of the monsters is not weak. Although the living space has been squeezed by humans, and they(monsters) chose to live together, it is limited to this apartment building.

If you are not strong enough to enter and leave other people’s homes casually, you might be slapped on the wall, and you can’t even gouge it off the wall.

The monster delivering the food would have been picked from the milder and more sensitive plant spirits, leaving no scent trail and moving imperceptibly.

Zhai Liangjun has never paid attention to this because he never cooks by himself.

“They supply the whole building with fresh food for many years, it’s safe.” Mr. Movie emperor vouched for it.

Gu Bai didn’t know which one the rabbit family was, but it sounded like it should be the vegetable supplier for this community.

But, even though Zhai Liangjun vouched for it, he was still a little panicked, feeling that he really couldn’t enjoy the treatment from the rich.

Zhai Liangjun glanced at him, guessing that this little guy had never experienced this kind of social life.

Territorial awareness is to be duly reined in at this time.

“If you mind, just give the property a call and have it delivered to the door.” Zhai Liangjun said.

It’s not that this was not unheard of before anyway, it would be troublesome to get used to, and in the end, someone sent it directly to the refrigerator.

When Gu Bai heard this solution, he was slightly relieved. He then pursed his lips, and asked in a low voice, “What about the prices of water, electricity and gas, property management and such, here?”

Mr Zhai sighed and patted Gu Bai’s head, “your elders will take care of it. You are still so young.”

As soon as Gu Bai heard that his father, who was always in the dark, was the one responsible for the money, he immediately let go of his worries.

He doesn’t have to pay for electricity, water, gas or property, and there are people who deliver groceries regularly.

That means.

His cost of living can be compressed to the extreme.

Gu Bai couldn’t help but crackle another little calculation in his mind.

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With the house and living expenses sorted, he could next save up and buy a used…no, a brand new laptop!

With a computer, he can sell his paintings at any time and take on custom private work.

Gu Bai was looking forward to the future as he took the chicken and side dishes out of the fridge.

If he can save a little more money, he can concentrate on painting without worries. He can have more job opportunities and can earn more money, and when he has more money, more work, he will be able to have a solo exhibition and increase his value.

Gu Bai took the chicken with the blade, thinking that once he broke through the first money, he would earn more and more after that like a snowball.

In life, there is nothing more than the pursuit of promotion, wealth and happiness.

Gu Bai doesn’t pursue promotion, but he really wants to make a fortune.

Zhai Liangjun looked at the small snack Gu Bai had casually put in the fridge and reached out to take it out, tearing it open with his hands and handing it to Gu Bai’s mouth.

Gu Bai froze and stepped back to avoid it, putting down the knife in his hand and taking the bag of snacks, glancing at the packaging.

This package is the same as the package of snacks that look like sauced duck breasts at noon today, except that it is printed with Shang Shen Mountain wings.

It smells great.

Zhai Liangjun smiled as he watched Gu Bai eat the small snack, “Tasty, isn’t it?”

“Hmm.” Gu Bai picked up the chopper again, wondering if he was being a bit cold with this response, so after some thought, he added, “The one from lunch today was delicious too.”

Actually, Gu Bai seldom ate snacks. He basically uses the money for living expenses. When he has extra money, he buys painting tools.

Without a reference that he could compare with, Gu Bai felt that all the snacks Zhai Liangjun brought out were quite tasty and even felt a bit greedy.

“Where did you buy it?” Gu Bai asked.

“I bought it from Mount Hua.” Zhai Liangjun replied.

“Eh?” Gu Bai froze, “Is it an online store?”

Zhai Liangjun was stumped by Gu Bai’s question, he thought for a moment and shook his head, “No.”

Gu Bai has some regrets, thinking that if such a delicious snack is put into an online shop, the sales must be very high.

It’s the digital age and they’re still not opening an online shop. Why are businessmen so bad at making money these days?

Zhai Liangjun, on the other hand, was enlightened and was wondering when to contact Mount Hua. It was indeed a good idea to open an online shop.

It’s not a hassle to travel halfway across China to buy these every time, but it’s very tiring.

Although these special products can’t be delivered by human logistics companies, monster delivery is much more efficient than human delivery.

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Expanding marketing channels and getting a monsters’ own courier system just happens to also solve the problem of a bunch of monsters squatting as hobos in the deep mountains as well, speeding up their integration into human society.

Especially the old stalwarts who are adamant that demons and humans cannot coexist. By digging all their cubs out of the mountains and infiltrating human society, we might even be able to extract some goodies from those old guys.

Zhai Liangjun couldn’t help but rub his hands together and decided that after dinner, he would go and see that beast of the town on the same floor to discuss the issue.

If we could get a bit of light from that big man, we wouldn’t have to worry about this matter turning over. It’s no wonder that the goodies in the hands of those old men in the mountains will still be hidden!

It was as if Zhai Liangjun could already see heaps of foreign treasures flying towards him on wings before his eyes.

He tilted his head to look at Gu Bai, his eyes becoming distinctly loving.

Good boy.

Mr. Zhai thought, he must have a share for this little guy when that happens.

What magic weapon, exotic beast, whatever it is, let this little guy pick first!

If this thing is done, he will be regarded as a monster with a successful career!

Huang Yining will definitely look at him with admiration!

Zhai Liangjun leaned against the kitchen door, pink bubbles coming out all over his body.

After the meal, Zhai Liangjun ate and drank enough. He looked around Gu Bai’s house carefully and then turned his head to look at Gu Bai, who was tidying up in the kitchen. On second thought, he walked to the door of the master bedroom and, with a flip of his hand, he had an extra duster in his hand.

Zhai Liangjun stretched out his hand and snapped the duster onto the door, and then the duster slowly sank into the door and disappeared.

After this was done, Mr. Movie Emperor nodded his head in satisfaction, turned his head to see that it was getting dark, and greeted Gu Bai.

When Gu Bai heard him say he was leaving, he hurriedly ran out of the kitchen and walked him to the door.

When Mr. Zhai looked at Gu Bai’s polite and well-behaved appearance, he only felt that he was already full of paternal love even before he had a child.

“Go to bed early,” he said.

Gu Bai nodded dumbly.

“Don’t stay up late, drink a glass of milk before going to bed, and someone will deliver it every day in the refrigerator.” Mr. Zhai said earnestly, feeling downright fatherly, “and maybe even grow a little.”

Gu Bai: “…”

“Go to bed early, Don’t stay up late.” Mr. Zhai repeated it again.

Gu Bai was so embarrassed by such care from this gentleman that he smiled coyly and gave a small response.

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Only then did Zhai Liangjun close the door, and in the next moment, he turned around and went straight to the house opposite Gu Bai’s.

Gu Bai looked in the mirror before he went to bed and measured his height, then his whole body wilted at a rate visible to the naked eye.

He really wants to grow taller too, this height looks particularly imposing.

Gu Bai dangled his head and pulled his slippers. When he passed the kitchen, he stopped and looked at the refrigerator.

The milk tasted good, and Gu Bai slept soundly. The nightmares that had haunted him in recent days because of his anguish about living expenses vanished into thin air, leaving only a dark sweetness.

A piece of…dark…

Gu Bai opened his eyes, and amid the darkness, he vaguely heard a faint movement outside his door, which hovered for a while outside his door and seemed to be unable to enter.

Gu Bai saw everything in the room clearly in this darkness. He felt the abnormality in his vision, but was too frightened to focus on that.

He clearly saw two dark shadows leaking in under the door, which should be the shadows of the feet of…no, thieves outside.

Gu Bai was almost scared to death.

He heard the thief outside “tsk” and fade away, then went back up to the first floor.

Listening to the sound of footsteps on the top, Gu Bai raised his eyes to look at the phone on the bedside table, and took a look at the time. It was three o’clock in the morning.

This is not important.

The most important thing is that the mobile phone has no signal.

There is no Wi-Fi, no 4G and no signal.

No way to call the police, no way to ask for help.

Gu Bai listened to the footsteps hovering upstairs, thought of the paintings hanging upstairs and the small amount of money those paintings might turn into, and felt his nose sore. He wanted to cry.

What’s wrong with this apartment!

Didn’t they say that there are a bunch of important people living in it?

Gu Bai clutched his phone, hesitated for a long time between rushing out and wimping back in, and finally sucked his nose and resignedly balled up into the quilt, arching into a ball.

The author has something to say:

Gu Bai: Gu Bai: Hold back, don’t cry, hold back, can’t hold back, waah!!!

Dang Hu(当扈): In the mountains of Shang Shen, there are many birds that look like pheasants and are not dazzled by their beards.
Most of the birds in Mount Shang Shen are Dang Hu. It is shaped like a pheasant and uses the hair under its neck to fly, and people eat it to keep their eyes from being dazzled. It was changed by these demons and turned into an enhanced night vision buff.

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